[NFBSea] June Chapter Meeting Minutes

portillo.jim at gmail.com portillo.jim at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 05:25:58 UTC 2021

These are the minutes from June. We will vote on approving them on Saturday.

As always, thanks to Deja for great notes.

See you then!


Greater Seattle Chapter Meeting

June 19, 2021

10:00-12:00 pm

Location: Via Zoom

Participants: 14


The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m.

Celebrated all the graduates on the call.

Happy Juneteenth!!


We approved the minutes from the previous meeting. They were sent out
earlier in the week-and the meeting minutes were approved.


Treasurer's Report: Beginning balance: $2012.36; .05 interest. $30 PAC Plan.
Final balance: $1982.41


Tabling April's meeting minutes until next time. Deja will send them out via


State of the State: Marci Carpenter, Affiliate President

*	You can still register for national convention-registration open
through the end of the convention.

*	If registered now, you are eligible to vote and are in for door
prize drawing. 
*	The agenda was just emailed out and is now available just prior to
the meeting.
*	Washington Caucus-July 9th, Marci will email everyone with the time
for the caucus.
*	Marcie suggested-Diversity, Equity, and inclusion sessions during
national convention. 
*	Survivor Task Force: Workshops on consent, boundaries, allyship, and
*	Phone line: Convention Safe Spaces
*	Our state convention will be held at the Hilton in Bellevue,
Washington on November 5, 6, & 7. We are considering doing a hybrid
convention, in-person and virtual. There was some discussion on people's
thoughts about the convention being hybrid. It will be announced shortly.


August Chapter Summer Party: Thinking of going to a brewery or beer garden
in Ballard or Fremont. Possibly the last weekend in August. Still looking at
dates for the event, but the chapter suggested the first weekend of August.


A new membership committee has been formed including Al, as chair. We
discussed how to bring in new people? We talked about doing a PSA for the
chapter/affiliate. Possibly reach out to fraternities and sororities. 


Blind Seniors: Bennett talked about the seniors, says they are getting old.
Next week there will be a meeting for seniors, noon on the 4th Saturday of
the month. 


June 22 Student have a membership call. 


Chapter Spotlight: Outside the NFB-Danny Heathman talked about home brewing.


Did a team building activity: What is your DREAM banquet meal? 


Motion to close the meeting. Adjourned at 11:11 a.m.




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