[NFBSF] Volunteer Opportunity Friday October 28th at the LH Sirkin Center in Alameda

Bobbi Pompey bobbipompey at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 18:01:20 UTC 2022

The San Francisco Lighthouse would like for us to host an informational table at their grand opening of industries in Alameda. On Friday October 28, 2022 the Lighthouse will have their grand opening at their new building in Alameda
called the Sirkin Center that packages toilet paper for the military and bottles environmental friendly cleaners. We are looking for members to help table from
10 AM - 3 PM, there will be other organizations and Lighthouse tables, lunch
snacks and drinks will be provided. 

If you are interested in hosting the table, for the full time or partial time, please let me know ASAP. Unfortunately no one from the board is able to attend. However, we have a sign and NFB literature that we can pass out at the table. This may also be a great time to let the blind staff their know all about the federation while showing LH staff, community members, goverment officials, and everyone in attendance what it means to be blind. 

Bobbi A. L. Pompey
(336) 988-6375
bobbipompey at gmail.com

"Not everything faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced" James Baldwin 

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