[NFBSea] Fwd: Sound Transit responding to heightened COVID-19 concerns

Marci Carpenter mjc59 at comcast.net
Sun Mar 1 22:09:32 UTC 2020

FYI King County Metro also announced yesterday that they will be stepping up cleaning efforts on buses and that they will pull buses off a route during the day if there is a biohazard reported. As I understand it from both agencies they would pull an affected bus off and bring in a new one, as they do when a bus breaks down.


> From: Sound Transit <soundtransit at public.govdelivery.com>
> Date: March 1, 2020 at 1:59:51 PM PST
> To: MJC59 at comcast.net
> Subject: Sound Transit responding to heightened COVID-19 concerns
> Reply-To: soundtransit at public.govdelivery.com
> Responding to heightened COVID-19 concerns
> By Sound Transit
> March 1, 2020
> Yesterday a King County resident’s tragic death following diagnosis with the novel coronavirus/COVID-19 drove home the threats that face communities around the world. Sound Transit is among the agencies across our region and state that are mobilizing to help control the spread of the disease, and we ask you to play your part.
> Crews are putting focus on cleaning vehicles and facilities more deeply and frequently, and removing any vehicle from service until it is disinfected when there is a biohazard. If you see something that needs attention please alert a transit employee. You can call or text our security office 24 hours a day at 206-398-5268. Our cleaning will put particular focus on “high touch” areas like handrails, escalators, elevator buttons, etc.
> What can you do? Transit riders have the most important role to play. It is critical to observe the precautions that are being emphasized by health authorities. Among the most important is staying home and avoiding public places if you experience potential symptoms.
> As with typical colds and flus, we can carry a virus before we are aware of any symptoms. It’s critical to wash our hands often and thoroughly, using soap and hot water, and avoid touching our noses, mouths and eyes with unwashed hands. Keep tissues handy and cover coughs and sneezes.
> Health authorities are also emphasizing the effectiveness of “social distancing”— staying away from others when possible, especially those with potential symptoms. We all know that can be difficult on transit, but remember it’s not rude to get up and move if you need to.
> Health authorities have emphasized that so far widespread transmission of the virus is not occurring, but are planning response measures for the scenario of more cases. Sound Transit will work with authorities and closely observe their guidance going forward.
> Check back here for the latest updates. Together our actions can help control the spread of this disease. Let’s all stay attentive and vigilant.
> To read this statement online, located on The Platform, click here. Updates on this important subject will be posted to this original Platform article. If you have trouble connecting to the Platform article, the full URL is here: https://www.soundtransit.org/blog/platform/responding-to-heightened-covid-19-concerns
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> This email was sent to mjc59 at comcast.net using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Sound Transit · 401 South Jackson St · Seattle WA 98104 · 206-398-5000
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