[Nfbsf] NFBC SF Chapter's August 2010 Meeting Minutes
jktomasell at aol.com
jktomasell at aol.com
Thu Sep 30 17:42:18 UTC 2010
NFBC San Francisco Chapter Meeting Minutes on August 21, 2010
The August chapter meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
California San Francisco Chapter happened on Saturday August 21, 2010.
This month’s chapter meeting was led by Jonathan Lyens, current second
chair vice president of the NFBC San Francisco Chapter. The reason why
is because our current chapter president Eric Holm was absent for this
month’s chapter meeting. This month’s chapter meeting was called to
order at 1:10 pm.
As it states in the chapter’s constitution there was three
constitutional chapter board members and one third of the chapter
members in attendance at this month’s chapter meeting to have quorum to
have an official chapter meeting on August 21, 2010.
The following chapter members were in attendance for this month’s
meeting: Jonathan Lyens, Jaime Tomasello, Seth Webster, David Chan,
Darian Smith, & Heather Williams.
The following chapter members were not in attendance for this month’s
meeting: Eric Holm, Ed Vaughn, Tanya Vlatch, Jim Blacksten, LisaMaria
Martinez, Kathryn Stewart – Lopez, Pat Munson, Jack Munson, & Serena
The following guests were in attendance for this month’s meeting:
Lauren Manierre.
Reading of the Minutes:
As of the June 2010 chapter meeting the motion of the chapter’s
secretary sending the last several chapter meeting minutes starting
with the November 2009 to the June 2010 meeting minutes via email to
all current chapter members by email was approved. Jaime Tomasello,
current chapter secretary of the NFBC San Francisco Chapter asked
everyone who attended this month’s meeting if they received that email
and unfortunately found out that those who attended this month’s
chapter meeting did not receive that email. It was suggested that
Jaime send all the minutes that have not been read and approved
including the minutes of the August meeting to all current chapter
members again so we can approve all the minutes at the September
chapter meeting of the NFBC San Francisco Chapter. Darian Smith made
the motion that Jaime send all the minutes that have not been approved
yet including the minutes of the August chapter meeting minutes to all
current chapter members via email again so we can approve all the
minutes at the September chapter meeting of the NFBC San Francisco
Chapter. Seth Webster seconded the motion. All who attended this
month’s chapter meeting agreed and voted on this motion. The motion
was approved and carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Seth Webster, current chapter treasurer mentioned that we officially
have our new checking account in place at the Van Nyes and Market
Street Bank of America branch in San Francisco. As of Thursday before
this month’s chapter meeting happen both Seth’s and Eric’s signatures
are on record for the chapter’s checking account. When Eric and Seth
were at the bank the following occurred: ordering of new checks for
the account, online banking for the account was set up, and signing up
for a VISA bank check card. Seth mentioned that with the bank check
card that we have to make a purchase once a month with the card and we
as the chapter be charged a charge for the months that we do not use
it. Seth did not know how much the charge was because the information
was in the packet that Seth received when he went to the bank.
Jonathan asked Seth if he can look into seeing how much the charge
would be if we do not use the bank card per month. Seth suggested that
maybe by purchasing snacks for the monthly meeting we as the chapter
can use the check card and then everyone can pitch a few dollars and
return that money back into the chapter’s checking account. The
following is his report for this month’s chapter meeting.
+ $1,560.93 from the cashier’s check from Bank of America from the
chapter’s old checking account.
+ $100.00 donation that Ed Vaughn received for the chapter.
+ $5 for Eric Holm’s 2010 chapter dues
+$5 for Ed Vaughn’s 2010 chapter dues.
+ $5 for Jonathan Lyens’s 2010 chapter dues.
+$5 for Jaime Tomasello’s 2010 chapter dues.
+ $5 for Seth Webster’s 2010 chapter dues.
+ $5 for David Chan’s 2010 chapter dues.
+ $5 for Jim Blacksten’s 2010 chapter dues.
+ $5 for Elizabeth Stewart’s 2010 chapter dues.
+ $5 for Kathryn Stewart – Lopez’s 2010 chapter dues.
+ $5 for Pat Munson’s 2010 chapter dues.
+ $5 for Jack Munson’s 2010 chapter dues.
+$5 for Joanne Vaughn’s 2010 chapter dues.
+ $5 for Heather William’s 2010 chapter dues.
New Balance: $1,725.93.
The motion for this month’s treasurer’s report was made by Seth Webster
and was seconded by Jaime Tomasello. All those who attended this
month’s chapter meeting agreed and voted on this motion. The motion
was approved and carried.
Event’s Committee Report:
At the June’s chapter meeting it was mentioned by the chapter that Eric
appoint Tanya Vlatch as chairperson for the event’s committee though
she was absent from the chapter meeting. Seth mentioned at the last
month’s chapter meeting that he was going to try to contact her and ask
and hopefully she would come to this month’s chapter meeting and accept
the appointment from Eric as the chapter’s events committee chairperson
but Tanya was absent again for the chapter meeting. Darian suggested
that we should not have a chairperson for the event’s committee and to
allow the entire chapter work together to allow more chapter members be
involved with events for the chapter such as the A.G. Ferrari holiday
A.G. Ferrari Holiday Event:
Seth mentioned that the manger at A.G. Ferrari was contacted by Eric a
few days before the chapter meeting for this month but the manager was
on vacation. Seth was going to try to contact the manager again to see
if we can have our holiday event again at that location. If the
manager agrees with us having the holiday event at A.G. Ferrari again
then we as a chapter need to start asking and receiving items for the
raffle and also auction for the event. Heather suggested that if we as
a chapter do this holiday event at A.G. Ferrari as a yearly event that
we need to start in January of each year because that is when stores
will be more agreeable to give us donations as an organization. Darian
suggested as an idea that a group of us could go together and start
asking for donations for the holiday event rather doing this task
alone. He also thought this might be a good idea for a “meet the blind
month” activity by handing out NFB & blind literature with the donation
letter so we would be out there in the community doing both things at
the same time. Heather suggested that we can ask the disabled
students’ offices to put information about either the holiday event or
the chapter as advertisement at the local colleges. Heather suggested
Diablo Valley College or as Darian suggested City College in San
Francisco. Seth suggested that we could promote the holiday event by
posting flyers around his apartment building and he also mentioned that
he could go around some of the floors and just put a flyer in front of
the front door of people’s apartment doors. Seth was going to check
with the resident manager at his apartment building to make sure that
was all right to sent out flyers for the event that way. Seth
mentioned last year A.G. Ferrari printed and gave the chapter flyers
for the event at A.G. Ferrari. Seth mentioned that he would try again
to contact the manager at A.G. Ferrari sometime this upcoming week to
see if we can do our event again and also if the store will
participate by assisting the chapter with the event before and during
like last year. Jaime asked if the donation letter was still around
from last year’s event and if so who we can get it from. Seth
suggested that he could ask Jim for it. Darian mentioned that he had a
copy of it on his computer and that he could send it out sometime this
upcoming week. Jonathan asked Darian if he could send it to him so
Jonathan. Jonathan asked Seth if he would like to be the chairperson
for the holiday event for this year at A.G. Ferrari since he has done
some of the work to get this event running. Seth said yes to become
the chairperson for the holiday event for this year.
Meet the Blind Event:
Jonathan asked the chapter if we as a chapter if we wanted to do a
“meet the blind” event for the chapter since we do this irregularly.
Everyone who was at this month’s chapter meeting agreed with Jonathan
that we as a chapter should do this. There was discussion of the many
ways we as a chapter could do such event. Jonathan mentioned about his
idea for a “meet the blind” event is to do a walk in the dark at
Chrissie Fields as an event. Jonathan suggested that we as a chapter
could gather many canes and probably sleep shades from LisaMaria for
this event and at this event we could go in groups so sighted people
can experience what it is like using a cane as a blind individual.
Also maybe we as a chapter could purchase canes through the
independence market through the national office for this event. Darian
suggested that since the national office of the NFB is still promoting
their free white cane program that maybe we can receive canes and sleep
shades that way rather than purchasing them through the independent
market through the national office of the NFB. Jonathan suggested that
if we asked through the free white cane program through the NFB that
whatever they give us for this event that we would give these canes
away to those who are blind and do not have a proper length of a white
cane or do not have a white cane at all. If we do this event at
Chrissie Fields in San Francisco we need to talk to the city’s parks
and recreational department to get permission to do this event. David
suggested that we as a chapter could do this event at Treasure’s Island
and there was discussion of doing this event at other locations around
the city as alternatives but the majority of the chapter who was at the
meeting seemed that Chrissie Fields would be the best place to do such
event. Jonathan strongly urged that we need people from the chapter to
do the preparation for this event to make the event successful if the
chapter wants to do this event and to make it successful. Both Darian
and Heather volunteered to help for this event if the chapter agrees to
do such event.
The following steps have to happen for this event. Jonathan will
contact the general manager for the city’s park’s and recreational
department to see if we can do our walk in the dark event idea at
Chrissie Fields. There was discussion of having this event on Saturday
October 16, 2010 instead of having our regular monthly chapter meeting.
Seth suggested that we should have literature about proper manners and
attacks with dogs that are pets versus service dogs since there are so
many issues with dogs as pets with service dogs. Jonathan asked Seth
if he could get this information so we could have it for the event.
The idea of picketed information about the NFB, blindness, and a copy
of the chapter flyer so be at this event so we can pass this
information out to those who participate in the event. Seth mentioned
that he would contact Jim since he was the one that ordered the last
batch of information for the holiday event for last year. Jonathan
mentioned that we should have bundled packets of information rather
than single pieces of paper that can get lost easily. Jonathan asked
David to create a rough draft of a flyer for the event and to send it
to Darian if David needs assistance. David mentioned that he could get
this task done the middle of this upcoming week and send it to Darian.
Once Darian receives it he will send it to Jonathan. After we get a
finalize copy of the flyer and get some answers about the location for
the event then we can start promoting the event by putting the flyer
on various list serves and other places that the chapter can think of.
We would like to have a table of blind adaptive items such as Braille
and other adaptive items for a table for the event if we can have a
table. Also there was discussion of having literature and also maybe
selling the chapter’s pin as a fundraiser during the event. There was
also talk of having simple and easy exciting things for children for
this event such as trying to fill a cup of water with a pitcher of
water blindfolded. Figuring the difference of coins or having a box
with something to feel inside and you have to feel what it is without
looking. It was suggested that Jonathan be the chairperson for this
event since it was his idea. There will be more discussion about this
event at the next month’s chapter meeting. Seth Webster made the
motion that we as a chapter have the walk in the dark event on October
16, 2010 as the chapter’s “meet the blind month” activity for this
year. David Chan seconded the motion. All who attended this month’s
chapter meeting all agreed and voted on this motion. The motion was
passed and carried.
Membership Committee:
Jaime Tomasello, current membership chairperson for the chapter made
her report at this month’s chapter meeting. Unfortunately due to
personal reasons outside of being involved with the chapter Jaime had
to resign from being chairperson for the membership committee. She
also commented about the current situation with the chapter’s list
serve and how there are many people who are on it that the chapter does
not know who they are. People who are no longer members of the
chapter are still on it and only a small amount of current chapter
members of the chapter are signed up for the chapter’s list serve. In
the past we as a chapter have had this discussion of how to maintain
the subscribers who are on the chapter’s list serve and try to find out
who those that we do not know try to find out and invite them to
meetings and chapter events in hopes of more people joining the
chapter. Jonathan asked if there is an official membership list of
those who have paid their dues for this year. Darian suggested that we
should create a spreadsheet showing who have paid their dues, who
attends regularly to chapter members, and who is active or not in the
chapter. Jonathan asked Jaime to send the spreadsheet to both him and
Eric via email as soon as Jaime could. Jaime also asked if the chapter
wants her to create a rough draft of a note to those that we either do
not know who are subscribed onto the chapter’s list serve and to those
who do not come regularly to chapter meetings to join into the chapter.
Jaime will start working on such draft and will send it to both Eric
and Jonathan via email. Jaime Tomasello made the motion that we as a
chapter try to outreach to those who are not active in the chapter but
are signed up on the chapter’s list serve and to subscribe all current
chapter members onto the chapter’s list serve if they are already not
subscribed to the chapter’s list serve. Darian Smith added to the
motion that the list of all potential members should be divided to the
chapter board members and for the board members contacts these people
to extend a friendly welcome to the chapter. Darian Smith seconded the
motion. All who attended this month’s chapter meeting all agreed and
voted on this motion. The motion was approved and carried.
State Convention:
Jonathan mentioned the following details about this year’s state
convention. State convention this year is happening from October 21 –
24, 2010 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Irvine, California. The rate for
the hotel per night for state convention is $84 + tax per night. More
information and pre registration form are on the NFB of California’s
website which is at www.sixdots.org. The last day to pre register is
October 6, 2010. There was discussion about the affiliate’s $150
matching chapter/affiliate matching grant. There was discussion that
if there are several chapter members from this chapter who want to
attend state convention this year and need the financial assistance to
attend convention then we as a chapter should go over the allotment
that the matching grant program gives to chapters in the affiliate
since we as a chapter have significant amount of funds in the
treasurer. There will be more discussion about the matching grant
program for state convention at the next chapter meeting in September.
NFB of California Scholarship:
Jaime reminded everyone at the chapter meeting if you are a student and
are looking to apply for financial assistance for school. The deadline
for the NFB of California’s academic scholarship is September 2, 2010.
There was no report of the presidential release or this month’s NFB of
California’s state bulletin at this month’s chapter meeting.
Jonathan thanked everyone for coming to this month’s chapter meeting
and reminded that the next chapter meeting will be on Saturday
September 18, 2010 from 1-3 pm. Here at the San Francisco Lighthouse
for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Jaime Tomasello made the motion for the chapter to adjourn from this
month’s chapter meeting and Heather Williams seconded the motion. All
those who attended this month’s chapter meeting all agreed and voted on
the motion. The motion was approved and carried. This month’s chapter
meeting was adjourned at 3 pm.
Respectfully Submitted By: Jaime Tomasello, Secretary of the NFBC San
Francisco Chapter
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