[NFBV-Alexandria] FW: Testing of new voting equipment for Alexandria

BrianMiller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 13:54:08 UTC 2017




From: BrianMiller [mailto:brianrmiller88 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2017 9:02 AM
To: 'Anna Leider'
Subject: RE: Testing of new voting equipment for Alexandria


Good morning Ms. Leider,


My name is Brian Miller and I'm the president of the Alexandria chapter of
the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia (NFBV). Several of our
chapter members were able to test the three proposed voting machines on
display at the registrar of voter's office in Old Town this week. 


I understand from one of those who tested the machines - Evelyn Valdez -
that the city would make its decision Wednesday morning. I am writing to see
if a decision was made, and if so, which machine was selected. 


We were pleased that all machines tested afforded the voted the opportunity
to cast a vote independently, including the feeding of the paper ballot into
the optical scanner. 


I was also wondering if the selected machine will be available for viewing
and practice voting prior to the November election. 


I will forward any information you can provide at this time to my chapter
members and beyond. I appreciate your attention to our concerns, and I look
forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.




Brian R. Miller, Ph.D.


The Greater Alexandria Chapter of the NFB of Virginia










From: Anna Leider [mailto:Anna.Leider at alexandriava.gov] 
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 3:22 PM
To: Robert Hartt
Cc: brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Subject: RE: Testing of new voting equipment for Alexandria


Thanks so much for your email.


We hope some members of your organization are available to stop by on Monday
or Tuesday.


All three of the new systems we are testing have headsets so voters can
listen to the ballot, and mark their choices independently. The primary
difference between the new systems and our current system is that after
voters finish making their choices, the new system prints a paper ballot
which reflects those choices and the voter scans his or her ballot into a
central scanner along with all the other paper ballots. 


While each of the three new systems works in the same fashion, there are
definitely differences in how they operate, especially for voters who need
to use the accessibility features.


I'm not sure how much information the companies have on their websites in
terms of understanding how the systems really work, but I have provided
links below:


Hart Verity (Verity Touch Writer):
http://www.hartintercivic.com/content/verity-system-overview or



ES&S Express Vote:



Unisyn: https://unisynvoting.com/openelect-ovi/




We had hoped to have a much longer testing period, but the state will likely
make a sudden decision to require the removal of all paperless systems, so
we will be forced to make this change on a very short timeline.


Anna Leider

General Registrar

Office of Voter Registration and Elections

City of Alexandria

132 North Royal Street, Suite 100

Alexandria, Virginia 22314


703.746.4050; Direct: 703.746.4527; Fax 703.838.6449

Anna.Leider at alexandriava.gov

www.alexandriavoter.org <http://www.alexandriavoter.org/> 


Check your voter registration information at


From: Robert Hartt [mailto:bobmhartt at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 12:55 PM
To: Anna Leider <Anna.Leider at alexandriava.gov>
Cc: brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Subject: Testing of new voting equipment for Alexandria


Ms. Leider - Regarding the email below announcing the availability of new
voting equipment for testing, I am blind and have enjoyed using the
accessible voice output machines currently in use for Alexandrians who are
blind.  Unfortunately, I will be out of town next week when citizens are
invited to try the equipment under consideration.  As a member of the
Greater Alexandria Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind, however,
I am copying our President, Brian Miller, on this email so he can spread the
word to our Alexandria members.  I am confident we can find one or more of
our members to test the equipment during the viewing hours.

If you have any information about the accessibility features of the
equipment being considered, we would be happy to distribute this to our

Thank you,

Bob Hartt

4005 Ellicott Street

Alexandria, Virginia  22304




From: Alexandria eNews [mailto:noreply at everbridge.net] 
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 8:51 AM
To: bobmhartt at gmail.com
Subject: Provide Feedback on Potential New Election Equipment


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Alexandria Voters Invited to Provide Feedback on Potential New Election

The Alexandria Office of Voter Registration and Elections is evaluating
potential new voting equipment to comply with a state law phasing out
electronic ballots.

As part of the evaluation process, three voting systems will be available at
the Office of Voter Registration and Elections for public viewing and
testing on August 28 and 29, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. The Office is located at
132 N. Royal St. No appointment is needed.

Please stop by and provide your input. Elections staff will be present to
answer any questions. You are welcome to invite your neighbors, friends, or
anyone else who may be interested in Alexandria elections.

For more information, contact Anna Leider, General Registrar, at
anna.leider at alexandriava.gov or 703.746.4050.



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