[Nfbsf] Agenda for the October NFBC SF Chapter Meeting

JKTomasell at aol.com JKTomasell at aol.com
Thu Oct 14 00:37:44 UTC 2010

NFBSF Chapter
Agenda for Chapter Meeting
Scheduled for 10/16/10, 1:00 pm  
Agenda Items:  
list of 3 items
• Quorum able to do business   Yes / No    
• Roll-call   
• Call to Order  by President  
list  end
list of 2 items
• Vicious Dog Unit, SFPD  (Eric) 
• GGT  issues  
list end
list of 2 items
• Secretary’s Report (Jaime) 
list of 1 items nesting  level 1
• Approval of Minutes  
list end nesting level 1
•  Treasurer’s Report  (Seth) 
list end
list of 5 items
• Grants for convention  (Eric)  
list of 2  items nesting level 1
• Request NFBC matching funds  
• # of Grants  and $ per   
list end nesting level 1
• Chapter Donation to the  Affiliate at Convention   
• Fundraiser party/auction  AG Ferrari  (Eric) 
• Philosophy Discussion  (Open) 
• Adjournment      

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