[NFBSea] FW: LAST CHANCE Stay Healthy Streets Survey

jacobstruiksma at gmail.com jacobstruiksma at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 07:41:11 UTC 2020

Passing on for your information.

LAST CHANCE Stay Healthy Streets Survey


Hey folks, last chance to take the Stay Healthy Streets survey before it closes tomorrow!


 <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HW7ZSRN> TAKE THIS SURVEY if you have not yet done so, and tell SDOT how you feel about the Stay Healthy Streets and whether you'd like yours to be permanent.   


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Clara Cantor <clara at seattlegreenways.org <mailto:clara at seattlegreenways.org> >
Date: Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 3:17 PM
Subject: Volunteers needed: Flier posting for Stay Healthy Streets Survey
To: Clara Cantor <Clara at seattlegreenways.org <mailto:Clara at seattlegreenways.org> >


Hi Folks,


SDOT has asked us to help find volunteers to post some fliers this week on all the  <https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/stay-healthy-streets#:~:text=Background,walking%2C%20rolling%2C%20and%20biking.&text=Like%20any%20residential%20street%2C%20cut,and%20emergency%20vehicles%20are%20allowed.> Stay Healthy Streets -- are you able to help out?

1.       <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HW7ZSRN> TAKE THIS SURVEY if you have not yet done so, and tell SDOT how you feel about the Stay Healthy Streets and whether you'd like yours to be permanent. 

2.      If you're able, post some fliers along your local Stay Healthy Street! Print off a handful of the attached flier (black and white is okay) and tape or staple to the Stay Healthy Street A-frame signs or cones so that they are visible to passers-by. Be careful to not cover important words like "Street Closed". 

Make sure to wear a mask while you're out and about and talk amongst your local listserv so that you're not duplicating efforts.


Thank you all!


Be well,



 <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rcp1HkptnGtluAlMKB97vgfmywmBEfMd/view?usp=drive_web>  SHS_SurveyFlier.pdf

Preview attachment SHS_SurveyFlier.pdf <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=cfca9f6c59&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1671153747305391102&th=1731217aa13363fe&view=att&disp=inline> 



SHS_SurveyFlier.pdf <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=cfca9f6c59&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1671153747305391102&th=1731217aa13363fe&view=att&disp=inline> 

125 KB <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=cfca9f6c59&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1671153747305391102&th=1731217aa13363fe&view=att&disp=inline> 




Clara Cantor



(206) 681-5526

Community Organizer

Seattle Neighborhood Greenways

 <http://seattlegreenways.org/> Website -  <http://twitter.com/SNGreenways> Twitter -  <https://www.facebook.com/SEAGreenways> Facebook



Clara Cantor



(206) 681-5526

Community Organizer

Seattle Neighborhood Greenways

 <http://seattlegreenways.org/> Website -  <http://twitter.com/SNGreenways> Twitter -  <https://www.facebook.com/SEAGreenways> Facebook

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