[Nfbsf] Membership Initiative
Christina Daniels
ms.christina.daniels at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 00:52:58 UTC 2019
Hello All,
Tim Elder will be talking about this. NFB headquarters in Baltimore is collecting information about all members of the NFB as part of its membership initiative. You will receive a membership medallion. Of course, if you aren’t comfortable giving out your address or age you don’t have to, but I would suggest your email and information, what format you prefer and when you became an NFB member at a minimum. These are the fields on the spreadsheet.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Work Phone
Home Email
Work Email
Member Since
Member Role
Current Membership Start
Membership Expiration
Is Blind Preferred format
Uses a cane
uses a guide dog
Date of Birth
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