[NFBSF] Tech Together Online

amason80 at gmail.com amason80 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 21:33:13 UTC 2020

Friendly reminder of this resource

Tech Together Online


Join the LightHouse access technology team for a series of informal
conversations on technology topics relevant to these current times.

Tech Together is a chance to share your knowledge and experience, as well as
learn from other blind technology users. LightHouse access technology staff
participate in these informal knowledge shares along with LightHouse
students and friends.

While we are experiencing physical distance from services, people, and
activities, we invite you to a series of Tech Together conversations for
this current era.


*       Tuesday, April 7 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM chat and communication apps

*       Tuesday, April 14, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM Online entertainment,
streaming media, playing games and more. 


Join us for 1 or all of these conversations, which will be conducted using
the Zoom platform. You can connect to Zoom using a computer, an app, or by
dialing in from any phone.


Due to recent security concerns, we will share the Zoom info after you RSVP
by replying to this email or sending a request to skuan at lighthouse-sf.org
<mailto:skuan at lighthouse-sf.org> .



Shen Kuan

Access Technology Coordinator

LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired

1155 Market ST 10th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94103

Office: 415-694-7312

Mobile: 415-617-5580

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Follow us:
NYkdhsPhAqVQpJKLKpc-Mse4aHjw&e=> Facebook
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yK5et8FK4-IFKRjiiwVAlpeSQ&e=> YouTube
t2KZxdPqES7S-X_UTn2BzbtI7ijx_BQA&e=> Instagram


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