[NFBSea] FW: Aira News March 15 2021

jacobstruiksma at gmail.com jacobstruiksma at gmail.com
Wed Mar 17 05:12:32 UTC 2021

Passing on for your information.

Aira News March 15 2021


You don't want to miss this. 


Aira News March 15, 2021


Welcome to this SPECIAL EDITION of Aira News! 


Starbucks Launches Aira Access in all US Stores


We are pleased to announce, beginning March 15, Starbucks will offer free Aira service in all U.S. company-operated and licensed stores for its blind and low-vision customers. 


Is there a limit to how long someone can use Aira at Starbucks?


You can use Aira for up to 30 minutes..


What can Aira be used for while at Starbucks?


You can use Aira for any number of tasks while at a Starbucks, including:

*    Reading in-store information

*    Finding amenities such as the order counter, a table, or the restroom

*    Social Distancing in the line

*    Finding Starbucks itself, and more


Thanks to all of our explorers in the original test locations for helping to make nation-wide access possible. 


 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001NmhhblRXa4fYyGi05x_w6dsJnKhoWHhBbhStv0cXhLbtmTI3YVdzNQYxMFcUsqd4HWcvLmHCUmrNK4WmtRvCiAa9ac8nKKY2nE3UlIU6FbMsf-bE4Oxyy2OXmt9iOrBWSAGETBGidb4M25CVUVmexg==&c=4inmRIovtYn6MqThbnUOZ2pxx9GvPbAAAS9EibSMnO8l0h_2RmdPBA==&ch=kVHyQMGACBq2u6YANf6iQi1SwXDtpbPHOK2EDpehJ_C2uCcZ-rqtqw==> Read more about this groundbreaking partnership here.  


Check out this  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001NmhhblRXa4fYyGi05x_w6dsJnKhoWHhBbhStv0cXhLbtmTI3YVdzNWhKZqQmx-VMX6tX9WJ-n-Q-TGHoXr5pqxd436y8mqSKBbFhBf2Ub8jLklJC0vnEU5ciz8jKwPmoZphbM5tIVZ0=&c=4inmRIovtYn6MqThbnUOZ2pxx9GvPbAAAS9EibSMnO8l0h_2RmdPBA==&ch=kVHyQMGACBq2u6YANf6iQi1SwXDtpbPHOK2EDpehJ_C2uCcZ-rqtqw==> Starbucks Story about Aira Explorer Susan and what access means to her.  


March Explorer Call 


Our March Explorer Call features special guest Sevana Massih, Manager of Global Accessibility with Starbucks. She has 17 years of experience in business management and has held several roles at Starbucks including being a District Manager. She led several complex markets in the Bay Area and previously served as chairperson of the Northern California chapter for Disability Advocacy Network. One of Sevana’s significant projects is the U.S. Signing Store in Washington, D.C., which became a global model for disability inclusion for individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Throughout her career journey she has gained a wealth of experience in managing and working with diverse teams. Sevana is passionate about merging her experience in business management and accessibility to create systemic and sustainable changes.


In the March Active Zone we’ll be talking exercise equipment. Do you have a rowing machine, treadmill or other equipment and need to know all the settings? Are you researching equipment and want to know exactly what an elliptical is? We’ll talk with our Aira Active Coaches and also learn about those February meals. 


March Explorer Call: Wednesday, March 17 

Active Zone: 7:30pm Eastern time (US & Canada), 11:30pm (UK)

Thursday, March 18: 10:30am(Eastern AU), 12:30pm (NZ)


Explorer Call: 8:00pm Eastern time (US & Canada), 

Thursday, March 18, 12:00am (UK), 11:00am (Eastern AU), 1:00pm (NZ) 


 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001NmhhblRXa4fYyGi05x_w6dsJnKhoWHhBbhStv0cXhLbtmTI3YVdzNVocJ_-5yjEvoxV21EprgJJIOxU1BYvYf7Oe--s5rVfUOGkaiYEpLIOGUd2D2ow-RGhp4AX9HIKelL5wlnf99NRLt4dR5IUYmQSEa_KOZZ7G&c=4inmRIovtYn6MqThbnUOZ2pxx9GvPbAAAS9EibSMnO8l0h_2RmdPBA==&ch=kVHyQMGACBq2u6YANf6iQi1SwXDtpbPHOK2EDpehJ_C2uCcZ-rqtqw==> Join us on Zoom.  

 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001NmhhblRXa4fYyGi05x_w6dsJnKhoWHhBbhStv0cXhLbtmTI3YVdzNfTDfrdc_uSNHm3bcYydirTBXIiClV4pGA_MkhiH1gL0tKytcNP6OZmVYYTBcSBZlcIuhPvI0VPHfrT2qyFc2TNHnJkDjT0_tbb66FBQW70t&c=4inmRIovtYn6MqThbnUOZ2pxx9GvPbAAAS9EibSMnO8l0h_2RmdPBA==&ch=kVHyQMGACBq2u6YANf6iQi1SwXDtpbPHOK2EDpehJ_C2uCcZ-rqtqw==> Join us on our Youtube channel.


Afternoon at the Museum 

Presidential Pet Museum 


This week we welcome Andrew Hager of the Presidential Pet Museum. We’ll learn about the wide variety of pets who have lived in the

White Houses well as learning about being a museum curator as a blind person. 


 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001NmhhblRXa4fYyGi05x_w6dsJnKhoWHhBbhStv0cXhLbtmTI3YVdzNfTDfrdc_uSN77tFLU1tSHVsl2WSqJwZey_6yBEV-VO6bJ-HZfo65G58l-yMiEzBWdRddrV-oBmFjEmunU4yDidLf0dAFGdphsxpb7CtP2RB&c=4inmRIovtYn6MqThbnUOZ2pxx9GvPbAAAS9EibSMnO8l0h_2RmdPBA==&ch=kVHyQMGACBq2u6YANf6iQi1SwXDtpbPHOK2EDpehJ_C2uCcZ-rqtqw==> Join us on Zoom.  


 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001NmhhblRXa4fYyGi05x_w6dsJnKhoWHhBbhStv0cXhLbtmTI3YVdzNfTDfrdc_uSNHm3bcYydirTBXIiClV4pGA_MkhiH1gL0tKytcNP6OZmVYYTBcSBZlcIuhPvI0VPHfrT2qyFc2TNHnJkDjT0_tbb66FBQW70t&c=4inmRIovtYn6MqThbnUOZ2pxx9GvPbAAAS9EibSMnO8l0h_2RmdPBA==&ch=kVHyQMGACBq2u6YANf6iQi1SwXDtpbPHOK2EDpehJ_C2uCcZ-rqtqw==> Join our Youtube channel.  


Contact us


For more information about anything above, please call our Customer Care Team.



US & Canada: 800.835.1934.

Australia: 1.800.765.096.

New Zealand: 0.800.425.451.

UK: 0.800.046.5668.

Or email us.  <mailto:Contact%20us%20%20For%20more%20information%20about%20anything%20above,%20please%20call%20our%20Customer%20Care%20Team.%20%20%20US%20%26%20Canada:%20800.835.1934.%20%20Australia:%201.800.765.096.%20%20New%20Zealand:%200.800.425.451.%20%20UK:%200.800.046.5668.%20%20Or%20email%20us.%20(support at aira.io)%20%20%20Your%20Aira%20Team%20%20> support at aira.io  


Your Aira Team 




Aira Tech Corp | 3451 Via Montebello, STE 192 P, Carlsbad, CA 92009 


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