[NFBSea] FW: Act Now to Influence the Seattle Transportation Plan!

jacobstruiksma at gmail.com jacobstruiksma at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 21:29:43 UTC 2022

Passing on for your information.

Act Now to Influence the Seattle Transportation Plan!




Take SDOT's survey to influence the new Seattle Transportation Plan!

The Seattle Dept. of Transportation (SDOT) just launched the first of two
rounds of community engagement. Two ways to give input: 

*	 <https://seattletransportationplan.infocommunity.org/#survey> Take
the survey to share your priorities and challenges when navigating Seattle.
Pro tip: Take the full survey - the last page has great questions! 
*	Add pins to the interactive map
<https://seattletransportationplan.infocommunity.org/#survey>  to highlight
gaps in our bike network and places you have trouble getting around as a
pedestrian. You can also provide ideas to improve transit, and other changes
you envision for the future of our city.




What is the Seattle Transportation Plan?

This plan will guide transportation planning and implementation for the next
decade. It updates and combines the city's bike, freight, pedestrian, and
transit maps into one plan. It also determines how and where people will fit
onto Seattle's streets. Learn more here.

The plan will inform the next transportation levy and be incorporated into
Seattle's Comprehensive Plan which shapes how our city grows - where
housing, parks and services are located. It is critical that it reflects and
advances our safety, equity, and climate goals.




What's happening Now?

Over the last year and a half, SDOT has created preliminary policies for
transit, freight, and biking that will be incorporated into the Seattle
Transportation Plan. And thanks to
<https://seattlegreenways.org/blog/2022/03/12/10701/> your advocacy, that
policy for bike routes now includes some safety considerations. This is a
huge win! But it's not enough. We need to stay vigilant in our fight to
prioritize safety, equity, and climate.

19> Click here to stay tuned for future engagement opportunities. We expect
a second round of engagement this fall before the plan is completed in 2023.




 <https://seattletransportationplan.infocommunity.org/#survey> Take the
survey and add pins to the
<https://seattletransportationplan.infocommunity.org/#survey> interactive
map now to make sure that your thoughts and values are included in Seattle's
transportation vision.


Thank you for your continued advocacy!


Be well,



  <https://seattlegreenways.org/wp-content/uploads/clara-150x150.jpg> Clara

Community Organizer
Seattle Neighborhood Greenways

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Seattle Neighborhood Greenways. 


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