[NFBp-Berks] 2025 State Convention Planning Meeting (Yes, You Heard that Right)

David B. Goldstein david at iCantCU.com
Fri Feb 7 18:12:08 UTC 2025

Hey there, PA Federationists,

With our State Convention right around the corner, I wanted to see who 
is interested in planning this great event.

What do you mean November 13 isn't right around the corner? Okay, maybe 
it's around the corner down the street, two exits off the highway, and 
just past that big open field. I want to get an early start to secure 
more sponsors, media coverage, and a better handle on logistics.

Our first planning meeting is this Wednesday, February 12, at 7:30 PM. 
You can join us on Zoom at https://www.nfbofpa.org/conventionzoom/ [1].

If you haven't heard, this year's convention is November 13 through 16 
at the Best Western Premier in Harrisburg.

I plan to have six teams with one team lead for each. The teams and 
their focus are as follows:

  	* Outreach & Registration

This team will be responsible for identifying and contacting various 
community centers, senior facilities, groups, etc, to let them know we 
are coming and how folks can register to attend. It will also assist in 
on-site registration.

  	* Media

This team will be responsible for identifying and contacting anyone who 
can help us spread the word about our event. This includes TV, radio, 
celebrities, bloggers, influencers, etc. We will create press releases, 
emails, and phone scripts for you to use to get these folks to want to 
help us.

  	* Attendee Assistance

This team will be responsible for helping our attendees find their way 
around the hotel and to the various meeting rooms. We are hoping to have 
the Lions Club assist with this, too.

  	* Sponsors

This team will be responsible for identifying sponsors for our event. I 
will lead this team.

  	* Vendors

This team will identify and contact vendors for our exhibit hall. They 
could be solopreneurs or multinational companies. If the team lead feels 
it necessary, emails and scripts can be provided.

  	* On-site Audio Video

This team will be responsible for the sound and Zoom during our various 
events at the convention.

Did I leave anything out? Join us on Wednesday, and we can talk about 

If you want to help out but can't make it on Wednesday, no worries. 
There will be plenty more meetings. Just email me and let me know if you 
want to help.

Have a great weekend, and Go Birds!



David B. Goldstein
david at iCantCU.com
   (610) 715-5020 mobile
www.iCantCU.com [2]
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[1] https://www.nfbofpa.org/conventionzoom/
[2] http://www.iCantCU.com
[3] https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/icantcu-podcast/id1445801370
[4] https://open.spotify.com/show/3nck2D5HgD9ckSaUQaWwW2
[5] https://www.youtube.com/@icantcu/
[6] https://www.icantcu.com/amazon
[7] https://twitter.com/davidbenj
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[9] https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbenj
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[12] https://open.spotify.com/show/1YDQSJqpoteGb1UMPwRSuI
[13] https://www.youtube.com/@pablindpodcast
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