[Nfbsf] Seeking NFB Convention Roommate

Christina Daniels ms.christina.daniels at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 15:50:59 UTC 2015

Hey all,

I'm going to the convention, and I'm sending out my feelers for a female
roommate for the NFB convention. If any of you know any women looking for a
roommate. I'm a morning person, so I'd like to room with someone who
doesn't want to have people hanging out in the room after 10 or 11. (One or
both of us might be out later than that, but I would like to have the
option of going to bed by 10 or 11 as that's my normal bedtime.) In the
mornings I can't see myself getting up later than 7:30 (told you I was a
morning person), so I need someone who would be okay with that.

If you know anyone who might be a good fit for me, please email me



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