[NFBp-Berks] minutes
Linda Mackey
snowwhite014 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 11:53:37 UTC 2022
Attached and printed are the minutes from the October meeting.
*Linda Mackey*
*Home 610-750-6765*
*National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania - Greater Berks Chapter
*Date: Friday, October 21, 2022 *
Location: Zoom Conference Call
1. Roll Call: 7 members and guests in attendance
Rosemary Freedman, President
Linda Mackey, Secretary
Brian Mackey, Treasurer
John Kaufman, Vice President
*Board Member*:
Judy Vaskorlis
Lynn Heitz
2. President Rosemary Freedman called the meeting to order at 10:06 am.
3. Secretary’s Report: Linda Mackey
Linda Mackey read the June 2022 minutes. Brian Mackey motioned to approve
the July 2022 minutes as presented, seconded by John Kaufman, and
unanimously approved.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Brian Mackey
Brian Mackey provided the following treasury figures:
Beginning Balance as of May 1: *$4,461.81*
Duck Race Proceeds: $122.00
Total Income:
PAC Plan:
Total Expenses:
Ending Balance as of April 30: *$4,543.81*
Line Items:
Personal Financial Assistance: $848.55
Transportation Assistance Fund: $1,400.00
Total Line Items:
Working Balance:
Linda Mackey motioned to accept the treasury report as presented, seconded
by John Kaufman, and unanimously approved.
5. Legislative Update: Brian Mackey
Brian Mackey reported that there is one new Federal bill introduced
regarding websites and mobile apps. We are working to obtain sponsors.
On the State level, Lynn Heitz reported they are trying to create an
independent agency for the blind in PA. This would move Blind and Visual
Services from the clause of the office of Vocational and Rehabilitation and
it would report directly to the government. However, because of how the
government is formed, it cannot be an independent commission due to it’s
small size. We don’t want BVBS to be under the Depart of Labor & Industry.
Representative Dan Miller has introduced legislation to create a Department
of Disability & Inclusion. We feel BBVS would be better served in such a
department. We want to elevate BBVS from a bureau to an office. In the
future, if OVR should decide to move to the new department, the office of
Blind and Visual Services and office of Vocation Rehabilitation would be on
the same level. Then OVR could not overtake BBVS again. There should be
more information by State Convention.
6. Old/New Business:
a. We celebrated our White Cane Day by visiting the Reading Museum to see
the DaVinci exhibit. We also visited the Planetarium. They told us about a
blind scientist proving the blind can do anything. They used different
sounds for the sun, stars, planets and rocket ship. Thanks to Judy for
organizing our trip. We finished the day with lunch at Olive Garden.
We also celebrated White Cane Day at the Vision & Resource Center. We
supplied ten $10 WalMart gift cards, pizza, snacks and drinks. Alicia’s
group was also at VRC. Everyone played Bingo and had a great time. The
event cost us approximately $360. Sweet Treats donated great desserts.
Mike, Judy, and Rosemary asked attendee’s if they need any items that
MaxiAids carries. We have $848 in our personnel assistance fund and $1400
in transportation fund to cover order.
b. State Convention will be November 10th through 13th at the Sheraton
Station Square in Pittsburgh. The Chapter will pay for Brian Mackey’s
banquet ticket ($30) and $100 for transportation.
New Business:
a. Jasmyn Polite was hit by a car driven by an older person at an
intersection. She fractured her right hip and right wrist. She is
recovering at her new home in Strausburg. This incident brings up the
issue that drivers need to be retested before they get their licenses
Rosemary suggested we send a get well gift basket to Jasmyn. Lynn Heitz
suggested we check with Harriet & David’s for a snack basket approximately
$60.00. Linda will check into sending a basket. Brian will send Jasmyn
Facebook Live info so she can listen to parts of the convention.
b.Rosemary sent Lynn a picture of a young man wearing Black T-shirt with
saying “You’re in a Blind Spot Here”. It has a picture of cartoon man
walking with a cane. The shirt was ordered through Amazon, made in Honduras
by a US company “Port & Co”. Relatives thought it was offensive. Rosemary
sent the picture to Lynn to get her opinion who then forwarded it to Mark
Riccobono. It may go over to the legal department, but Lynn is waiting to
hear back. On Safari, Rosemary found other visually impaired T-shirts, such
as “I’m legally blind, please help me find my car”.
c. Brian inquired about an update on the Horse Race fundraiser with the
Fleetwood Lions Club. Rosemary will talk with the Lions and Mike for more
details. Judy stated we need to look into a Fundraiser for next year.
Barnes & Noble does not have the gift wrapping. She wondered if the band
would work with us for an event at Jimbo’s
d. John suggested the group go to Atlantic City or perhaps WindCreek Casino
in Bethlehem. Judy said there is a museum within walking distance. There
is a bus that goes there on Wednesdays; looking at 11/16; Club will pay the
bus ($40) and $10 for the buffet.
Bus to Atlantic City you get $25 credit towards the casino playing.
Rosemary will send out an email asking how any members would be interested
in going to Atlantic City on 12/10;
e. Judy asked how to apply for the transportation fund. Rosemary stated
Judy just needs to tell her and she’ll send an authorization for Brian to
write check.
8. John Kaufman motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Brian Mackey,
and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned by President Rosemary
Freedman at 11:42 AM. Our next meeting will take place on December 9, 2022
via the affiliate’s Zoom room (meeting ID 215 988 0888).
Respectfully submitted by Linda Mackey, Secretary
Reviewed by Rosemary Freedman, President
National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania Greater Berks Chapter
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