[NFBSea] FW: [CSGreenways] Reminder: Take the City's Survey on Lake Washington Boulevard!

jacobstruiksma at gmail.com jacobstruiksma at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 23:52:00 UTC 2022

Passing on for your information.

ReminderTake the City's Survey on Lake Washington Boulevard!


Hi friends,


Reminder that if you have not yet done so, please weigh in on the future of Lake Washington Boulevard!


 <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K7JRR89> Take the survey here, and share with your friends and networks! See below for more information.


Be well,



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Clara Cantor <clara at seattlegreenways.org <mailto:clara at seattlegreenways.org> >
Date: Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 3:43 PM
Subject: Act Now: Take the City's Survey on Lake Washington Boulevard!
To: <Clara at seattlegreenways.org <mailto:Clara at seattlegreenways.org> >


Dear Clara,

Share your vision for Lake Washington Boulevard. Take the City of Seattle Survey Now! <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K7JRR89>  


We've been pushing for a more accessible Lake Washington Boulevard for two years, and we're not stopping now! The community visioning process is underway, and despite past surveys run by SDOT that supported keeping the street open to people walking/biking/rolling <https://www.surveymonkey.com/stories/SM-9Z839L9J/> , the results of this survey will likely be the only ones taken seriously.

The survey can be a bit confusing. We recommend supporting the following solutions in question 6:

1.	"Provide dedicated space along the boulevard to separate people driving and people that ride bikes"
2.	"Increase the number of days, weekends, or seasons the road is temporarily closed to cars and open to people that ride bikes, walk, and use mobility aid"
3.	"Add traffic calming devices such as speed humps"

We recommend supporting the following solutions in question 8:

1.	"Provide more sidewalks and wider walking paths"
2.	"Improve pedestrian crossings with marked crosswalks, tactile push buttons, and raised crosswalks at key pedestrian crossings"
3.	"Stop signs, flashing lights, and other devices to stop traffic and allow people walking and using mobility aid to cross the street"

For question 11 we recommend encouraging the city to use half of the street for a trail and the other half for an access lane, and to improve access to Lake Washington Boulevard from nearby bus stops. 

How you can help:

1.	Take the Survey Now <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K7JRR89>  to share how you use Lake WA Blvd and how it could be safer.
2.	Share the survey with your friends and neighbors!


The Community Task Force, representatives convened by the city that will help shape permanent improvements for the street and guide further outreach, will be making recommendations based on the results of this survey and other community engagement. 

Thanks to your advocacy, we recently secured $400,000 in funding from the new Parks District budget which will be used to implement the final design that comes from those recommendations, starting in 2023.

Thank you for your continued advocacy! See more information in the City of Seattle's email below.


Be well,

Clara Cantor

P.S. If you can, please power our efforts to make more safe streets for people! <https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/cHEGKrdwq8zgyufFhza4sA> ". Thank you! 

You are receiving this email from Seattle Neighborhood Greenways because you've told us you care about safe streets in SE Seattle. To unsubscribe from this email, please email clara at seattlegreenways.org <mailto:Clara at SeattleGreenways.org> 


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Seattle Dept of Transportation <stayhealthystreets at seattle.gov <mailto:stayhealthystreets at seattle.gov> >
Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 3:09 PM
Subject: Lake Washington Blvd Survey
To: <gordon at seattlegreenways.org <mailto:gordon at seattlegreenways.org> >


View this email in your browser <https://mailchi.mp/seattle/lwb-thanksgiving-9763045?e=53ff90093d> 



Lake Washington Blvd Survey and Update

In May 2022, we announced the start of a community visioning process <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=ce5659de64&e=53ff90093d>  for Lake Washington Boulevard. This process, in partnership with Seattle Parks and Recreation and the community, will co-create design concept(s) that promote pedestrian and bicycle uses and increase safety for everyone that travels along Lake Washington Boulevard. 

Over the past few months, we’ve worked with a Task Force that includes long-time Seattle community members and representatives from local organizations including Friends of Seward Park, Seward Park Audubon Center, Disability Rights Washington, Rainier Valley Greenways, Mount Baker Community Club, Lakewood Seward Park Community Club, long-time Seattle residents, and neighbors near Lake Washington Boulevard. For the full list of Task Force members and their affiliation, please visit the project website here <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=d24404cc9e&e=53ff90093d> 

You can watch videos of the Task Force meetings to-date on YouTube (links: meeting #1 <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=2894da3741&e=53ff90093d> , meeting #2 <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=2c777b5b59&e=53ff90093d> , meeting #3 <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=567552151d&e=53ff90093d> , meeting #4 <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=d66e0d3772&e=53ff90093d> , and meeting #5 <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=c787ba1252&e=53ff90093d> ). We’ve also been out talking with community members at summer events like UmojaFest <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=4855e6d3f9&e=53ff90093d>  and the Othello Festival <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=6efef945e3&e=53ff90093d> .  

We want to hear directly from you – please take our survey <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=76b575b77d&e=53ff90093d> . Your input will help us better understand what’s working well for you along Lake Washington Boulevard, what could be improved, and how we can enhance safety and the overall traveler experience. We’ll share the survey results with the community this winter. 

We will also be in the community this fall encouraging and helping people to take this survey. Be on the lookout for our staff and Task Force members at places like Boo Bash in Rainier Beach <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=e880ecea2f&e=53ff90093d>  and local grocery stores and community centers. We encourage you to stay tuned to our website <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=9e3a9cbaed&e=53ff90093d>  for the latest details and sign up for email updates <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=2ee081d157&e=53ff90093d> . 

We are gathering information on how this important community asset can be made safer and more accessible for all travelers. Results of this engagement campaign, public input, recommendations from the Task Force, and previous outreach and engagement over the past 2 ½ years will inform potential future operational changes.  

We recognize some community members are concerned the City will permanently close Lake Washington Boulevard to people driving. A full, permanent closure of Lake Washington Boulevard to cars is not under consideration as part of this process. 

Councilmember Tammy Morales has proposed additional funding to help advance the design of the resulting street concept(s) over the next two years (2023-2024). 

This last summer, Seattle Parks and Recreation hosted “Bicycle Weekends”. During select weekends and over holiday weekends last summer, Lake Washington Boulevard was closed to cars and open to people riding bikes, walking, and rolling. If you would like more information about last summer’s “Bicycle Weekends” please visit the Seattle Parks and Recreation blog <https://seattle.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eee22a93dbc7d580ff4be885d&id=072160b282&e=53ff90093d> .  

Thank you for your time and interest. 


As you’re aware, in response to the pandemic, during summer 2020, we closed 3 miles of Lake Washington Blvd to cars and opened it for people to walk, bike, roller skate, scoot, etc. Building on the program’s success and an outreach campaign in early 2021, we closed 3 miles of Lake Washington Blvd to cars on the weekends and holidays from July 2021 to October 2021.

Thanks to Councilmember Tammy J. Morales, we have $200,000 through the 2022 budget to work with the community and explore the right balance of closures and possible permanent operational changes to promote more walking, rolling, and biking on Lake Washington Blvd in the future.

“South Seattle has constantly been left out of the conversation when it comes to increasing safety in mobility. There are over four thousand miles of road in this city, and less than one percent of it is actual protected bike infrastructure. I’m excited to see positive changes that will increase pedestrian safety moving forward, and I’m proud our office was able to secure this funding and ensure that there will be a participatory process to engage our community members.” - Councilmember Tammy J. Morales



People biking on Lake Washington Blvd during a summer 2021 weekend closure. 


If you have any questions or comments please email StayHealthyStreets at Seattle.gov <mailto:StayHealthyStreets at Seattle.gov> . 

Thank you,? 

Adonis Ducksworth







People biking and riding scooters on Lake Washington Blvd during a summer 2021 weekend closure.










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Clara Cantor



(206) 681-5526

Community Organizer

Seattle Neighborhood Greenways

 <http://seattlegreenways.org/> Website -  <http://twitter.com/SNGreenways> Twitter -  <https://www.facebook.com/SEAGreenways> Facebook - Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/seagreenways/>  - LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/company/seattle-neighborhood-greenways> 



To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/centralseattlegreenways/CAGZbed0%2BdU6ojXvk7nztbAdGMhuEf%2BZdB1HotAAn2yVa32oN8A%40mail.gmail.com <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/centralseattlegreenways/CAGZbed0%2BdU6ojXvk7nztbAdGMhuEf%2BZdB1HotAAn2yVa32oN8A%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer> .

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