[NFBSF] Meeting minutes for April 11th, 2023

Monica Wegner monica.wegner at outlook.com
Wed Apr 12 18:52:10 UTC 2023

National Federation of the Blind
San Francisco Chapter
Meeting Minutes
Meeting held on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 6:30 PM PDT
Location: https://lighthouse-sf.zoom.us/j/462780914?pwd=VzRhaElHYU9MTVVvU2dxcGNxb0x5UT09

  1.  Call to Order and Introductions
Bobbi invited members to share their name, pronouns, any identities they would like to share, along with their most used emoji.
Bobbi Pompey, Monica Wegner, Christina Daniels, Serena Olsen;
Jeff Buckwalter, Sheri Albers, Taryn Morris, Ginny Prince, Lauren
  2.  Reports
     *   Secretary's Report
Monica reported that she emailed the minutes of the previous meeting to the NFBSF mailing list. A motion was made and passed to approve the report.
     *   Treasurer's report
Sara delivered the Treasurer's report. Bank plus Venmo balances are $966.60. A motion was made and passed to approve the report.
     *   Presidential release recap
Laura summarized President Riccobono's monthly presidential release. A transcript of the release can be found at https://nfb.org/resources/publications-and-media/presidential-releases/transcripts/presidential-release-526-april
     *   Legislative updates
Legislative updates were skipped because they were included in the Presidential Release.
  3.  Chapter announcements
     *   Social gathering discussion
Monica lead a discussion on our in-person social gathering. We will meet on Saturday, May 20th, 2023, at 3 PM. Location: Hops & Scotch, 7001 Sunne Ln Ste 100, Walnut Creek, CA 94597. The location is an approximately five minute walk from BART and we  will dine outdoors. More details to follow.
  4.  Discussions
     *   Diversity Equity and Inclusion: Convention locations
Bobbi lead a discussion on recent oppressive state legislation and whether that should affect our Convention location choices.
     *   Ableism and microaggressions
Bobbi lead a discussion on apologies around blindness and how we handle them.
  5.  Adjournment
A motion was made and passed to adjourn the meeting.

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