[NFBSea] Metro Policy Updates Workshop 1

Cook, Tristan Tristan.Cook at kingcounty.gov
Tue Aug 18 21:06:06 UTC 2020

Hello, Please see the correction to our agenda for today, below.  See you soon.

11:30 a.m.      Welcome
Review agenda   Tristan Cook

11:35 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. Metro Service Guidelines Updates
*       25 min presentation slides
*       20 min discussion       De'Sean Quinn, strategic planning manager
Tristan Cook, community engagement
Katie Chalmers, service planning supervisor
12:20 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.         2021 Service Reductions Planning and Engagement
*       15 min presentation
*       15 min discussion       Graydon Newman, service planning

12:50 - 12:55 p.m.      Next steps      De'Sean Quinn
12:55- 1:00 p.m.        Close meeting    Tristan Cook


 <https://kingcounty.gov/depts/transportation/metro.aspx>       Tristan Cook (he/him)
Community Engagement Planner
Desk: 206-477-3842 I Mobile: 206-798-5702
tristan.cook at kingcounty.gov<mailto:tristan.cook at kingcounty.gov>

From: Cook, Tristan
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 10:48 PM
To: Jesse Piedfort <jesse.piedfort at sierraclub.org>; rebecca at wecprotects.org; kristina at transitriders.org; Bruce Speight <bruce at environmentwashington.org>; Jess Wallach <jess.wallach at gmail.com>; Bryce at futurewise.org; ZachH at forthmobility.org; Jeanette Shaw <jeanettes at forthmobility.org>; Elise Orlick <elise at washpirg.org>; Laura Skelton <laura at wpsr.org>; Tania Park <TaniaP at pscleanair.org>; Derik Broekhoff <Derik.Broekhoff at sei-us.org>; Keever, Jeff <Jeff.Keever at seattlecolleges.edu>; vickyc at cascadebicycleclub.org; rachel at feetfirst.org; gordon at seattlegreenways.org; kelsey at transportationchoices.org; rich at weareoneamerica.org; jessica at pugetsoundsage.org; annaz at rootedinrights.org; keithbkyle at gmail.com; kristina at transitriders.org'; Katie at transitriders.org; Hester at transportationchoices.org; Elena_Arakaki at tws.org; tim at interimcda.org; anh at scidpda.org; maikowc at scidpda.org'; eileen at cleanenergytransition.org; leah.missik at climatesolutions.org; leah at climatesolutions.org; 'vlad at climatesolutions.org; jcastle at lihi.org'; alison at homelessinfo.org'; Fardowsa at eastafricancs.org; noir at eastafricancs.org'; kariaw at cisc-seattle.org; jenny at sng.org; hamdimohamed at gmail.com; Annya.Pintak at seattle.gov; SHaber at hopelink.org'; cgiampetro at hopelink.org; yolanda at pugetsoundsage.org; abdi at pugetsoundsage.org; tinam at youtheastsideservices.org; russell at redeaglesoaring.org; info at theweappstudio.com; carmen at duwamishcleanup.org; vlad at climatesolutions.org; morrowa at gmail.com; Morrow, Aaron <TAC5 at kingcounty.gov>; atheriault at seattledbsc.org; Theriault, Angela <TAC2 at kingcounty.gov>; ayanbm at hotmail.com; Mohamed, Ayan <TAC10 at kingcounty.gov>; Bwseattle at comcast.net; Wooten, Bobby <TAC16 at kingcounty.gov>; ChrisTianaObeySumner at gmail.com; ObeySumner, ChrisTiana <TAC8 at kingcounty.gov>; cristalrpena at gmail.com; TAC11 <TAC11 at kingcounty.gov>; david.johnson at microsoft.com; Johnson, David <TAC6 at kingcounty.gov>; Shinozaki, Gale <TAC15 at kingcounty.gov>; gyshino at comcast.net; jacobstruiksma at gmail.com; Struiksma, Jacob <TAC1 at kingcounty.gov>; jdstenb at msn.com; Daufney-Stenberg, Judy <TAC7 at kingcounty.gov>; lrmp70 at hotmail.com; Robinson, Linwood <TAC18 at kingcounty.gov>; mariabonita1 at gmail.com; Harrison, Cheryl <TAC3 at kingcounty.gov>; Carter-Flaten, Angelina; maikowc at scidpda.org; jcastle at lihi.org; Alison Eisinger <alison at homelessinfo.org>; noir at eastafricancs.org; shaber at hopelink.org; Tania Park <TaniaP at pscleanair.gov>; Bebhinn Gilbert <BGilbert at hopelink.org>; vanessa at rootedinrights.org; kelsey.hamlin at sierraclub.org; Steven Sawyer <srsawyer at pocaan.org>; grantismywish33 at gmail.com; yordanosteferi at gmail.com; 'nfbsea at nfbnet.org' <nfbsea at nfbnet.org>; Cory Joseph <cj at startingblind.com>; Cynthia Bennett <cbennet2 at andrew.cmu.edu>; Derik Broekhoff <derik.broekhoff at sei.org>
Cc: Newman, Graydon <Graydon.Newman at kingcounty.gov>; Westberg, Natalie <nwestberg at kingcounty.gov>; Carlson, Grace (GCarlson at kingcounty.gov) <GCarlson at kingcounty.gov>; Rundell, Erik <erundell at kingcounty.gov>; Sophie Glass <sglass at triangleassociates.com>; Annalise Ritter <aritter at triangleassociates.com>; Resha, John <John.Resha at kingcounty.gov>; Martin, DeAnna <DeAnna.Martin at kingcounty.gov>; Chen, Cindy <cchen at kingcounty.gov>; Cramer, Shelby <scramer at kingcounty.gov>; Craig, Lauren <Lauren.Craig at kingcounty.gov>; McClellan, Tessa <tmcclellan at kingcounty.gov>; Quinn, De'Sean <DeSean.Quinn at kingcounty.gov>; Kinnison, Kim <kkinnison at kingcounty.gov>; Chalmers, Katie <Katie.Chalmers at kingcounty.gov>; Jahshan, Maha <mjahshan at kingcounty.gov>; Huynh, Michelle <michuynh at kingcounty.gov>
Subject: RE: Metro Policy Updates Workshop 1

Hi everyone,  We're looking forward to our first workshop with you on the Service Guidelines updates, focusing on the section about how Metro makes decisions when service reductions are necessary and the section that guides our planning and engagement approach.

We'll also take part of our agenda to share information and seek your input on our planned 2021 service reductions planning and engagement.  Please find an agenda below and PowerPoint and text version of the slides attached.

11:00 a.m.      Welcome
Review agenda   Tristan Cook
11:05 - 11:50 a.m.      Metro Service Guidelines Updates
*       25 min presentation slides
*       20 min discussion       De'Sean Quinn, strategic planning manager
Katie Chalmers, service planning supervisor
Tristan Cook, community engagement
11:50 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.         2021 Service Reductions Planning and Engagement
*       15 min presentation
*       15 min discussion       Graydon Newman, service planning
12:20 - 12:25   Next steps      De'Sean Quinn
12:25- 12:30    Close meeting   Tristan Cook

 << File: Aug 18 Metro Workshops text version of powerpoint.docx >>  << File: SG_Community Advocates August 18 2020.pdf >>


 << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> <https://kingcounty.gov/depts/transportation/metro.aspx>         Tristan Cook (he/him)
Community Engagement Planner
Desk: 206-477-3842 I Mobile: 206-798-5702
tristan.cook at kingcounty.gov<mailto:tristan.cook at kingcounty.gov>

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Cook, Tristan
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 10:30 PM
To: Cook, Tristan; Jesse Piedfort; rebecca at wecprotects.org; kristina at transitriders.org; Bruce Speight; Jess Wallach; Bryce at futurewise.org; ZachH at forthmobility.org; Jeanette Shaw; Elise Orlick; Laura Skelton; Tania Park; Derik Broekhoff; Keever, Jeff; vickyc at cascadebicycleclub.org; rachel at feetfirst.org; gordon at seattlegreenways.org; kelsey at transportationchoices.org; rich at weareoneamerica.org; jessica at pugetsoundsage.org; annaz at rootedinrights.org; keithbkyle at gmail.com; kristina at transitriders.org'; Katie at transitriders.org; Hester at transportationchoices.org; Elena_Arakaki at tws.org; tim at interimcda.org; anh at scidpda.org; maikowc at scidpda.org'; eileen at cleanenergytransition.org; leah.missik at climatesolutions.org; leah at climatesolutions.org; 'vlad at climatesolutions.org; jcastle at lihi.org'; alison at homelessinfo.org'; Fardowsa at eastafricancs.org; noir at eastafricancs.org'; kariaw at cisc-seattle.org; jenny at sng.org; hamdimohamed at gmail.com; Annya.Pintak at seattle.gov; SHaber at hopelink.org'; cgiampetro at hopelink.org; yolanda at pugetsoundsage.org; abdi at pugetsoundsage.org; tinam at youtheastsideservices.org; russell at redeaglesoaring.org; info at theweappstudio.com; carmen at duwamishcleanup.org; vlad at climatesolutions.org; morrowa at gmail.com; Morrow, Aaron; atheriault at seattledbsc.org; Theriault, Angela; ayanbm at hotmail.com; Mohamed, Ayan; Bwseattle at comcast.net; Wooten, Bobby; ChrisTianaObeySumner at gmail.com; ObeySumner, ChrisTiana; cristalrpena at gmail.com; TAC11; david.johnson at microsoft.com; Johnson, David; Shinozaki, Gale; gyshino at comcast.net; Huynh, Michelle; jacobstruiksma at gmail.com; Struiksma, Jacob; jdstenb at msn.com; Daufney-Stenberg, Judy; lrmp70 at hotmail.com; Robinson, Linwood; mariabonita1 at gmail.com; Harrison, Cheryl; Carter-Flaten, Angelina; McClellan, Tessa; Quinn, De'Sean; Kinnison, Kim; Chalmers, Katie; Jahshan, Maha; Martin, DeAnna; Chen, Cindy; Cramer, Shelby; Craig, Lauren; maikowc at scidpda.org; jcastle at lihi.org; Alison Eisinger; noir at eastafricancs.org; shaber at hopelink.org; Tania Park; Bebhinn Gilbert; vanessa at rootedinrights.org; kelsey.hamlin at sierraclub.org; Sophie Glass; Annalise Ritter; Resha, John
Cc: Newman, Graydon; Westberg, Natalie; Carlson, Grace (GCarlson at kingcounty.gov); 'nfbsea at nfbnet.org'; Cory Joseph; Cynthia Bennett; Derik Broekhoff; Lee, Carrie; Rundell, Erik; Steven Sawyer; grantismywish33 at gmail.com; yordanosteferi at gmail.com
Subject: Metro Policy Updates Workshop 1
When: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 11:30 AM-1:00 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: https://zoom.us/j/93166817152?pwd=OWNTYWZTbkRvZjJvdGpNcU42NGFadz09

Hello and thanks again to everyone who joined the policy update overview meeting today.  Please join us again on August 18th for the first of three workshops on Metro's policy updates.  This workshop will focus on updates to the Service Guidelines. A more detailed agenda and materials will be sent in advance (as PDFs and as an accessible Word document).

Information on the full series is below the Zoom meeting details.

Join Zoom Meeting

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Passcode: 446835
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Meeting ID: 931 6681 7152

Below is an overview of the workshop series we are holding with dates and a description of the topics, and a this invite will be updated with a detailed agenda soon. We hope you will join us.

Mobility Framework and Policy Update Overview: Thurs, July 30, 2020, 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Metro will provide a brief overview of the Mobility Framework and describe what we plan to update in the Strategic Plan, Metro Connects, and Service Guidelines, and how engagement with community partners will shape the updates.  This overview will provide background for future workshops where we will be seeking your feedback on key policy topics.
We'll also take time to provide an overview of immediate impacts of declining revenues on Metro's budget and service, and address questions.

Workshop 1: Tues, August 18, 2020, 11:30 a.m.-1:00p.m.
We'll review the planned changes for Metro's Service Guidelines sections that help us develop engagement plans and our approach to service reductions. and have break out group discussions to get your feedback on key topics.
We'll reserve time to provide any updates as related to Metro's budget picture and near-term service and other impacts and related community engagement.

Workshop 2: Tues, September 29, 2020, 11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
This workshop discussion will focus on updates to the Metro Connects long-range vision including reviewing equity analysis and other targeted changes to the Service Network Map, and long-range considerations for mobility in a post-COVID future.
We'll reserve time to provide any updates as related to Metro's budget picture and near-term service and other impacts and related community engagement.

Workshop 3: Tues, October 27, 2020, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
This workshop will focus on Metro's Service Guidelines, and review potential changes in how we consider equity, productivity, and connectivity in decisions about how we add, reduce, or change service, look at results of analysis, and get feedback.
We'll reserve time to provide any updates as related to Metro's budget picture and near-term service and other impacts and related community engagement.

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