[NFBSF] Meeting minutes for June 2023

Monica Wegner monica.wegner at outlook.com
Tue Aug 1 22:54:50 UTC 2023

Hello SF Chapter,

Here are the meeting minutes for June 2023.


National Federation of the Blind
San Francisco Chapter
Meeting Minutes
Meeting held on: Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 6:30 PM
Location: https://lighthouse-sf.zoom.us/j/462780914?pwd=VzRhaElHYU9MTVVvU2dxcGNxb0x5UT09

  1.  Call to Order and Introductions
Bobbi invited members to share their name, pronouns, any identities they would like to share, and what you are doing for JuneTeenth. Members present:
Bobbi Pompey, Christina Daniels, Sara Hadsell, Monica Wegner, Serena Olsen
Lisa M Irving, Steven Sanith, Kayla Kidwell, Jeff Buckwalter, Brittney Brim, Taryn Morris
  2.  Reports
     *   Secretary's Report
Monica reported that she emailed the minutes of the April 2023 meeting to the listserv.
Motion was made and carried to approve the report.
     *   Treasurer's report
Sara delivered the treasurer's report. Reported bank balance is $786.60 and $180 in the Venmo account totaling $966.60. A motion was made and carried to approve the report.
     *   Presidential release recap
Christina summarized President Riccobono's monthly presidential release. A transcript of the release can be found at https://nfb.org/resources/publications-and-media/presidential-releases/transcripts/presidential-release-528-June-chapter.

                                                               i.      We discussed the President's address relating to the LGBTQ+ community and Convention.

                                                             ii.      Various questions were asked about the online Convention including networking.

  1.  Chapter announcements
     *   There will be no meeting in July.
     *   We discussed the previous social gathering and planning the next. Bobbi volunteered to lead the planning for our next social gathering.
     *   Serena updated the chapter on her experience at the NABS West Coast Student seminar.

4.       Discussions

     *   Serena highlighted some queer owned businesses we can support this Pride Month.
  1.  Bell Ringers
  2.  Adjournment
A motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting.

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