[Nfbsf] Tuesday's Chapter Meeting

Christina Daniels ms.christina.daniels at gmail.com
Sat Apr 8 16:22:58 UTC 2017

Hello Everyone,

As a reminder, our next NFB San Francisco chapter meeting is Tuesday April
11 at the LightHouse for the Blind headquarters in San Francisco at 1155
Market Street on the 10th floor. Food will be served at six and the meeting
runs from 6:30 to 8. At this month’s meeting we will discuss the following

The National Convention, including California State Affiliate grants to the

The Bay To Breakers footrace occurring on Sunday May 21.

Organizing a group to visit the local office of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

The “Why I’m a Federationist” campaign

And as always we will discuss blindness philosophy and how it relates to
the NFB.

Looking forward to seeing you all,


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