[NFBSea] June Meeting Minutes

Jim Portillo portillo.jim at gmail.com
Sat Aug 15 02:57:53 UTC 2020

Hi everyone,

I believe these were sent a long time ago, but I thought those attending
tomorrow's chapter meeting would want to look at them again so we can
hopefully just accept them.  If there are any questions, bring them to the
meeting.  Thanks to Shannon for being acting secretary for this meeting.

We'll see everyone tomorrow at 10:00. I believe Mike Forzano sent the link
in a separate email.



Agenda items for tomorrow

Introductions and housekeeping

Secretary and Treasurer's Reports discussion and acception

State update, which will include election discussion, with Marci Carpenter

Transportation update and discussion with Jacob

Discussion on people's NFB Convention experience with Jim


Greater Seattle Chapter meeting Minutes

June, 20, 2020

Meeting began at 10:00am

May's minutes were moved and approved. They were sent out to the chapters
list serve. 

Treasury Report:

$1,862.20 - Beginning Balance


*   15.00 - NFB PAC Contribution

*   + .02 - Interest accrued

*   $1,847.22 - Ending Balance


Kris Colcock gave an update for the bell program.

There are two people/ families  signed up. 

If anybody is interested in volunteering for the Bell Program reach out to

National Convention update:

Zoom will be the platform for convention.

There will be a different platform for the exhibit hall.

Everyone is encouraged to attend the Rookie Round- up even if they aren't
new to National Convention. 

People who didn't meet the registration deadline will still be able to view
the live streams. 

State update: 

State Convention will be held virtual this upcoming year. 

The state is working with King County Elections for online voting.

King county will still have the same accessible in voting options as well. 

Meeting adjourned at 11:07am



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