[NFBP-Erie] [NFBP-Jigsaw] Auction Items for the State Convention From Chapters, Divisions & Individuals

Brian Mackey bmackey88 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 17:09:48 UTC 2023

The letter that Denice is referring to that confirms the affiliate’s nonprofit status can be obtained by myself, Lynn, or Emily.


From: NFBP-Jigsaw <nfbp-jigsaw-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of David Goldstein via NFBP-Jigsaw
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 1:04 PM
To: Keystone Chapter List of the NFB of Pennsylvania <keystonechapter at nfbnet.org>
Cc: David Goldstein <david at iCantCU.com>; pablindmerchants at nfbnet.org; NFBP BELL Google Group <nfb-pa-bell at googlegroups.com>; NFBP Blind Parents Group Listserv <NFBP-BlindParents at nfbnet.org>; NFBP Brandywine Chapter Listserv <nfbp-brandywine at nfbnet.org>; NFBP Capital Chapter Listserv <pacapitalchapter at nfbnet.org>; NFBP Erie Chapter Listserv <nfbp-erie at nfbnet.org>; NFBP Greater Berks Chapter Listserv <nfbp-berks at nfbnet.org>; NFBP Greater Philly Chapter Listserv <greaterphilly at nfbnet.org>; NFBP Jigsaw Chapter Listserv <nfbp-jigsaw at nfbnet.org>; NFBP listserv <nfbp-talk at nfbnet.org>; PA Blind Students Division Listserv <pabs at nfbnet.org>; PA Guide Dog Division Listserv <pagdu at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [NFBP-Jigsaw] Auction Items for the State Convention From Chapters, Divisions & Individuals


Hey there PA Federationists,


Please read Denice’s email below and support the auction at this year’s State Convention in Harrisburg.






Dear Friends,


It is now time to think about items for the NFB of PA State Convention. We

will be having a live auction along with the talent show scheduled for

Friday night November 10th. We will be going back and forth between the two

events, just like last year. This is an event that everyone should attend.

The proceeds from this event will be used to strengthen other affiliate

events and programming.


I need all chapters, divisions, and individuals to think about what can

possibly be donated to the auction. We need quality items that will bring in

much needed funds to our affiliate, so that we always have funds available

to assist where needed.


It would be good if your item was valued at $25, or more. Some of the items

that have worked well in the past are, but are not limited to: electronics,

themed gift baskets, sports memorabilia, baked goods, certificates for free

hotel stays, jewelry, free tickets to the theater, or sporting events,

handmade crafts, etc.


It would be great if we could get at least two items from every chapter and

division, (of course, those who can are welcome to bring more). Individuals

may make donations as well. If a written description of an item is needed,

it would be great if you would send me that information in advance.


If you are looking for retailers to donate and item to you, please ask for,

and use the letter that confirms our nonprofit status.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Thank you,

Denice Brown

NFB of PA Auctioneer 






David Goldstein

david at iCantCU.com <mailto:david at iCantCU.com> 

(610) 715-5020 mobile

 <https://www.iCantCU.com> www.iCantCU.com

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