[NFBP-Erie] Possibilities Fair for Older adults
Joseph Drenth
joe.drenth at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 01:15:02 UTC 2022
On behalf of Connie Scheu and Deneice Hopper:
Possibilities Fair for older adults losing vision
On November 10, 2022 in conjunction with our 2022 NFB of PA convention
being held November 10 - 13, we will hold a 'Possibilities Fair' for seniors
at the Sheraton Station Square, 300 West Station Square Dr., Pittsburgh, PA
15219. This "Possibilities Fair" will offer older adults the opportunity
to learn about alternative Techniques to complete activities of daily living
to remain independent in their own homes.
There will be giveaway bags for each attendee.
Below is a registration form for this Possibilities Fair".
Since the Fair is fast approaching, please complete the form, copy this
email and send it via email to possibilities at nfbp.org
We need one form per attendee.
If you would like to join the seniors for lunch, Please indicate that you
have already purchased your lunch when you registered for convention. If you
have not purchased your lunch, you will be free by noon to purchase your own
The registration fee is $5.00 for those who have already purchased their
lunch and for those who will be leaving at noon to purchase their own
please indicate on your registration form, that you have already purchased
your lunch so that we may locate it and enable you to join the senior's
Registration Form
"Possibilities Fair" for Seniors losing vision and their Families.
When: Thursday, November 10, 2022, 9:30 A.M. till Noon.
Where: Sheraton Station square,
Email Address (if available):
Telephone Number:
Please place an X after "Yes" to confirm the following:
I will pay my $5.00 registration fee at the door Thursday November 10.
I have already purchased my lunch for Thursday when I registered. Yes...
Please note if you do not indicate that you have purchased your lunch
above, you will not be attending the Senior Lunch.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please email us
at possibilities at nfbp.org or call: Connie Scheu at 814 440-7565
Or, call Deneice Hopper at 214 734-9688
Connie Scheu and Deneice Hopper
Program Coordinators
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