[NFBP-BlindParents] 2022 Blind Parents Group T-Shirts Sales!

Stacie Leap stacie.leap at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 01:25:37 UTC 2022

Hello Federation Family!

The Blind Parents Group of the National Federation of the Blind of
Pennsylvania is holding a t-shirt fundraiser that will begin this year at
the NFB of PA State Convention in November 2022.

We are selling t-shirts that says "I Support #BlindParents" with the NFB of
PA logo and "Blind Parents Group" at the bottom.
There will be two t-shirt options: white t-shirts with black lettering or
black t-shirts with white lettering.

The price of the t-shirts are as follows:
Adult Small until Adult XL: $20
Adult 2XL until 5XL: $25

Hurry and get your shirts because we only have 100 and a limited number of
shirts in each size!
Sales are not finalized until payments have been received.

I am taking pre-orders now to ease the transition at convention.
Please fill out the following form to  place your order and contact me
concerning payment options.
Once I receive your payment, I will make sure you get your shirt at
convention. If you are not attending convention but still wish to purchase
and support the Blind Parents Group, please let me know and we can make

The money raised for this t-shirt fundraiser will go back to the blind
parents. I want to start a scholarship fund for blind or visually impaired
parents to help alleviate their burdens in life or for state and national

If you do not want a t-shirt but still want to support in giving a
donation, please contact me as well!
Thank you all in advance for supporting the Blind Parents Group!

*Stacie Leap*
stacie.leap at gmail.com | 215.776.6741
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