[NFBp-Berks] March minutes

Linda Mackey snowwhite014 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 20:48:28 UTC 2023

Attached are the March minutes

*Linda Mackey*
*Home 610-750-6765  *

*National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania - Greater Berks Chapter

*Date: Friday, March 10, 2023          *

  Location: Zoom Conference Call

1. Roll Call: 6 members and guests in attendance


John Kaufman, VP                  Linda Mackey, Secretary

Brian Mackey, Treasurer

*Board Member*:

Judy Vaskorlis


Angel Torres


Jasmyn Polite

2. Vice President John Kaufman called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.

3. Secretary’s Report: Linda Mackey

Minutes were read. John took exception to Lynn Heitz and Emily
Ginglesperger being on the call and Lynn being a member of the chapter.

John stated that things are done differently in Berks County. Because Brian
and Linda are not from Berks that they do not understand how things are

Lynn had stated that funds raised in the chapter should be used to send
members to state and national convention. John questioned that since Linda
& Brian were the only ones who benefited. Linda stated that any one can
attend both of the conventions. John said the members have limited funds or
the confidence to attend these events. Linda replied that by attending
these events helps members gain confidence. Linda reminded John that
members from other chapter are actively involved in attending events.

John asked Brian if he ever added up what he spends on conventions. Linda
and Brian stated that that has nothing to do with the minutes. John said
because the minutes included expenses, it does make a difference.

John wanted an email with all of his expenses.

Brian approved the minutes; Angel Torres 2nd.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Brian Mackey

Brian Mackey provided the following treasury figures:

Beginning Balance as of February 1:                         *$1594.71*



*Total Income:*


PAC Plan:

*Total Expenses*:

Ending Balance as of February 28:

*Line Items:*

Transportation Assistance Fund:                                $614.60

*Total Line Items:*

*Working Balance*:

Linda accepted report as written; 2nd by Angel

5. Old/New Business:

John takes exception to Lynn Heitz being on our calls.

It was decided to have a luncheon at Aztec Mexican Restaurant

April 14th, Friday. Rosemary, John, & Judy discussed and decided to do this
without involving Linda and Brian who are also board members. John said
that paid members get a $25 credit and non-members pay their own way. Linda
questioned if we could ask the membership if that was a good date
Currently, we have paid members.

Brian stated that registration for National Convention in Houston is now
open. Dates: July 1-6th at the Hilton Americas and the over flow will be at
the Marriott. Registration is $25; banquet $75. Deadline is June 1st.

Room rates and other details are on the NFB.org website.

State Convention is November 9-12th at the Crowne Plaza in Harrisburg. More
details to come later.

John inquired as to what is discussed at the National Convention. Brian
replied they review the Presidential report, financial report, legislation
updates, national office updates, resolutions, new technologies, and
various guest speaker presentations. Linda added that we learn about other
blind people and what they are doing in the world, a gentleman from NASA,
and many others.

John asked for updates on Legislation. Brian stated that we have two bills
being reintroduced in Congress. The Medical Devices Non-Visual
Accessibility Act for the FDA is set guidelines for class 2 and 3 medical
devices to have an accessible interface. We have a sponsor in the House.
Also reintroduced in the House and the Senate is the Transformation to
Integrated Employment Act. As explained to John, since these acts did not
pass in the previous Congress, they need to be reintroduced.

John suggested that Jasmyn check out the Allentown chapter since they are
very active. Brian will pass along the chapter presidents name and number.

John stated that the chapter was formed 10 years ago to help all the blind
in Berks County and he is amazed that there are not more members. Brian
questioned if the lack of more member is due to the day and time that we
meet. For working individuals or students, a morning time is difficult.
John asked about the possibility to have the meetings in the evening. Judy
prefers mornings and she works on the weekends. Jasmyn prefers mornings.
Jasmyn suggested we advertise on the college community boards.

John inquired as to what do we have to offer the blind community in Berks
County; and he doesn’t mean the conventions and such. Judy injected that
she learned that there were others like her. Jasmyn added that the chapter
can assist with things that OVR can’t. John reminded everyone that we
recently reached to local blind individuals for things that they needed,
via an event at the VRC. John said we raised the money, but we were
reprimanded for it. John did not like that because we did not use the money
to send member to convention. Lynn had told us in the past that VRC
receives state money to assist people going there.

John stated that the chapter can only really offer friendship and luncheons
to give members a chance to talk like a small support group. Jasmyn stated
that she was surprised that OVR does not pay for transportation to work or
for supplies like Braille paper.

John inquired about Brian’s signature line on his emails that list
different states he does things for. Brian said he is their webmaster. John
asked if he is paid or a volunteer. Brian replied that that is personal
information. John implied that then he knew Brian was paid and that he has
a vested interest in going to all these conventions at the Berks Chapter’s
expense. Linda interjected that Brian did not become a webmaster from going
to conventions. Our good friend, past president of the New Jersey
affiliate, recommended him for his first webmaster job and his reputation
got him the others before he became a member of Berks Chapter. John
insisted that he has a vested interest in going to conventions. Brian
replied that he goes to conventions as an active and interested member of
the National Federation of the Blind. Brian and Linda stated that Brian
being a webmaster has nothing to do with him going to convention. He went
to conventions long before he became a webmaster. John argued that Brian
does matter that he is a webmaster. John said Berks Chapter paid for part
of his expenses. He does not like being reprimanded for helping Berks blind
persons. John stated that Lynn said certain community people are not good
enough to be in the Berks Chapter and it ticked him off. John said he is
blind and does not have prejudices that others have.

John motioned that we close the meeting; 2nd by Linda
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