[NFBSea] Upcoming April Seattle Meeting!

portillo.jim at gmail.com portillo.jim at gmail.com
Sat Apr 15 04:59:20 UTC 2023

National Federation of the Blind of Washington

Greater Seattle Chapter Meeting!

Join us for our upcoming meeting, Saturday April 22, 2023, beginning at
11:00 AM

We will be meeting at Razzi's Pizzeria


SEATTLE, WA 98103.

Razzi's Pizzeria is on the #5 bus line.


There will be plenty to discuss at our upcoming April meeting! Although a
few board members are unable to attend due to being out of town, the board
members in attendance will make sure that business goes on as usual!

After an ice breaker, we will review last month's meeting minutes as well as
have a comprehensive Treasurer's Report.

Marci will discuss what is going on both at the state and national level.
Remember, National Convention is coming up July 1-6, in Houston! Are you
registered yet?

Speaking of convention, fund raising will be discussed, and some of that
money will be used to help send people! It would be wonderful to have a
large Seattle contingency in Houston!

We will have a brief update from the Membership Committee.

Kristin and Marci will also spend time giving important details about the
outing to Bainbridge Island, which will take the place of next month's
meeting. Let's make sure and spread the word to all chapter members. It will
be a fun outing which will give us a chance to interact with and learn from
one another!

Our guest speaker will be Greg Spotts, who is the new director of the
Seattle Department of Transportation. He wants to hear from and chat with
the chapter. Come ready to interact with him.

Finally, if there is time, Jessie Lorenz will discuss some of the advantages
and answer questions regarding shopping using Amazon Alexa. Come with

After our meeting, let's stay, have lunch, and fellowship with one another.
Razzi's has an extensive menu from which to choose a good meal, big or
small. There is now a Braille menu, produced by one of our chapter members.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on April 22, at 11:00!

Jim Portillo

Seattle Chapter President


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