[NFBp-Berks] minutes

Linda Mackey snowwhite014 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 04:47:20 UTC 2023

Here are the minutes from the February meeting.
*Linda Mackey*

*National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania - Greater Berks Chapter

*Date: Friday, February 10, 2023     *
Location: Zoom Conference Call

1. Roll Call: 7 members and guests in attendance


Rosemary Freedman, President

Linda Mackey, Secretary

Brian Mackey, Treasurer

*Board Member*:

Judy Vaskorlis


Helen Denker, Angel Torres, Lynn Heitz


Emily Gindlesberger

2. President Rosemary Freedman called the meeting to order at 10:04 am.

3. Secretary’s Report: Linda Mackey

Minutes were not read, since the last meeting was in October.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Brian Mackey

Brian Mackey provided the following treasury figures:

Beginning Balance as of October 1:                           *$4,543.81*



Total Income:


PAC Plan:

State Convention hotel room                                      $203.00

State Convention banquet meal                                  $30.00

State Convention donation                                         $100.00

Personal Assistance


White Cane Museum Tour                                         $72.00

White Cane Lunch                                                      $82.00

Wal Mart Gift Cards

White Cane Bingo Snacks                                          $70.21

White Cane Pizza

Candy Basket for Jasmyn Polite                                $49.80

Holiday Lunch

Washington DC transportation                                  $160.00

Washington DC hotel                                                 $148.29

*Total Expenses*:

Ending Balance as of January 31:

Line Items:

Transportation Assistance Fund:                                $614.60

Total Line Items:

*Working Balance*:

5. Old/New Business:

Lynn Heitz questioned chapter granting money ($1303.95) to an organization
that gets money from the State. Rosemary stated that it was open to any
blind person whether they belonged to an organization or not. None of the
people that received ordered items became a chapter member. Blind and
Visually Services is there to assist blind persons. We shouldn’t be using
our money for things that tax dollars provide for. For example: if we
wanted to teach the group Braille and we needed to purchase supplies for
that, we could use our money. VBVS doesn’t teach Braille. Rosemary stated
that the fundraiser dance was advertised that we would give part of the
money to the blind of Berks county. Rosemary stated that her participation
in the bowling group gets the word out about the NFB, however no one has
joined. Lynn reminded us that she was on the earlier chapter meeting when
this was discussed. Lynn stated that we in the NFB needed to be connecting
these people to the other organizations that offer assistance and that have
more money to do so. The money the chapter raises should be used to support
the chapter members to attend National Convention and State Convention.

Rosemary said she will get the contact information for all the individuals
who ordered items from Alicia and give this to Linda.

Rosemary mentioned our chapter is assisting Josiah, since he is having
problems with their school district. He is now going to Overbrook School
for the Blind.  Lynn stated Emily should have been told about Josiah since
she is President of Parents of Blind children. PBC has resources to assist
blind children.

Judy suggested we go to the mall and play games, so the public can see what
blind individuals can do.

The individuals who bowl, pay their own way.

Linda Mackey motioned to accept the treasury report as presented, seconded
by John Kaufman, and unanimously approved.

Judy inquired if there were any Bell Academy in person this year. Per
Emily, there will be Bell Academy. She is talking with Jasmyn about a
summer program. The Bell Academy information is on the website.

Helen stated that she has talked with her local Hamburg Wal Mart about
teaching people how to use the online ordering system on their phones.

Local Lions club had a pet vaccination clinic. Rosemary knows the vet,
John, who is a member of Fleetwood Lions. No Nonsense group will vaccinate
cats at low cost.

6. The meeting ended at 11:14am. Our next meeting will be March 10, 2023
via the affiliate’s Zoom room (meeting ID 215 988 0888).

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mackey, Secretary

Reviewed by Rosemary Freedman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania Greater Berks Chapter
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