[NFBSea] FW: U District Summer Green Street - Invitation to Participate

jacobstruiksma at gmail.com jacobstruiksma at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 06:31:13 UTC 2024

Passing on for your information.

: U District Summer Green Street - Invitation to Participate


Good afternoon University Greenways members,


We've got some great news to share. Our community was awarded a $50k grant by the Department of Neighborhoods to fund the Summer Green Street.


This critical funding will help us activate a part of NE 42nd Street temporarily, as an experiment in 'tactical urbanism', during the summer to try out the strategies identified in the conceptual plan <https://green.udistrict.org/>  we developed together last year and then to solicit community feedback for the future improvement of the street. 


Our summer project begins this month and must be completed by October, after the U District Food Walk. There is much to do and we would love it if you would like to participate in shaping our neighborhood. 


How do you want to participate? - Choose one:


A. Steering Committee: The working group to manage the summer project, with a commitment to meet every 2-3 weeks from June-September. 


B. Stakeholder Group: Key constituents (adjacent business or property owners, residents, UW, advocates), with a commitment to meet only 3 times from June-September. 


C. Volunteers: Invaluable volunteers to help realize the proposed activation, meeting to produce a particular project task or event as needed. 


D. In the Loop: Add me to the list to be informed of project updates via email newsletter. 


E. None of the above. 




If you are considering serving on the Steering Committee, committing to meet every 2-3 weeks this summer, we are hosting our kick-off meeting this Wednesday, June 5 at noon in person and online. Let me know if you are interested. 


This will be an exciting and fun project for our neighborhood to mockup the kind of pedestrian-priority street we envision.










Summer Green Street Project Website <https://green.udistrict.org/greenstreet> 




Cory Crocker | President

a: U District Advocates  | P O Box 85472 Seattle WA 98145 
e: cory at udistrict.org | w: <http://udistrict.org>  udistrict.org 
m: 206-972-2679



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