[NFBP-Erie] Clusiv Zoom Workshop

David Goldstein david at iCantCU.com
Sat Mar 4 19:55:18 UTC 2023

Hey there PA Federationist and Friends,

 Clusiv is having a Zoom Workshop on 3/16 at 11AM. I’ve attached the flyer, but had some trouble with it on my Mac, so I’ve also included a text version (thanks to my wife — who’s also good at Audio Description if she doesn’t fall asleep.)

Have a great weekend!



Clusiv:  Unleashing the Potential in the Workforce for and with the Blind

Join us on Thursday March 16 at 11 AM Eastern Time for an informative Zoom workshop and discover how to get involved.  Zoom info to join is at the bottom.

Who is Clusiv
Clusiv is an online learning platform made for and by the blind.  We help to remove barriers to employment through occupational and technology skills training.  Our eLearning platform is accessible, intuitive, and our content teaches to JAWS, Zoom Text and Fusion.  We are also building career track courses to give concrete skills towards a variety of jobs.  Plus, you get lifetime access to our content to stay up to date with trainings on business softwares for the modern workforce and can access it online from anywhere.

What to Expect.

Learn about Clusiv’s online learning programs and how they remove barriers to the modern workforce for the blind
Join a movement to demand higher wages for blind workers and empower ourselves in settings of high-wage employment
Discover how you can participate in professional development courses and web development training
Explore your boundless potential as a blind person by harnessing your intelligence and tenacity, propelling you towards a fulfilling, high-paying career.

Here is who you will hear from!

Luke Simianer:  Army paratrooper and wounded veteran, became a software engineer after the military and then founded Clusiv.
Bruce Sexton:  2018 law school graduate, international advocate for the blind, main plaintiff in the transformational target.com <http://target.com/> accessibility case, and proud father of two kids.
Alanna Clancy:  Former D1 soccer athlete and elementary teacher that now uses her competitive drive and passion for education with Clusiv to help the blind community.

To start learning about Clusiv and enjoy our training, check out our free mobile app with select modules from our full courses.  Click here to download on the iOS app store, or search Clusiv on the app store.

Zoom link:  https://zoom.us/j/91961773915?pwd=QkhOYVlhbmU1Uk1ra0ZvOXVJdFpXdz09 
Meeting ID:  919 6177 3915
Passcode:  451109
One tap mobile:  +16469313860,,91961773915# US

David Goldstein
david at iCantCU.com
(610) 715-5020 mobile
www.iCantCU.com <https://www.icantcu.com/>
iCantCU Podcast
Apple Podcasts <https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/icantcu-podcast/id1445801370> | Spotify <https://open.spotify.com/show/3nck2D5HgD9ckSaUQaWwW2> | IHeartRadio <https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-icantcu-podcast-31157111/>
Support The Podcast When You Shop
Amazon <https://www.icantcu.com/amazon>
Connect with me:
Twitter <https://twitter.com/davidbenj> | Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/davidbenj/> | LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbenj> | Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/davidbenj> 

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