[NFBSea] Legislation to Ban Right Turns on Red Lights (statewide)

Anna Zivarts annaz at dr-wa.org
Tue Jan 10 14:05:33 UTC 2023

HI folks,

We have heard from our allies at Cascade Bikes that legislation to make turning right through  red light (for cars) illegal.

I've heard from many of you, especially Blind folks, that having cars turning through the crosswalk while you have the walk signal can make crossing more dangerous, if not impossible.

And actually, right turns on red were generally not allowed throughout the US until the 1970s, when it was thought that allowing right turns on red would reduce "congestion" and therefore conserve gas. We now know that's a bunch of bunk science, and that the easier and faster you make it for people to drive, the more they drive and so no gas is saved.

Because there's been such an increase in pedestrian deaths and serious injuries in car crashes over the last few years,  the legislature this year is very focused on pedestrian safety. This ban on rights turns on red would be part of that focus.

If you have a story about a time when turning drivers made it dangerous or impossible for you to get across the street, we need to hear from you! You can send me a written story, set up a time to record a video with us via Zoom, or even let me know if you'd like to testify remotely in the legislature.


A. Zivarts


Director, Disability Mobility Initiative<https://www.disabilityrightswa.org/programs/disabilitymobility/>

Disability Rights Washington

315 5th Ave S, Ste 850

Seattle, WA 98104

206 718 8432<tel:+12067188432> (cell)

annaz at dr-wa.org<mailto:annaz at dr-wa.org>

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