[NFBP-Erie] Chapter meeting this evening!
Connie Scheu
conniej1250 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 17:53:55 UTC 2023
Hi Everyone!
We have a Erie County Chapter meeting Sunday, January 8 at 6:00 PM!
I, your past chapter president, Hope all of you had very happy holidays.
Together, Let's make 2023 a great year:
We'll invite our visually impaired and blind friends to join our meetings.
We will participate on a regular basis.
At meetings, we will let each other know what things we would like included in our meetings.
For example, do you have a concern or do you need some sort of assistance due to visual impairment or blindness that your would like to discuss?
Are there activities you would like to see the chapter do?
Would you like guest speakers? Please remember that those of you who have ideas, need to help us carry out those ideas.
When you participate, you can help make the Erie County Chapter all it can be. I want to facilitate in making this a great chapter but I need everyone's help!
You all have knowledge and abilities to share. So, hope everyone will be on zoom this Sunday at 6:00.
Use the zoom link or call in with the information below.
Connie Scheu
Join Zoom Meeting
https://zoom.us/j/91404388179?pwd=S1Vva2JYQkxYcDdRMGpadUJxZ2tsQT09 <https://zoom.us/j/91404388179?pwd=S1Vva2JYQkxYcDdRMGpadUJxZ2tsQT09>
Meeting ID: 914 0438 8179
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Meeting ID: 914 0438 8179
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adJLlw4Pye <https://zoom.us/u/adJLlw4Pye>
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