[NFBP-Erie] Adjusting with Reality - presented by the PA Organization of Parents of Blind Children

Stacie Leap stacie.leap at gmail.com
Tue May 7 21:58:40 UTC 2024

Hello all:

You are invited to the Pennsylvania Organization of Parents of Blind
Children's (PAOPBC) quarterly meeting. For this meeting, we will be
exploring the topic: "Adjusting to Reality"

As a blind child or a parent of a blind child, it could be difficult
learning to adjust with blindness and vision loss. Come to this meeting to
have a friendly discussion and hear ways on how to adjust to the reality of
blindness and vision loss in children.

Date: Monday, May 13, 2024
Time: 12 PM to 1 PM ET
Location: Zoom (Information is below)
Topic: Adjusting to Reality presented by Lynn Heitz

For more information, please contact PAOPBC President Emily Gindlesperger
at vp2 at nfbp.org

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 933 6101 3032
Passcode: 111222333


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Meeting ID: 933 6101 3032

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