[NFBP-BlindParents] Register for the Possibilities Fair for Older Adults at the NFB of PA 2022 Convention

Joseph Drenth joe.drenth at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 14:54:10 UTC 2022

Register today to attend the Possibilities Fair for older adults losing
On November 10, 2022  in conjunction  with our 2022 NFB of PA convention, we
will hold a "Possibilities Fair" for seniors to learn about alternative
Techniques for completing activities of daily living without relying on
reduced vision. These techniques help older adults to remain independent in
their own homes. We will also share information about how to get in touch
with other older adults losing their vision, the programs available for
older adults in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area, and    have
presentations by successful older adults who lost vision  and were able to
continue living independently. This event is not restricted to older adults,
so family members and caregivers are also welcome to attend.

Registration is required by all attendees by October 19. Registration
entitles you to lunch and a gift bag containing useful items and
information. If you are also registering for the NFB of Pennsylvania
convention and you purchased a Thursday lunch, then registration for the
Possibilities Fair costs you only $5 per person. Otherwise registration for
the Possibilities Fair costs $20 per person, which covers the $15 lunch.  

The registration form for this event  is included below this email. Please
feel free to make copies of it and distribute them to anyone  you think
might be interested in attending. Please complete one registration form for
each person attending.

In order to ensure that we have enough meals for everyone, we ask that the
registration form be returned with your check by October 19 to CONNIE SCHEU
- Program Coordinator,  5107 WEST ST., Erie, PA 16509.  If you already
registered for the NFB of Pennsylvania 2022 convention and purchased a
Thursday lunch, you can email your form to Connie at possibilities at nfbp.org
and bring your $5 registration fee to the event, where it will be collected.

Currently, the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania (NFB of PA)
is working on initiatives which will educate and promote the continued
independence of older adults losing vision. As the population ages the
incidence of blindness is continuing to increase. In 2022,  vision loss
continues to be one of the primary reasons why older adults face being
placed in nursing homes by government agencies and well-meaning family
members. One of the goals of the NFB of PA is to allow seniors losing their
vision to remain independent, productive members of society without fear of
being placed involuntarily in an institutional setting.

For more information feel free to call Connie at 814 440-7565 
Or call Deneice at 214 734-9688 
or send  email to possibilities at nfbp.org

We look forward to seeing you at the "Possibilities Fair" for seniors on
November 10 at 9:30 AM. 

Connie Scheu  and Deneice Hopper 
Program Coordinators 

* Note that if you have already purchased your Thursday lunch when you
registered  for convention, your registration fee will Be $5.  If you
register for $5, please indicate on your registration form, that you have
already purchased your lunch. 

Registration Form

"Possibilities Fair" for Seniors losing vision and their Families.  
When: Thursday, November 10, 2022, 9:30 A.M. - Noon.
Where:  Sheraton Station square, 300 W. Station square Drive, Pittsburgh, PA

Registration Form 



Telephone Number: 

Email Address (if available): 

Lunch is a sandwich, a piece of fruit, a bag of chips, a cookie and a bottle
of water.  
Please specify your choice
Beef 		Chicken 		Vegetarian 

       Yes! I am planning to attend the "Possibilities Fair" for seniors.
Enclosed is my check in the amount of $20.00  which covers  the admission to
the fair and lunch. 

       Enclosed, is an additional contribution to help with this and other
programs of the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania. 

Note: This form may be copied. Please submit a separate form for each
individual although a single check may cover  multiple registrations. 
Please make checks payable to the National Federation of the Blind of
Pennsylvania (NFB of PA).  
Mail registration forms and checks to: Attn.: Connie Scheu 
Possibilities Fair,  Program Coordinator,  5107 WEST ST., Erie PA 16509 
To secure your place and your lunch, Registration and checks must be
received by November 5, 2022.

If you have questions or would like additional information, please email us
at possibilities at nfbp.org or call: Connie Scheu at 814 440-7565 
Or, call Deneice Hopper at 214 734-9688

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