[NFBSea] Fwd: NLS Patron Engagement Zoom Event June 13th

Marci Carpenter mjc59 at comcast.net
Mon Jun 6 17:38:46 UTC 2022

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Danielle Miller <danielle.miller at sos.wa.gov>
> Date: June 6, 2022 at 10:29:33 AM PDT
> To: MJC59 at comcast.net
> Subject: NLS Patron Engagement Zoom Event June 13th
> Reply-To: Danielle Miller <danielle.miller at sos.wa.gov>
> WTBBL is excited to share an opportunity for our patrons to attend a new NLS program. The “Patron Corner” will be a quarterly program that will give patrons a chance to ask questions and to hear more about various services directly from NLS staff. This hour-long program will be interactive and have a different topic each time.
> The topic for the June 13th session is “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Collection Selection, but Did Not Have the Vehicle to Ask.” Their guests will be members of the Collections Division at NLS who are responsible for selecting the books in the NLS collection. Bring your questions and your thoughts about the NLS collection and join them at https://tinyurl.com/PatronEngagement.
> The full Zoom invitation, including call-in numbers, is included below.
> When you join this Zoom event, you will be in the waiting room until the program starts. When you enter the room, your phone or computer will be muted. Please stay on mute unless you are called on. If you want to ask a question, you may raise your hand by pressing Alt Y on your computer or Star 9 on your phone. Once you are called on, press Alt A on your computer or Star 6 on your phone to unmute yourself. Finally, this meeting will be recorded. If you do not wish to be recorded, we ask that you avoid speaking during the session.
> Join Online 
> One tap mobile: US: +16692545252,,1600983343# or +16468287666,,1600983343#
> Meeting URL: https://loc.zoomgov.com/j/1600983343?pwd=VW9tRWtwY3BsdHRac0s2MmJkN0RCZz09
> Meeting ID: 160 098 3343
> Passcode: 164674
> Join by Telephone -- For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.
> Dial: US: +1 669 254 5252 or +1 646 828 7666 or +1 669 216 1590 or +1 551 285 1373 
> Meeting ID: 160 098 3343
> 	Facebook
> 	Website
> Washington Talking Book & Braille Library
> Washington State Library | Office of the Secretary of State
> 2021 9th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121
> 206-615-0400 | wtbbl at sos.wa.gov  
> ~~ Connecting Washington through the power of libraries ~~
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