[NFBSF] August 2024 Meeting Minutes

sheri.albers87 at gmail.com sheri.albers87 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 05:41:10 UTC 2024

National Federation of the Blind

San Francisco Chapter
Agenda: Tuesday August 13, 2024 6:30 PM

Location:  <http://tiny.cc/jomjyz> http://tiny.cc/jomjyz 

1.	Call to Order and Introductions - Bobbi. 

Ice breaker: "Something that brings you joy, something that has come into
your life that brings you joy."

Board attendees: Bobbi, Christina, Laura, Sara, Sheri, Jeanette, Serena

Members: Jeff B, Steven, Monica, Lisa, Taryn

2.	Reports

a.	Secretary's Report - Sheri

Discussion when members want minutes to be sent out. Closer to meeting that
happened was consensus 

b.	Treasurer's report - Sara 

Bank balance is $946.60

c.	Presidential release recap - Sara

Link to Presidential release:



d.	Legislative update: 

Monica: WEBSITE accessibility act is rejected by their law firm     

e.	Chapter business
f.	National Convention recap

Locations for the next five years of conventions: NOLA, Austin, Austin,
Chicago, and Chicago.

Discussion followed about voting virtually, having 9CA caucus on Zoom for
future conventions

g.	Next in-person meeting will be September 10 at LightHouse HQ 1155
Market Street 10th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102. 
h.	Social Gathering - Christina

Zill and Bally's Pizza: Saturday August 31 1 PM

Christina will email details to list serve for address and website

3.	Member Announcements
4.	Bell Ringers and Birthdays
5.	Adjourn


Respectfully  Submitted by,


Sheri Albers

Sheri.albers87 at gmail.com <mailto:Sheri.albers87 at gmail.com> 



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