[NFBSea] Metro Transit Policy Updates- final meeting

Cook, Tristan Tristan.Cook at kingcounty.gov
Fri Apr 23 23:37:24 UTC 2021

Hello community partners,

We are nearing the end of a year-long process to update Metro's policies to center equity and sustainability.

We invite you to join us for a final meeting where we'll highlight a few of the most significant changes to our policies that will be finalized this spring and transmitted to King County Council in July.

We hope you'll join us to see how your input and that of other stakeholders has shaped upstream policies that will play an important role in advancing equity and addressing climate change in our region.

Meeting agenda and materials to follow.


[cid:image001.png at 01D7385E.76E96ED0]<https://kingcounty.gov/depts/transportation/metro.aspx>
Tristan Cook (he/him)
Community Engagement Planner
Desk: 206-477-3842 I Mobile: 206-798-5702
tristan.cook at kingcounty.gov<mailto:tristan.cook at kingcounty.gov>

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