[NFBSF] May Meeting Minutes

Taryn Morris taryn.ann.morris at gmail.com
Wed May 19 03:54:34 UTC 2021

Dear NFB SF:


Hello and hope everyone is having a great Tuesday.  Below are the meeting
minutes from last week. If anyone has any questions or clarifications please
feel free to reach out.  Thank you.          



May meeting Minutes


*               Introductions

*         Secretary Report

*         Treasurer Report

*         Presidential release Recap

*          Legislative Announcements 

*         Chapter Announcements

*         Bobbi's Lawsuit

*         Diversity and Inclusion Discussion

*         Discussion

*         Bell Ringers

*         Closing



*         Christina- Pleasant Hill, President, her iPhone is her blindness
trick as it is her small computer in her pocket that can do a lot of helpful

*         Amy-Oakland, First Vice president, her blindness trick is to use
soc lock or safety pins in order to not have to re pair socks to avoid mis
matching colored socks 

*         Sara-Treasure, her blindness trick is to use her iPhone to assist
drivers with directions

*         Bobbi-Oakland, Second Vice president, loves her Apple Watch and
has customized her watch to make certain sounds for the time so she does not
have the time read aloud

*         Taryn-Millbrae, Secretary, blindness trick is to organize money by
folding different bills in different ways and placing them in different
parts of a wallet 

*         Roshad-first time member, originally from Georgia and just moved
to California, his blindness trick is to use three fingers to swipe left or
right on his iPhone to get to different pages instead of using the slider 

*         Lisa- Mill Valley, she likes to use different size baskets and
containers to organize to avoid knocking over things easily

*         Rochelle- Her blindness trick is to take her old Coach bags and
based on color organize them based on color of facility like red for
Stanford and had everything organized in the bag for different places she
goes to so she does not have to keep organizing bags, also has color
coordinated binders to each colored bag 

*         Jenny-she likes to use bump dots on her keyboard so it is easier
and more efficient to find keys on her keyboard

*         Jim-currently in South coast of Mississippi traveling for the
month, his blindness trick is when cooking a steak to feel the resistance
against to your finger to know how cooked it is, he says the more resistance
you get the more done it is 


Secretary Report 

*         April minutes were sent out to the list serve 

*         Motion was made by Bobbi and all approved of secretary report


Treasurer Report

*         As a total we currently have $1,169.74

*         Every month ten dollars will be transferred to avoid any service

*         Every month ten dollars goes toward the PAC plan

*         Motion was made by Amy and all approved of Treasurer report


Presidential Release Recap

*         Throughout the end of may you can still receive Lyft voucher code
to get a voucher to assist receiving transportation to and from Covid
Vaccine locations, if interested contact our NFB California president Tim
elder at <mailto:president at nfbcal.org> president at nfbcal.org 

*          <mailto:president at nfbcal.org> May 20th is global accessibility
awareness day requesting donations and all funds will be   Matched to
$25,000 With Bonus donations going to gift 20 com campaign, any 20-dollar
donation until July 16 will have a raffle for tickets, registration for next
year's National Convention, hotel and 1000 cash or 2000 cash 

*         Global Awareness day NFB center of excellence and non visual
hosting seminar highlighting work with Maryland disabilities with more info
at nfb.org/cena

*         There is a form for any highschool student who have barriers for
advancement test, and if you need assistance reach out to Valerie link
link ying ling @bvling at nfb.org 

*         There are still concerns regarding the American Voting Act based
on creating accessible electronic ballot return and having accessible voting
machines available with staff trained on how to use them 

*         National testing is taking place on autonomous vehicles offering
an amendment- endless frontier act by senator shumer with new exemption and
transportation with people of disabilities and the final amendment will be
voted by the end of the week 

*         Our national office will be Sending letters of complaints and
concern to enforce websites to be accessible for covid vaccines 

*         California and makers of DMV kiosk are working on agreement with
NFB and are announcing improved accessibility in kiosks

*         We are happy to report that all McDonald's locations will be one
hundred accessible by December 31st including their kiosks  

*         Bell Academy is   having another in home session this summer with
the second session happening on July 19 and you must apply by June 19, third
session will be on August 9th and you must apply by July 9

*         The Survivor's task force formed for those with issues of sexual
abuse and mis conduct at training centers, our president published a letter
updated with the latest update on NFB website at nfb.org/survivors 

*         rain training has been taking place for division board members,
affiliates and presidents expanding discussing survivor support, the next
groups to be trained are bell Academy coordinators and volunteers across the

*         There is a monthly blog following a third-party investigator
holding another opoen call gathering code of conduct feedback on Sunday May
23rd at 5 PM pacific and mor recommendations can be found at


*         Our National convention submits a resolution, which are NFB public
policies, if interested they are due to Sharon by June 7 at
<mailto:nfbmdsm at gmail.com> nfbmdsm at gmail.com

*         If you would like a mentor for National convention send an email
to <mailto:rookie at nfb.org> rookie at nfb.org with name, contact information,
and a little about you and is due by June 15th 


Legislative Announcements

*         -  First update we have 74 co-sponsors and 78 for the
affordability tax act and all members are encouraged to call representatives
for sponsors for HR 431 and S 212 

*         There are Concerns with the voting act expecting senator merklin
and konblashar for opposed amendments for s1 for Americans Voting act
addressing concerns with bills preserving rights of 

*         testing is taking place on   autonomous vehicle endless frontier
act by senator shumar with new exemption and transportation with people of
disabilities, and the final amendment will be decided by the end of the
week, if and when issues come around NFB will put out a call ready to call
representatives and senators 

*         Our National office is Sending letters of complaints and concern
to our representatives having in accessible websites for access to covid

*         Happy news California and makers of DMV kiosk been working on
agreement with NFB and are announcing improved accessibility in kiosks


Chapter Announcements

*         National convention   is from July 6 to 10 virtual with more
details coming, if you wish to vote or submit any resolutions one needs to
register by May 31 

*         Amy was featured in an article from NFB web accessibility overlay
prominent NFB people accessibility quoted in that piece and was one of them


Bobbi's Lawsuit

*         A Few years ago, Western dental office denied assistance to Bobbi
for filling out forms, now all staff are trained and are mandated to give
accommodations to any person with a disability


Diversity and Inclusion Discussion

*         From now on the Diversity and Inclusion has a new name and it is
called Diversity and Equity Inclusion (Dei) 

.             Kit is our guest speaker and is here to talk about Asian
American Pacific Islander Heritage month

.             She says she had a lot of struggles not knowing how to
advocate and speak up for herself

.             Kit wishes to have more materials like the Bible in accessible
formats but is afraid to ask 

.             Kit is wishing to find more Asian friends to inspire her to
advocate and step up for what she wants




.             For National convention we are voting on a donation for the
Door prize

.             We have decided to donate three Amazon gift cards worth
twenty-five dollars each

.             Bobbi made a motion to donate the three gift cards and Lisa
second and all approved 


Bell Ringers

.             Bobbi is excited to finally saying yes to doing a photo shoot
on Saturday for a technology company 

.             Lisa is excited to be featured in an article coming in June
Braille's monitor based on her experience with discrimination with Uber

.             Rochelle has had her third mobility session and has made major
progress as she has major photo phobia and did her first set of stairs blind
folded and it went very well 


Amy made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Lisa seconded, and all approved


Warmest Regards,


Taryn Morris





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