[NFBSea] COVID-19 testing

Marci Carpenter mjc59 at comcast.net
Sat Apr 18 19:48:44 UTC 2020

You do have to be having symptoms to use the walk-up site. Here is the information I mentioned at the chapter meeting.

> King County Public Health and Metro Updates
> Below are a few important updates for people living in King County. We realize that you may live elsewhere in our state. We want to help ensure similar changes are made where you live too. If you live outside of King County and have concerns about access to COVID related care or transportation, please respond to this email. DRW will work to push elected officials to make necessary changes across the state.
> Drive-Thru Access
> This week, DRW and Rooted in Rights joined with coalition partners to ask Seattle to ensure people without access to a car or who are unable to drive have access to drive-thru only restaurants, by signing onto a letter <https://u1584542.ct.sendgrid.net/mps2/c/FAE/ni0YAA/t.30t/9rXMrZkQS-WOnFU7r2SrlA/h0/sBBzd5MIbzhHCB6gXXRVQqRc1Txk9RZiBIUvKWaY-2F7MaoVQowHEoj0pHFQe5TuCSDRUnEOZD3-2FQ3XHFONJ2mkeEpWE4XHtcmdXKGlOMvCVpXymm9Eaozvbutse2ax2Czjrhzs6tQg9OrUqcOgA-2Bjb2dg2oo15K9IsMXpodXFNViugc-2FJWY5EN-2Bk05qzc3hj6FSPlV-2BhkTsySeErUPQ7IIoT7zPI6o3cKV6LZlTHdRObUrnytgRWqquhUepOaJRn5vHunlWLvijXCnbbFcNn5LC5uIx4kB2UxQiBaiINwHE4mPDMs2IxO6rIBA64pdmfd/ItUL> sent to Mayor Jenny Durkan and Members of Seattle’s City Council. 
> COVID-19 Testing
> Free walk-up COVID-19 testing is available from Seattle & King County Public Health for people with symptoms of COVID-19 who are at highest risk for severe illness from the disease and don't have regular access to health care.
> Where and when:
> • Downtown Public Health Center at 2124 4th Ave in Seattle. 
> • No appointment needed. Walk up hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
> This clinic will specifically serve people with symptoms in the following categories:
> • Individuals in high risk groups (e.g., elderly, underlying medical conditions, pregnant women, and people living homeless)
> • Healthcare workers or workers in congregate care settings (including: hospital, department of corrections, juvenile detention centers, mental/behavioral health clinics, long-term care facilities, permanent supportive housing and shelters)
> • People working in critical infrastructure occupations (e.g. congregate settings such as homeless shelters)
> Click here for information on how to safely travel to and from medical appointments. <https://u1584542.ct.sendgrid.net/mps2/c/FAE/ni0YAA/t.30t/9rXMrZkQS-WOnFU7r2SrlA/h1/GqllCn0mbg6YAp5aSjOjummSt2OUG0hVUmHHA36iKenpkg29sTgjCyxi9Y2dzFDf903yKGeFSg-2FJPQ6u65Yw40NQnmMfkVE-2FW-2FxvLTpXlZOMORfsVjoSJ4zANqrA3AGA6LCF23UqyDFen8fLW-2BtQZSaWp7eQvnO1kPkEEagVyT3mz-2BVrgrVFpK3uzVTJiQV4LVFxcUcGBXEaPbwjodHQBvqg-2FNWDDOt-2BC5P9z-2BI-2BW1cKwlFjpOly4kCU7vr0eA9J-2FK-2F2sS78l1IGAQxHUr4qznDVnSK4nPQ0PAfYkdWwm0p84Sz9c-2B7cb-2FBo4dt-2F3dZcEXZ5pDlXqOAd9C-2FSDYX4kptdk7UPQsGgTZ2W50OFdtPIQY7bIe9X-2B4rXuDJjbW2k/vB6V>
> King County Metro
> King County Metro Transit has reduced service due to the continued effects of COVID-19. Your bus may be running less often, during fewer hours, or be canceled. Check their updated reduced schedule <https://u1584542.ct.sendgrid.net/mps2/c/FAE/ni0YAA/t.30t/9rXMrZkQS-WOnFU7r2SrlA/h2/-2FskuX7IU64E9VutGoL06IAKPIgbDeEkBsxpWKvdFzHGIucG46kQilc2c0JYIFGg3Urq-2FN8F4WPNILZ-2FtWzXPfPPCdy-2BV403oym9RzsHczMKY5d2ciVf7d6eDEKQX-2F5fX1GBdRhzQ4WIKbQEafSLPDy4YmF7ABeEzJr96997EgL1HdX7umXOFRC8RkA3dQqGcRBByqnI3EDEm8I-2BbLZsWcKNn4-2B24j-2BjmHbghQwR93rbwi6lPNl7XzMV7ymGc0ULddT6vPaZVjJJijjOCwXxV3Bi3iubDypKns11EqkpWhw7nnMkxbnm8ctzulK2KQ7pw1YqijMNTYRxe4Ih52wJ2OuE4d1GJVRQqvhLU4d5Qy9fHrbVbHXEUNgAaibbO3HQK/vxFB>. The Reduced Schedule page has a banner at the top where all languages will be featured once translations are complete.
> Despite Metro’s service reductions, Access is maintaining its traditional service area, hours, and days of service, and may be an option for riders with disabilities for whom fixed route is no longer available even though they are not currently certified for Access service.
> Customers with disabilities who are no longer able to reach their essential destinations using fixed-route service can contact the Access Transportation Call Center at 206-205-5000 for assistance with both emergent and ongoing essential transportation needs.
> For COVID-positive individuals who need to travel for medical care, Metro is currently working with Public Health to create a separate service using dedicated Access vehicles, bus bases, and drivers who have volunteered for the assignment.
> Check the COVID page on our website for updates on our COVID related advocacy and external resources. <https://u1584542.ct.sendgrid.net/mps2/c/FAE/ni0YAA/t.30t/9rXMrZkQS-WOnFU7r2SrlA/h3/kIpWGO1SbXoZ83J92IEdMKkzGwCN8C5URSV92ItjiiuR5qsn1Fzd8fer3x0Ri2JlqWOTtu7jHs87w6CO5-2F307yL1WPp2r-2BOQo587d76OF9gEEPBaAutY1rNSz35L1rcb-2Bg1F5-2B949oy8cJ-2Bb5I7LAAe1fGs28iwTLhhR7paUrKL-2F5lCH4BfTF0m70buVwPLhu5jTAjU4-2FFshbYFYjruew-2BqXeWGSi90cxFUXwHfFZlhsXlUa1eQCWlkp7P1mM0zetYmaYUPRYMPMmprfxvwWdN-2Bprj1u1CMdP-2BIGviNOZQ4auFVhvYe3bZwJcHEoVC1MB2NI3AwUQYsVF4J3JRqKkw-3D-3D/lI5d>
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