[NFBP-BlindParents] FW: Houston Texas's Paratransit Information.

Brian Mackey bmackey88 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 22:21:19 UTC 2023



From: Kat Bottner <kat.bottner at gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2023 5:41 PM
To: bmackey88 at gmail.com
Subject: Houston Texas's Paratransit Information.


If you have an active paratransit account with your local service, they will
need to fax your eligibility information to Metro and provide the requested
dates of service.  The fax number is 713-652-8924.  To check on the status,
you would need to call customer service at 713-225-0119 between the hours of
10am to 5pm Central To me weekdays


713 2250119( customer Service)


metrolifteligibility at ridemetro.org
<mailto:metrolifteligibility at ridemetro.org> ( email to send documentation to
in case paratransit does not use actual fax numbers) Trips not going to the
airport are $1.20 each way, and reservations should be made twenty four
hours in advance. I'm slightly confused in regards to the payment system, as
they do not take cash, you either pay with tickets which you can get at lots
of locations, or they have some sort ofE- wallet option.

You call the customer service number to make reservations.

Apparently  trips to and from the airport going to and from the hotel are
considered courtsy trips, so they are free of charge.


If I can be of further assistance, please let me know.


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