[NFBSF] Meeting minutes for October 2023

Monica Wegner monica.wegner at outlook.com
Tue Nov 14 21:34:44 UTC 2023

HI SF Chapter,

Better almost late than actually late. Here are the October 2023 meeting minutes.


National Federation of the Blind
San Francisco Chapter
Meeting Minutes
Meeting held on: Tuesday, October 10th, 2023, 6:30 PM
Location: Zoom
1.	Call to Order and Introductions
Bobbi invited members to share their name, pronouns, any identities they would like to share.
Board members present: Bobbi Pompey, Monica Wegner, Laura Millar, Sara Hadsell, Christina Daniels, Serena Olsen.
Members: Lisa Urving, Jeff Buckwalter, Sherri Albers, Jamie Tomeselo, Taryn Morris, LisaMaria Martinez, Ginny Prince, Kayma
>From SF State: Adam Graves
2.	Reports
a.	Secretary's Report
Monica reported that she emailed the minutes of the September 2023 meeting to the listserv. A motion was made and carried to approve the Secretary's report.
b.	Treasurer's report
*	Sara delivered the treasurers report. Reported bank balance is $966.60. Sara reported that our new bank account was operational at BMO. A motion was made and carried to approve the Treasurer's report.
*	Sara will look into Zelle as a dues payment option.
*	Annual dues are $10 and are payable in January. If anyone wants to pay dues and is using PayPal or Venmo please use this information to pay:
Sara Hadsell, 510-387-0766, SaraAHadsell at gmail.com.
The address for payment of checks is 585 9th St, Oakland, CA 94607. If paying by PayPal, you must do it on a computer, which is where you can select that you are paying a friend, rather than purchasing an item. The PayPal phone app is set up for commercial purchases.
c.	Presidential release recap
*	Bobbi summarized President Riccobono's monthly presidential release. A transcript of the release can be found at https://nfb.org/resources/publications-and-media/presidential-releases/transcripts/presidential-release-531-october
d.	Legislative report
*	We discussed the effort to ban "right on red" in San Francisco.
*	We discussed updates to the regulations for the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act.
*	On Uber/Lyft denials of service animals. Lisa would love to have blind folks have cameras on every other Saturday to document refusals. Lisa's email is bernieslife at icloud.com and you may contact her for details.
3.	Chapter announcements
a.	People subscribed to NFB listservs using Microsoft related domains such as outlook.com, msn.com, Hotmail.com or live.com may not be getting emails. The listserv manager has submitted tickets to Microsoft to resolve the issue.
b.	Bobbi has not heard any more details on the affiliate virtual mini convention.
c.	September gathering could not happen due to the smoke and wild fires. Sherrie will take point on organizing next gathering with other volunteers.
4.	Discussions: The chapter had Adam graves from San Francisco state along with several of his students as guests. We discussed various items around teaching blind people.
5.	Adjourn: A motion was made and passed to adjourn the meeting.

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