[NFBSea] Seattle Chapter September Meeting Notes

Jim Portillo portillo.jim at gmail.com
Sat Oct 17 05:29:11 UTC 2020

Thanks to Shannon for taking notes last month.

NFB Greater Seattle Chapter meeting Minutes

September, 19th, 2020

Meeting began at 10:00am

August's minutes were moved and approved since they were sent to the list

Treasury Report:

August's treasury report was tabled.

State Convention:

  State convention will be held from November, 6th- 8th.

National Rep will be Jim Gashel.

Convention Registration fee will be $ 10.00

There will be a deadline for registration.

Swift will be the online platform used for voting.



206-296-vote is the number you can call to check for voting.

Century Link will be the only option for a place for accessible voting.


Scooter Share:

There will be a quiz for the riders to take every 3 months.   


There will be a $20 fine for riders if a picture isn't taken after the
scooter is parked or if it's parked incorrectly.

You can email Joel Miller about improperly parked scooters.

 <mailto:Joel.Miller at Seattle.Gov> Joel.Miller at Seattle.Gov

There will bee an email sent out to the list serve of who to contact.

Meeting adjourned at 11:00am 



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