[NFBSea] FW: Sound Transit's Citizens Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Next Week

jacobstruiksma at gmail.com jacobstruiksma at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 08:25:44 UTC 2022

Passing on for your information.

Sound Transit's Citizens Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Next Week


Hi all. 


Sound Transit's Citizens Accessibility Advisory Committee meets next
Tuesday, February 1st, from 9:00 - noon. Attached you will find the meeting
agenda as well as minutes from December's meeting that includes information
about follow-up action items and other materials requested by the committee.
Connection information is below and on the attached agenda. Note that there
is a place for public comments at the start of the meeting. If you know that
you want to comment, please let me know by responding to this message with
your name. You can also submit written comments in advance of the meeting if
you wish. 


To join the meeting next Tuesday:

b235414c7f%22%7d> Click here to join the meeting 

Or call in (audio only) 

 <tel:+12064851387,,296956623#> +1 206-485-1387,,296956623# 


The meeting room will be open at 8:30, so feel free to join early so that
the meeting can start on time.


Thank you for your interest in Sound Transit and accessibility!


Donna Smith, ADAC

Manager Accessible Services

Sound Transit703-505-4642 (Mobile/Best Number)

206-370-5344 (Office)

Donna.smith at soundtransit.org <mailto:Donna.smith at soundtransit.org> 

www.soundtransit.org <http://www.soundtransit.org> 


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