[NFBp-Berks] National Federation of the Blind of PA Greater Berks Chapter meeting on January 18 at 10 AM

mccarthy_misty03 at comcast.net mccarthy_misty03 at comcast.net
Wed Jan 15 03:40:06 UTC 2025

Brian,  Once again, I am sorry to say that I will be out of town for the
meeting.  R/ Mike


Mike McCarthy

484-769-8225 (Mobile & Text)

 <mailto:mccarthy_misty03 at comcast.net> mccarthy_misty03 at comcast.net


From: NFBP-Berks <nfbp-berks-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Brian Mackey
via NFBP-Berks
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 9:56 PM
To: NFBP Greater Berks Chapter Listserv <nfbp-berks at nfbnet.org>
Cc: NFBP Greater Berks Chapter Listserv <nfbp-berks at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [NFBp-Berks] National Federation of the Blind of PA Greater Berks
Chapter meeting on January 18 at 10 AM


Greetings to all!


This is your reminder of the next Greater Berks Chapter meeting of the NFB
of PA taking place this Saturday, January 18 in person at the West Lawn
Wyomissing Hills Library starting at 10 AM. The location is 101 Woodside
Avenue in West Lawn. I am recommending that everyone who can, please come in


In the spirit of "Come One, Bring One", please feel free to bring someone
who might be interested in learning more about the chapter to the meeting.
The meetings are open to all to attend, but only dues paying members can
make motions and vote during the meeting.


Note: When you enter the building, take the stairs on the left to the
basement level; go through the double doors, turn left, and the room is on
the left (across from the check out desk). 


For those that will be attending virtually, here are the Zoom participation

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 952 5389 0689



One tap mobile

+16468769923,,95253890689#US (New York)

+13017158592,,95253890689#US (Washington DC)


Dial by your location

.+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

.+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 952 5389 0689


Find your local number:  <https://nfb-org.zoom.us/u/adg6AZcVek>


To pay your 2025 Greater Berks Chapter dues of $10 per year, please use one
of these easy payment methods:

*        mail or hand deliver checks (make payable to NFB Greater Berks
Chapter and write
2025 dues in the memo section)

*        Zelle: business name of Greater Berks Chapter of NFB, email address
of berks at nfbofpa.org <mailto:berks at nfbofpa.org> , put 2025 dues in the memo


Mail checks to:

NFB of PA Greater Berks Chapter

c/o Linda Mackey, Treasurer

33 Merganser Drive

Sinking Spring, PA 19608


Please let me know if you will be able to join me at this meeting either
virtually or in person.

 I can be contacted via email at  <mailto:berks at nfbofpa.org>
berks at nfbofpa.org or via phone call or text message at 609-680-8488.




Brian A. Mackey

Brian A. Mackey
President, National Federation of the Blind of PA Greater Berks Chapter
Webmaster, National Federation of the Blind Multiple State Affiliates
Board Member & Webmaster, Middle Atlantic Blind Golf Association
 <mailto:Bmackey88 at gmail.com> Bmackey88 at gmail.com

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make
those dreams come true"
      -Vince Papale


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