[NFBSea] Fwd: SDOT Sidewalk Cafe Program Updates

Marci Carpenter mjc59 at comcast.net
Mon Apr 8 22:15:14 UTC 2019

For those who would like to comment on the City of Seattle sidewalk cafe program


Sent from Marci's iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Smith, Ellie" <Ellie.Smith at seattle.gov>
> Date: April 8, 2019 at 9:42:53 AM PDT
> To: "Smith, Ellie" <Ellie.Smith at seattle.gov>
> Subject: RE: SDOT Sidewalk Cafe Program Updates
> Hello,
> Previously, we informed you that we have been working on an update to our sidewalk café program to improve pedestrian mobility around cafés and increase enjoyment of public spaces by encouraging more businesses to provide outdoor seating for patrons. This involves legislation to update the sidewalk café code (SMC 15.16), as well as an updated Director’s Rule related to cafés in the public place (to replace Director’s Rule 4-2011 Sidewalk Cafés).
> We have published all of the documents associated with this legislative update on our webpage, including the draft ordinance, draft Director’s Rule, and environmental checklist (as established by the State Environmental Policy Act) with the Determination of Non-Significance.
> I am writing to notify you of the public comment period for the SEPA Determination of Non-Significance. The public comment period ends on April 22, 2019 at 5pm. 
> You are invited to provide comments on the Determination of Non-Significance and legislative package. Comments are accepted in any of the following ways: 
> Email:    Alyse.Nelson at seattle.gov 
> Phone: 206-684-5268 
> Mail:     Seattle Department of Transportation 
> Street Use - Public Space Management  
> P.O. Box 34996 
> Seattle, WA  98124-4996
> Appeals must be submitted no later than 5pm on April 29, 2019. Details about the appeals process can be found in the Determination of Non-Significance. 
> We will post updates to our webpage as this proposal advances through the legislative process. Please let me know if you have any questions about this work.
> Thank you!
> Ellie Smith
> Program & Policy Specialist, Public Space Management
> City of Seattle, Department of Transportation
> O: 206-684-9229 | M: 206-300-1690 | ellie.smith at seattle.gov
> Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Flickr
> From: Smith, Ellie 
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 5:19 PM
> Subject: SDOT Sidewalk Cafe Program Updates
> Hello,
> The Seattle Department of Transportation has been working on an update to the sidewalk café program to encourage more businesses to provide outdoor seating for their patrons. We are reaching out today to provide information on the key changes included in this proposal, which can be found in the attached fact sheet. You may be interested to see that we are proposing increasing the pedestrian clear zone standard used for the placement of cafés to ensure there is enough room on the sidewalk for people to move, particularly on busy downtown streets. Also, we are formalizing two successful pilot programs—fence-free and streateries—which reduce the impact of cafés on the sidewalk. We are now putting the final touches on a legislative package to update the Seattle Municipal Code and Sidewalk Café Director’s Rule that we plan to transmit to City Council in the first quarter of 2019.
> We will be updating our webpage with our progress on advancing this proposal, including dates of the public comment period. We will email you again at that point to ensure everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the public comment period before the proposal is transmitted to City Council. 
> In the meantime, we encourage you to reach out with questions and comments.
> Thank you!
> Ellie Smith
> Program & Policy Specialist, Public Space Management
> City of Seattle, Department of Transportation
> O: 206-684-9229 | M: 206-300-1690 | ellie.smith at seattle.gov
> Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Flickr
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