[NFBp-Berks] NFB of PA's May 2024 Monthly Digest!
Stacie Leap
stacie.leap at gmail.com
Thu May 2 02:53:26 UTC 2024
Hello everybody!
Welcome to our May 2024 monthly Digest: a monthly newsletter of the
National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania!
The events and information listed below will be within the National
Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania as well as any pertinent
information from the National Federation of the Blind and the Pennsylvania
blind community.
If you or anyone you know have any upcoming events or information that can
pertain to the blind community in Pennsylvania, please send them to Stacie
Leap at nfb.stacie at gmail.com by the 27th of the month so it can be added
to our calendar for the following month.
For those using screen readers, you can use your heading navigations to
skip around the email.
*Volume 2, Issue 4*
*A Message from our State Affiliate President*
Hello Fellow Federationists!
There is a lot to share. First, the PA Rehab. Council meeting will be held
May 8th at the Harrisburg Hilton from 10:00AM to 3:00PM. All are invited
to attend and give Public Comment at the end of the meeting.
We will be having a Resource Table at the PA Lions Convention May 16 to 18.
A lot of our Federation family members are doing great things!
Congratulations to Tim McCarthy and Rachael Hudson for being elected
President and Vice President of the Capital Chapter.
Congratulations to Brian Mackey for being elected President of the Greater
Berks Chapter.
Congratulations to Chris Westbrook for his appointment to the PA Deaf Blind
Advisory Committee which will advise the PA Department of Special Education.
Finally, congratulations to Yvonne Hughes being selected as the Citizen of
the Week in Philly Citizen.
Registration is open for the NFB National Convention until May 31. Don’t
wait until you get to Orlando to register or you will pay more!
Several nights are sold out at the Rosen Center Hotel. Rooms are available
at the same rate for all the days of the convention at the Rosen Shingle
Creek and the Rosen Plaza. National is arranging for a shuttle to get
people from the overflow hotels to the Rosen Center.
Looking forward to seeing you in Orlando!
Lynn Heitz
President, National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania
president at NFBOfPA.org
*Google Calendar Links*
The National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania also has a Google
Calendar that can be viewed either through the web or subscribed to your
calendar apps.
You can View our Google Calendar
However, if you wish to subscribe to the calendar and get the events on
your calendar apps, please Subscribe
and go through the steps to subscribe:
*Member Spotlight: Kirk Hunger *
Each month, we will highlight someone within our affiliate. The goal is to
allow us to learn about other members within the affiliate. We hope you
enjoy this little spotlight!
Kirk Hunger serves as a Board of Director for our state affiliate. He lives
in Allentown, and is one of the founding members of the Greater Lehigh
Chapter and served as their President for many years. He is a graduate of
the Colorado Center for the Blind (CCB). He is also a part of the Business
Enterprise Program (BEP). A very talented entrepreneur, he had many vending
locations and currently is in the Northeast Philadelphia Postal
Distribution Center. He is very passionate about fundraising and has a
wealth of knowledge to talk about. If you ever get a chance to meet him at
a state convention, do not forget to say, “Hello!”
*Calendar of Events*
The following events are also on our Google calendar with the Zoom
information or meeting location. If anyone within a chapter, division, or
group see any errors or misinformation, please contact Stacie Leap at
nfb.stacie at gmail.com
The below information is correct as of the first week of the month. The
information is most up-to-date on the Google Calendar so please check back
periodically to ensure the right information.
*Coffee with the State President and Board*
This monthly discussion meeting brings everybody together to get to know
the state affiliate board members and the happenings within the state’s
divisions, chapters, and advocacy efforts. This meeting is typically held
the 1st Wednesday of the month. For more information, please contact State
President Lynn Heitz at president at nfbofpa.org
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 7:30 PM ET via Zoom.
*Jigsaw Chapter monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for those who do not have a local chapter in their
geographical area. This is our at-large chapter Meetings This meeting is
typically held on the 1st Saturday of the month. For more information,
please contact Chapter President David Miller at
David.miller at zoominternet.net
Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 10 AM ET via Zoom.
*Pennsylvania Association of Blind Merchants (PABM) Monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for those who are or wish to be involved with the
Business Enterprise Program, entrepreneurship, and their supporters. This
meeting is typically held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. For more
information, please contact Division President Pamela Baquero at
oneblindhippie at yahoo.com
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 6 PM ET via Zoom.
*Greater Lehigh Valley Chapter Monthly Meeting*
A monthly meeting for those who live in the Greater Lehigh Valley region of
Pennsylvania. This includes Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, and the
surrounding areas. This meeting is typically held on the 2nd Saturday of
the month. For more information, please contact Chapter President Cheryl
Frazier at cherylnfrazier at yahoo.com
Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 10 AM ET.
Denny's (1871 Catasauqua Road, Allentown, PA)
*Keystone Chapter Monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for those who live in the Greater Philadelphia area. This
is one of two local chapters in the Greater Philadelphia area. The other
chapter is the Greater Philadelphia Chapter. This meeting is typically held
on the 2nd Saturday of the month. For more information, please contact
Chapter President Harriet Go at goharriet00 at hotmail.com
Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 10:15AM ET, both in-person and zoom.
Penn Museum (3620 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104)
*Happy Valley Chapter Monthly Meeting *
A monthly meeting for those who live in or surrounding State College,
Pennsylvania. This meeting is typically held on the 2nd Saturday of the
month. For more information, please contact Chapter President Michelle
McManus at michelleandremy at gmail.com
Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 1 PM ET.
Webster’s Bookstore & Café (133 East Beaver Avenue, State College, PA
*Pennsylvania Organization of Parents of Blind Children Quarterly Meeting *
a meeting for parents of blind children and their supporters This meeting
is typically held quarterly. For more information, please contact Division
President Emily Gindlesperger at vp2 at nfbp.org
Monday, May 13, 2024 at 12 PM ET via Zoom.
Topic: Adjusting to Reality
Presenter: Lynn Heitz
*Deaf Blind Division Monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for those who consider themselves to be Deaf Blind and
their supporters. This meeting is typically held on the 2nd Monday of the
month. For more information, please contact Division President Chris
Westbrook at westbchris at gmail.com
Monday, May 13, 2024 at 6 PM ET via Zoom.
*Pittsburgh Chapter Monthly Meeting*
A monthly meeting for those who live in the Greater Pittsburgh area. This
meeting is typically held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. For more
information, please contact Chapter Revitalizing Team Members Emily
Gindlesperger at vp2 at nfbp.org or Denice Brown at dbrown8827 at aol.com
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 7 PM ET via Zoom.
*Capital Area Chapter Monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for those who live in the Greater Harrisburg area. This
meeting is typically held on the 3rd Saturday of the month. For More
Information, please contact Chapter President Timothy McCarthy at
thmccarthy at icloud.com
Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 10 AM ET.
Tony Morrero’s (1723 Green Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102)
*Greater Berks Chapter Monthly Meeting*
A monthly meeting for those who live in the Greater Berks County of
Pennsylvania This meeting is typically held on the 3rd Saturday of the
month. For more information, please contact Chapter President Brian Mackey
at bmackey88 at gmail.com
Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 10 AM ET.
West Lawn Wyomissing Hills Library (101 Woodside Avenue, West Lawn, PA
*Greater Philadelphia Chapter Monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for those who live in the Greater Philadelphia area. This
is one of two local chapters in the Greater Philadelphia area. The other
chapter is the Keystone Chapter. This meeting is typically held on the 4th
Saturday of the month. For more information, please contact Chapter
President Denice Brown at dbrown8827 at aol.com
Note: For May 2024, the chapter has moved their monthly meeting to the
third Saturday of the month since the fourth Saturday of May is the start
of Memorial Day weekend.
Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 10 AM ET
Park Towers Apartment (4001 Conshohocken Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131)
*Erie County Chapter Monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for those who live in Erie County Pennsylvania. This
meeting is typically held on the 3rd Saturday of the month. For more
information, please contact Connie Scheu at conniej1250 at gmail.com
Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 2 PM ET via Zoom.
*Blind Parents Group Monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for blind parents, grandparents, and their supporters
This meeting is typically held on the 3rd Saturday of the month. For more
information, please contact Group Chair Stacie Leap at Stacie.leap at gmail.com
Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 7 PM ET via Zoom.
*Blind Seniors Group Monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for those who are seniors or almost seniors as well as
their supporters. This meeting is typically held on the 4th Wednesday of
the month. For more information, please contact Group Chair Connie Scheu at
conniej1250 at gmail.com
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 7:30 PM ET via Zoom.
*Brandywine Valley Chapter Monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for those who live in the Brandywine Valley area of PA.
This meeting is typically held on the 4th Saturday of the month. For more
information, please contact Chapter President Lynn Heitz at
president at nfbofpa.org
Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 10 AM ET
*Pennsylvania Association of Guide Dog Users (PAGDU) Monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for those who have or are considering getting a guide dog
as well as their supporters. This meeting is typically held on the 4th
Saturday of the month. For more information, please contact Division
President Becca Weber at weberbecca630 at gmail.com
Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 4 pm ET via Zoom.
*Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students (PABS) Monthly Meeting*
a monthly meeting for blind students of all ages and their supporters. This
meeting is typically held on the 4th Monday of the month. For more
information, please contact Division President Simon Bonenfant at
sbonenfant2 at gmail.com
Monday, May 27, 2024 at 7 PM ET via Zoom.
*White Canes Connect Podcast*
Did you know that the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania has
a podcast? It is hosted by members David Goldstein and Lisa Bryant as well
as some guest hosts. It features interviews with our PA members as well as
interviews and resources for the blind community. The monthly digest is
also on the podcast for those who wish to hear a human’s voice instead of a
screen reader. You can listen to it wherever you listen to podcasts.
Listen on Apple Podcasts
Spotify <https://open.spotify.com/show/1YDQSJqpoteGb1UMPwRSuI>, Amazon Music
, IHeartRadio
and on Twitter
@PABlindPodcast <https://www.twitter.com/pablindpodcast>. Contact White
Canes Connect at whitecanesconnect at gmail.com if you have any show ideas or
wish to be on the podcast.
*State Convention 2024 *
The 2024 Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania
will be held November 7 through 10, 2024, at the Ambassador Banquet &
Conference Center in Erie, PA.
Ambassador Banquet & Conference Center
7794 Peach Street
Erie, PA 16509
*Hotel Information *
Although registration is not up, you can still book your hotel stay!
You can choose your hotel room at four different locations:
1. Hilton Garden Inn Erie
2225 Downs Drive
Erie, PA 16509
(814) 866-1390
Room Rate: $109.00 plus tax
2. Courtyard Erie
7792 Peach Street
Erie, PA 16509
(814) 860-8300
Room Rate: $109.00 plus tax
3. Holiday Inn Express & Suites Erie
8101 Peach Street
Erie, PA 16509
(814) 217-1100
Room Rate: $99.00 plus tax
4. Country Inn & Suites Erie
8050 Peach Street
Erie, PA 16509
(814) 866-5544
Room Rate: $99.00 plus tax
*Charter Bus to State Convention *
There will be a charter bus picking up convention attendees and taking them
to the State Convention in Erie, PA. The bus route will start in
Philadelphia and travel to Allentown and State College before heading to
Erie. The bus will leave early Wednesday morning to head to the convention
and will leave Sunday afternoon to return home. A nonrefundable deposit of
$25 is required for all who want to take the bus. This deposit needs to be
made to your chapter or division treasurer by May 5, 2024. The total price
of the tickets are $120 round trip regardless of age. Further details on
when the remaining balance is due will be sent out as information is
*Discriminatory Driver’s License Requirements in Job Applications:*
Many employers illegally require driver’s licenses in job applications when
driving is not an essential function of the job. To combat this, the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) needs as many charges of
discrimination as possible before they can file suit on behalf of blind
people. Federal law requires that we file a charge of discrimination with
the EEOC before any further action can be taken. If you have been
discriminated against in this manner, please contact the EEOC. To start the
process, you can schedule your intake interview with the EEOC at
Please contact our legal program coordinator, Sanho Steele-Louchart, with
any questions. Sanho can be reached at legal at nfb.org and at 410-659-9314,
extension 2440.
*Shout-Outs and Announcements!**Birthday Wishes*
The National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania would like to wish all
those who were born in May a very happy birthday!
*I Love This Bar: Piano Versus Guitar!: Piano Bar 2024 – Thank You!!*
The Pennsylvania Organization of Parents of Blind Children (PAOPBC) would
like to extend their gratitude to those who supported their annual Piano
Bar fundraiser! It was a huge success and they raised over $500!!! Proceeds
go to helping the division advocate for blind children and assist the
parents where necessary! Thanks!!!!
*Greater Philly Chapter’s Bake Sale & Auction – A Success! *
The Greater Philadelphia Chapter had a wonderful turnout for their bake
sale/auction. Please see below for a message from Chapter President, Denice
"Dear members,
Congratulations to our fundraising chairperson Marva Hall and her committee
for a very successful Bake sale/auction fundraiser. Thank you to all of you
who donated, or volunteered for this event. Please thank any family
members, or friends who assisted us in making this event successful.
We had a large variety of baked goods, white elephant table items, and
auction items. Again, let me express my gratitude for this successful team
effort. Our efforts today will help us to continue Our work in assisting
the blind community.
Denice Brown”
*Braille Carnival Event for Saint Lucy School for Children with Visual
Impairments *
Members of our Keystone Chapter went to Saint Lucy School for Children with
Visual Impairments to host a Braille Carnival! The entire school was
invited and both students and our members had a wonderful time. Activities
at the event included: Braille bingo, Braille Twister, Blackjack, and
Storytime. The Keystone Chapter wants to thank all who supported this
*Congratulations to Yvonne Hughes! *
The state affiliate would like to congratulate Greater Philadelphia Chapter
member Yvonne Hughes for being recognized as Philly Citizen’s Citizen of
the Week. Please check out the Philly Citizen article
that was written by Keystone Chapter member Lisa Bryant.
*Congratulations to the Capital Chapter on their newly elected board!*
Timothy McCarthy has been elected to the position of President of the
Capital Chapter which serves the Greater Harrisburg area. He stepped up to
the position after being their Vice President for years!
Rachael Hudson has been elected Vice President of the Capital Chapter. We
are excited to hear many great things from the Capital Chapter! We look
forward to your continuous leadership and advocacy for the blindness
*Congratulations to Lisa Bryant *
We would like to extend our congratulations to Keystone Chapter 2nd Vice
President Lisa Bryant! She is a board member for PATF which stands for the
Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation. Please read more about her
insight and experiences on the PATF blog <https://patf.us/blog/>!
*Congratulations to Chris Westbrook! *
We want to congratulate Chris Westbrook (President of the Deaf Blind
Division) on his new role within the PA Deaf Blind advisory Committee which
advises the department of special education. Chris wishes to thank Patti
for the recommendation!
*Prayers & Positive Thoughts to Sadie’s Mother*
Please keep Sadie’s mother in your thoughts and prayers. Sadie is a member
of our Capital Area Chapter. Please see below for a message from Sadie on
April 30, 2024 concerning her mother’s cancer treatment:
“Good morning Federation family. It’s been a while since I’ve written to
you, but I wanted to give you an update on my mom and her cancer journey.
Praise God, we have finished treatment at the James Cancer Center in
Columbus. Despite being sore, and the occasional issue with positioning or
gas bubbles, she finished treatment successfully. She is very sore and worn
However, things took a turn last night. We were told very clearly that if
she spiked a temperature above 100.4°, that she needed to call the care
team immediately and report to a local emergency room. This happened last
night. She spiked a fever, called the care team, and was instructed to get
to the James cancer center emergency room as quickly as possible. At
midnight, I got a text that she was being admitted. Her temperature at the
hospital was normal, but they wanted to make sure it would stay that way.
We are unsure of what caused the temperature. Spike, most likely low white
blood cell count, but they want to keep her most likely until tomorrow to
rule out UTIs and any other infections. Prayers are appreciated.”
*Congratulations to Sadie McFarland!*
Sadie is graduating from Messiah University!!!! Congratulations on this
amazing accomplishment!!!!,She would like to invite those local to Central
Pennsylvania to attend her graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 11, at 10
AM at Starry athletic field at Messiah University. She will be in the
department of business group.
Rest in Peace Mary Byron
Note: Apologies for not adding this sad news to our NFB community aooner.
The following message was sent out in January 2024 on the Greater Philly
“It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you of the passing of one of
our long time members Mary Byron. Mary Byron passed away on June 9, 2023.
We had been trying to get in contact with her by using her emergency
contact. After our efforts kept failing, I decided to search obituaries. I
unfortunately found Mary’s obituary
In January of 2023 we celebrated Mary for having over 40 years of service
to the Greater Philadelphia Chapter. She had served the chapter as
secretary, board member, and as a member of the fundraising and calling
committees. Mary Byron also attended national and state conventions, along
with the Washington Seminar.
Please keep Mary’s family and loved ones in your thoughts and prayers. Her
contribution to our chapter, and the NFB are noted with distinction.
Sorrowfully submitted,
Denice Brown”
*Fundraisers**Blind Parents Group T-Shirts Fundraiser*
The t-shirts come in either black with white letterings or white with black
letterings. Both shirts say “I Support #BlindParents” with the NFB of PA
Logo and “Blind Parents Group” at the bottom. Funds raised will start a
financial fund to assist blind or visually impaired parents and their
family through financial life hardships. To purchase a t-shirt, please
contact Stacie Leap at nfb.stacie at gmail.com
*Greater Philadelphia Chapter’s Double Good Popcorn Sale*
The Greater Philadelphia Chapter is holding another popcorn fundraiser
through Double Good. Sales start Friday, May 3, 2024 at 12 PM ET until
Tuesday, May 6, 2024 at 12 PM ET. Many members of the chapter will host a
popcorn store so you can make your purchases. Please look out for an email
or text message from the Chapter members!
*Keystone Chapter T-Shirts *
The Keystone Chapter is planning to sell their 2024 t-shirts! IT is a red
t-shirt with the NFB of PA’s Keystone Chapter logo. T-shirts prices are the
following: small to XL are $20 and sizes 2XL to 4XL are $25. For more
information, please contact Keystone Chapter Treasurer David Goldstein at
david at icantcu.com
*Dancing in the Dark! Dancing in the Light! *
The Greater Lehigh Chapter joyously invite you to a night of dancing, fun,
and enlightenment! Attend their 5th Annual Fundraiser, "Dancing in the
Dark, Dancing in the Light"
Date: Friday, October 11, 2024
Cocktails begin at 5PM
Location: Bethlehem Hotel (437 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA)
Price: $85
For more information, please contact Jennie Jones at (908) 391-8375
*SAVE THE DATE: Believe You Can2024*
The Keystone Chapter is having their annual fundraiser: Believe You Can! on
Saturday, December7, 2024 via Zoom. For more information, please contact
believeyoucanshow at gmail.com
*Panera Bread Fundraiser – hosted by the Capital Chapter *
The Capital Chapter has $25 gift cards from Panera Bread for sale. Funds
raised will benefit the chapter in logistical and outreach efforts. For
more information, please contact Chapter President, Timothy McCarthy at
thmccarthy at icloud.com
*Other External Events *
The below events are not a part of the National Federation of the Blind or
the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania; however, we feel that
it might benefit the Pennsylvania blind community. If you have an event
that you want to add to this newsletter, please send it to Stacie Leap at
nfb.stacie at gmail.com by the 27th of the month so it can be placed in the
following month’s digest.
*Support Quitrina Townes at the Walk MS Philadelphia *
Greater Philadelphia Chapter Board Member Quitrina Townes has formed a team
for the Walk MS Philadelphia! The event will be on Saturday, May 4, 2024 at
the Art Museum. If you are available, please join her team, “Team Trina”,
and support by walking with her and other people! Register for the Walk
MS Philadelphia
*The Blind Social Club: "The May Social"*
Greater Philadelphia Chapter member Simone Cooper is hosting a luncheon
under her group, “Blind Social Group.”
The Blind Social Club is a group for blind and visually impaired adults to
come together to socialize with their peers and engage in various
activities This month we will be heading over to Bar Bombón, an authentic
Puerto Rican plant-based restaurant. Their proteins are "made with non-GMO
soy and organic grains" and the meals are "fresh and made-to-order."
PLEASE NOTE: There is a $37 food order minimum per person and a 20%
gratuity will be added to each person's final bill.
Date: Thursday, May 30, 2024
Time: 12:30p.m. - 2:30p.m. (restaurant opens at 11:30a.m.)
Where: Bar Bombón located at 133 South 18th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
RSVP: By Wednesday, May 22 at 5:00pm
Restaurant Menu: https://order.toasttab.com/online/barbombon
If you have any questions, please contact Simone at 215-868-4292
*WHFAP Speaker Series: I See You…Caregiver *
Greater Philadelphia Board Member Lyvette Byrd is hosting a speaker series
under her organization, Women Healed For A Purpose. It runs monthly on the
1st Saturday via Zoom. Here is more information for the May event:
Date: Saturday, May 4, 2024
Time: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM ET.
Presenter: Jean Kirkley from Bloomers Are Heroes, Inc.
To register for the event, please visit their WHFAP website
<http://www.womenhealed4apurpose.org/>. For more information, please
contact Lyvette Byrd at forthebyrdsconsult at gmail.com
*John Jon Awareness Walk 2024 *
Greater Philadelphia Board Member Lyvette Bird will be hosting her annual
walk, John Jon Awareness Walk, under her organization, Women Healed For A
Purpose This awareness walk is to bring awareness to the people who are
advocates for people with disabilities. This event is named after
Lyvette’s son, John David, and the late senator, John Heinz who was
instrumental in helping John David receive the services he needed to
thrive, even to this day!
Date: Saturday, July 13, 2024
Time: 8 AM to 11:30 AM
Location: John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum (8601 Lindbergh
Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19153)
She is also looking for volunteers. For more information, please contact
Lyvette Bird at forthebyrdsconsult at gmail.com
*3rd Annual Women’s Business Expo *
Join Collaboration Over Competition for their 3rd Annual Women's Business
Expo! Featuring amazing vendors, great conversation, dynamic speakers and
round table facilitators, music, incredible networking opportunities, food,
raffle baskets, giveaways and so much more!
Date: Saturday, July 27, 2024
Time: 12 PM - 4 PM ET
Location: Montgomery Mall, 2nd level (230 Montgomery Mall, North Wales, PA
RSVP for the Women's Business Expo
*The Seven Wonders of the World: Purple House Project PA's GALA 2024*
Christine Brunson, a member of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter, is
celebrating 7 years of her non-profit, Purple House Project PA!!!!
Purple House Project is Celebrating 7 years of Strengthening, Empowering
and Transitioning individuals impacted by Intimate Partner Violence. This
event will allow us to continue to bring awareness to these issues in the
community, as well as support the healing process, eliminate barriers, and
celebrate the journey. Come Celebrate with Us!!!
Date: Saturday, August 17, 2024,
Time: 5 PM to 9 PM ET
Location: Discovery Center (3401 Reservoir Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19121)
Early Bird Prices have been extended to End May 7, 2024.
Individual Ticket, Early Bird: $77
Individual Ticket, after May 7: $100
Couples Ticket, Early Bird: $140
Couples Ticket, after May 7: $180
Table of 8, Early Bird: $550
Table of 8, after May 7: $700
Purchase your tickets to the Purple House Project PA’s Gala
*Women Healed For a Purpose Annual Conference *
Greater Philadelphia Board Member Lyvette Byrd is hosting her annual
conference under her organization, Women Healed For A Purpose. This year,
it will be a two day event. The first day will be jam packed with various
workshops and seminars. The second day will include guest speakers and a
catered lunch.
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2024 & Sunday, October 13, 2024
Registration will open up on July 1, 2024.
For more information, please visit the WHFAP website
*Purple House Project PA Personal Care & Baby Toiletries Drive*
Greater Philadelphia member Christine Brunson is hosting a personal care
and baby toiletries drive. If you are in need of bras, feminine products
(pads, tampons, and pantyliners), baby diapers (size 0 to 6), and baby
wipes, please fill out this form
If you want the items delivered, you have to live in the Philadelphia area
or the surrounding four counties (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery
counties). If you wish to pick up your items, please arrange that with
Christine Brunson by emailing her at christinejoy at purplehouseprojectpa.org
iPhone Beginner Classes at Liberty Resources
Greater Philadelphia Chapter President Denice Brown will provide tutoring
for individuals who are blind/low vision using an iPhone with voice over.
The lessons will take place at Liberty Resources. Please contact Denice
Brown at: dbrown8827 at aol.com or 215-808-5875 for further information.
*Heart To Home - Housewarming Baskets *
Heart To Home, a 501(c)3 organization, offers housewarming baskets for
individuals newly housed in the last six months, have a housing voucher, or
are considered low-income. Housewarming Baskets may include pots and pans,
other small kitchen essentials, bathroom essentials such as towels, shower
racks, cleaning products, small decors, blankets, etc. Referrals can be
accepted by reaching out to Marielle at 215-437-3368. Heart To Home also
accepts gently used household essentials for donations towards these
housewarming baskets.
*iBUG Night at the Virtual Movies*
You are invited to join us for iBUG Night at the Virtual Movies.
WHEN: Fridays at , 7:15 PM CT (pre-movie social), movie starts at 8:00 PM
Central Time
The pre-movie social time includes song games, jokes, and plenty of
argle-bargle. Discussion and trivia will follow immediately after the
movie. iBUG Night at the Virtual Movies is the audio track (no video) with
audio description.
Join the Zoom meeting:
One tap mobile from a smartphone: +13462487799,,7428486329#,,,,*369978# US
Dial from a landline: +1 346 248 7799 US
Meeting ID: 742 848 6329, Password: 369978
*Introductory Level Ballet Classes*
Dark Room Ballet is offering free Saturday Introductory Level Classes for
individuals with no ballet experience. The class introduces students to
necessary anatomical concepts like turnout, torso stability, foot
sensitivity and mobility, sightless balancing, and the use of a taped floor
for orientation. To register and learn more about this class and other
offerings from Dark Room Ballet, call 929-367-0025 or email
info at darkroomballet.com
*iBUG Today, Inc*
iBUG Today, Inc <https://ibugtoday.com/>. is a non-profit organization
promoting the individual independence, social integration, and educational
development of the blind and visually impaired community through accessible
technology training. iBUG (iBlind Users Group) endeavors to transform the
blind community through accessible technology training so they can live
extraordinary lives full of independence, productivity, communication and
social integration in a world where everything is within the realm of
*Accessible Pharmacy Services Diabetes Prevention Program*
This program is fully funded by insurance. Past clients lowered their risk
of developing type 2 diabetes by 58% after completing this one-year
program. For questions and to sign up, contact Lifestyle Coaches Lynn Heitz
at 215-208-7582 or Mary Ann Grignon at 570-807-1276, or email
info at AccessiblePharmacy.com
*Philadelphia Blind Hockey *
Our program is completely free. We are a USA Hockey sanctioned, nationally
recognized program.
Whether you have never ice skated before or you are the next Future NHL
player, we have the opportunity waiting for you!
Philadelphia Blind Hockey works to ensure that every individual who is
blind or partially sighted has the opportunity to participate in the
parasport of Blind Hockey.
For more information, please check out their website:
*National Convention *
Our national convention is coming up in July! It will take place from July
3 until July 8, 2024 in Orlando, Florida. For more information on all
things convention related, please visit www.nfb.org/convention
Early Bird Registration ends May 31, 2024. Registration fees are $25 and
the banquet tickets are $75.
To register for the convention, please visit www.nfb.org/registration
*Kid Camp at National Convention *
NFB Camp is a childcare option offered during our national convention for
children ages six weeks to twelve-years-old, both blind and sighted. On the Kid
Camp website <https://nfb.org/get-involved/national-convention/nfb-camp>,
you can find out the schedule, register your child, and pay for the camp.
*National Federation of the Blind Convention Ally Network*
Please complete the form
to request support from the Convention Ally Network or to volunteer as an
ally during the 2024 National Convention of the National Federation of the
Blind. The goal of this network is to help to facilitate participation in
the convention and to ensure support for someone who is fearful of
harassment or discrimination.
The National Federation of the Blind is committed to fostering inclusion
and providing opportunity for members, prospective members, friends,
supporters, and anyone interested in our community to attend our National
Convention. Prominent civil rights organizations representing marginalized
groups, including racial minorities, immigrants, and the LGBTQ+ community,
issued travel advisories in 2023 for the state of Florida because of
recently enacted laws and policies that affect these groups and,
consequently, affect our members as well. While we could not move the 2024
National Convention, we are organizing the Convention Ally Network to aid
people who plan to attend convention and who would like to request support.
Please note this network does not include financial assistance.
An ally is a person who is informed and understanding of diverse,
marginalized identities; affirms their experience and rights; and chooses
to challenge discrimination. This network will include:
Training and virtual planning meetings prior to convention for allies and
community members.
Coordination between allies and community members during the week of
National Convention (July 3 to July 8) that may include accompaniment from
the airport to the convention venue and back to the airport. Specific
activities will be determined upon review of needs and requests.
This network is not intended to replace the communications and connections
attendees should have with leaders, affiliates, divisions, and groups
regarding the national convention.
*NAGDU Convention Sponsorship for Guide Dog Users *
The National Association of Guide Dog Users Convention Sponsorship
<https://www.nagdu.org/sponsorship> provides funding support to assist
guide dog users who want to attend the NFB national convention in person.
This year, NAGDU is sponsoring two guide dog users with $500 each to assist
with the costs of attending the NFB national convention.Registration
deadline is May 31, 2024.
*23RD Annual Rehabilitation and Orientation & Mobility Conference *
July 3, 2024
Rosen Centre | Orlando, Florida
Come participate in the only national conference focused on Structured
Discovery teaching and education for the blind. Presentations and breakout
sessions will cover the following:
* Learn about the various professional certifications,
and opportunities offered by the NBPCB.
* Explore the fundamentals of technology and how they might be
implemented in Structured Discovery teaching.
* Share ideas and network in multiple rehabilitation
including Braille, home management, cane travel, and assistive technology.
* More topics and agenda items to come!
Registration opens April 1st, 2024
Registration is $100 before June 15, $115 after that date.
*NFB Pledge*
I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation
of the Blind; to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind;
to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its
*NFB Message*
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams.
Many thanks to everybody for all they do within the Federation!
the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania team
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