[NFBV-Alexandria] FW: Brian, please send to Greater Alexandria Chapter Members regarding Virginia Primary on Tuesday, June 13, 2017

BrianMiller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 6 17:25:45 UTC 2017

To the Greater Alexandria Chapter. Evelyn Valdez has kindly provided the
below information regarding next week's primary here in Virginia. 




June 13, 2017 Primary Elections

On June 13, Alexandria will hold Democratic and Republican Primaries
20Primaries%20June%202017%20v2.pdf>  to nominate candidates for the offices
of Governor and Lt. Governor. 

.         All regular polling places
ST.pdf> will be open for voting from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

.                   Voting in Person

.         Polls in the Commonwealth of Virginia are open from 6am - 7pm on
Election Day.

.         As long as you are in line by 7pm, you will be allowed to vote.
Click here to find where you should go to vote.

.          <https://iwillvote.com/locate> Find your polling location

.         Note: Virginia law requires all voters to provide an acceptable
form of photo identification
IdentificationChart.pdf>  at the polls.

.          Virginia voters do not register by political party and may vote
in either primary but not both (Virginia Code 24.2-530
<http://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title24.2/chapter5/section24.2-530/> ).

.         To check your registration status and find your polling place go
to https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/ or call the Alexandria Voter
Registration Office, 703-746-4050.


Voting Absentee

You have until June 6th at 5pm to request an absentee ballot be mailed to
ml> , or until June 10th at 5pm to request an absentee ballot by appearing
ml#inperson>  at your local registrar
's office.

 <https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation> Request an absentee
ballot online now

llotApplication.pdf> Request an absentee ballot by mail, fax, or email now

Find your local registrar's office to vote absentee in-person


Meet the Candidates running for Democratic  Governor and Lt. Governor


Tom Perriello

Ralph Northam


Lt. Governor: 

Susan Platt

Justin Fairfax

Gene Rossi


Meet the candidates running for Republican Governor and Lt. Governor


Ed Gillespie

Corey A. Stewart

Frank Wagner


Lt. Governor:

Glenn Davis



Evelyn Valdez

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