[NFBSea] FW: ACT NOW for a 2023 City Budget that reflects your values!

jacobstruiksma at gmail.com jacobstruiksma at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 09:56:26 UTC 2022

Passing on for your information.

ACT NOW for a 2023 City Budget that reflects your values!



Thank you to those of you that have been engaged in Budget Advocacy already
this year! We’re now in the home stretch. 

The City of Seattle is failing to reach its safety, equity, and climate
goals. A budget is a moral document, and we are working with the Seattle
Solidarity Budget Coalition <https://www.seattlesolidaritybudget.com/>  to
ask the City Council to amend the Mayor’s proposed budget to better reflect
our shared values.

Click here
<https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/t80V0zXegP5NATg6-7Utcw>  to email
the City Council to support the Solidarity Budget transportation asks.



ACT NOW: Three easy ways to ask the City Council to pass a #BudgetToLive and
#BudgetToThrive, including safety for people walking, rolling, biking, and
taking transit:

*	Speak during the public comment period at the Budget Committee
Meeting TONIGHT, Tuesday, Nov 15, 5:00 pm. Comment virtually (sign up 2 hrs
prior <https://www.seattle.gov/council/committees/public-comment> ) or in
person at Council chambers at Seattle City Hall. Click here
<https://www.seattle.gov/council/committees/public-comment>  for more
information, and find Solidarity Budget talking points here
<http://bit.ly/sbtakeaction> .
*	Click here
<https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/t80V0zXegP5NATg6-7Utcw>  to send
an email to council members.
*	Word of mouth is the best form of advocacy - share this Action Alert
with at least 3 friends

SAVE THE DATE: There will be additional opportunities to make public
comments on Monday, November 21 at 9:30 am




The Solidarity Budget priorities include for four critical transportation
priorities to make the budget better reflect our city’s values:

1.	Keep the traffic enforcement division in SDOT, don’t move it back to
SPD: Thanks to your advocacy, the council budget keeps Parking Enforcement
Officers in SDOT while the city determines where the division should
ultimately reside – but this will almost certainly be challenged. Civilian
workers belong in a civilian-led department, and Parking Enforcement
Officers should be partners in curb space management – to get people parking
in places that allow everyone access to sidewalks, bike lanes, curb ramps,
and more. The division should stay within SDOT to allow greater
collaboration to make our streets safer using more strategies than just
oNEE/edit?usp=sharing> . 
2.	Fund protected bike lanes and pedestrian safety improvements in
District 2. Since the Mayor released his proposed budget at the end of
September, 7 people have been hit and killed while walking, rolling, or
biking in Seattle, and over ½ of these deaths came in D2. These deaths are a
policy choice the city has made over the years by refusing to invest in safe
street infrastructure in the South End. Council should shift funding from
car infrastructure and from neighborhoods that have historically seen high
investment in street safety projects to fund protected bike lanes and
pedestrian safety improvements in D2.
3.	Automated speed camera enforcement expansion needs to be equitable.
Automated speed cameras are effective at getting drivers to slow down in
school zones, and better than armed officer enforcement. In fact, 95% of
drivers that receive a ticket never get a 2nd ticket at that location
<https://www.our-streets.org/the-real-deal/traffic-cameras> . However, there
are surveillance concerns and high ticket costs are disproportionately harsh
for lower income residents. In the long term, please investigate tiered
ticketing based on income. In the short term, this program must issue
warnings instead of tickets for first violations and create alternatives for
people who can’t pay.
4.	Reverse cuts that make our City less accessible for disabled people.
The balancing package cuts $4M for sidewalk maintenance and $1.5M for ADA
compliance in parks. Uneven and crumbling sidewalks pose extreme mobility
challenges to people with disabilities and create tripping hazards –
especially for elders – and many of our parks are extremely inaccessible.
Even at the current rate of funding, it will take centuries for Seattle to
repair the 150,000+ repair issues that the city knows about. Council should
not cut funding to these vital and already extremely under-funded programs.

 <http://bit.ly/sbtakeaction> Click here to see talking points for other
Solidarity Budget priorities.






This week, the Budget Committee Chair presented a draft Council budget that
responds to council member and community priorities. Thanks to your
advocacy, this new draft budget improves on the Mayor’s proposed budget in
many ways, but there’s still a lot of work to do to bring us closer to the
Solidarity Budget Coalition’s vision. 

Over the last month and a half, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, has been
advocating for a city budget that aligns with our shared values of safety,
equity, and climate. We remain committed to organizing as a cross-movement
coalition and working together for a city budget that allows us all to live
and to thrive.

In one week, council members will vote on final amendments to the budget.
Council needs to hear from you NOW!



Thank you for your continued advocacy!

Want to do more? Get involved in Seattle Neighborhood Greenways by
20> volunteering with us or
<https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/cHEGKrdwq8zgyufFhza4sA> donating
to support our work.


  <http://seattlegreenways.org/wp-content/uploads/clara.jpg> Clara Cantor

Community Organizer
Seattle Neighborhood Greenways
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fvR-Jf0_X>  - Facebook


Seattle Neighborhood Greenways.


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