[NFBV-Alexandria] FW: [Harmonizers] Iron and Coal Information - Women’s Voices

BrianMiller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 15:29:39 UTC 2018

Good morning, 

I hope everyone is warm and safe today!


I wanted to share the below announcement with the chapter in case any of our female members were looking for a vocal performance opportunity that involves both the Harmonizers and the Strathmore in MD. This should be an amazing and unique opportunity. And of course, our male chapter members are always welcome to come on down and check out the Alexandria Harmonizers any Tuesday night at 7pm at the Durant Center on Cameron St in Alexandria! 


Brian Miller


Greater Alexandria Chapter of the NFB of Virginia




Hello ,


Happy New Year! This year the Alexandria Harmonizers are celebrating our 70th Anniversary! In addition to planning a series of exciting concerts to celebrate our history, we have been invited to participate in a project at Strathmore Music Center this spring.  The project is a new work called Iron and Coal, a rock oratorio by Jeremy Schonfeld, which takes inspiration from his father Gustav’s memoir Absence of Closure, and traces his father’s attempts to create a life out of the ashes having spent a year in Auschwitz in 1944–45 at the age of ten.  


In addition to requiring a male chorus, the work calls for approximately 50 female singers. The 2-hour work will total approximately 20-25 minutes of choral singing, in English and Hebrew, over 7 movements and it is NOT expected to be memorized - except for the final number.  

While the Harmonizers rehearse regularly on Tuesday nights, we will be holding separate rehearsals to rehearse this work.  The schedule below (which has changed slightly since our initial communications) has all of the dates we would potentially rehearse, but I would expect that, by the time we secure venues for the rehearsals, a few of them may have to be canceled or changed.  The men's voices will have a slightly different rehearsal schedule, but the schedule below represents the maximum we would expect the women's voices to rehearse for this project (I do not expect the dress rehearsals on April 29-May 2 to change as they're imposed on us by Strathmore).


Rehearsal Schedule for Women:

Auditions - Monday, January 8 or Thursday, January 11 - 7-10pm

Women's Rehearsal - Thursday, February 8, 7-9pm

Mixed Rehearsal - Thursday, February 15, 7-10pm

Mixed Rehearsal - Thursday, February 22, 7-10pm

Mixed Rehearsal - Tuesday, March 13, 7-10pm

Women's Rehearsal - Thursday, April 5, 7-9pm

Mixed Rehearsal - Sunday, April 8, 2pm-5pm

Women's Rehearsal - Thursday, April 12, 7-9pm

Rehearsal with Conductor and Composer - Thursday, April 19, 7-10pm

Rehearsal with Conductor and Composer - Tuesday, April 24, 7-10pm

Dress Rehearsal - Sunday, April 29, 6-10pm

Dress Rehearsal - Monday, April 30, 6-10pm

Dress Rehearsal - Tuesday, May 1, 6-10pm

Dress Rehearsal - Wednesday, May 2, 6-10pm

Performance - Thursday, May 3, 4pm Call

Performance - Friday, May 4, 4pm Call


To help answer some additional questions, I've shared a PDF (attached) that explains the development of the project. I'll also share some links related to the development of the project.  


Here is the composer performing Iron and Coal theme song: https://youtu.be/R-rQmMRu1lg

Additionally, the work will use projections, animation, a rock band, chamber orchestra, a youth choruses and youth orchestra.  Segments of animation related to one of the songs can be seen here:  <https://youtu.be/jKVB9uZ2rUo> https://youtu.be/jKVB9uZ2rUo

Finally, here is the composer's web site with a link to additional recordings from Iron and Coal on sound cloud:  <http://www.jeremyschonfeld.com/jersongs/> http://www.jeremyschonfeld.com/jersongs/


Keep in mind, none of these recordings will have any chorus singing, because the composer is still composing the chorus parts that we expect to receive shortly.  


The auditions will take place Monday, January 8 and Thursday, January 11 from 7-10pm at the Durant Center (1605 Cameron St. Alexandria, VA 22310). The audition will only last about 10 minutes.  During that time, we will ask you to sing no more than 60 seconds of any song that shows off the skill and quality of your voice, followed by a few sight reading examples (not required, but very helpful), and a review of the rehearsal schedule and your ability to commit to it.  


If you are able to commit to the rehearsal schedule and are interested in auditioning, please send an email to Joe Cerutti, the Artistic Director of the Alexandria Harmonizers, at joe.cerutti at gmail.com with the day you are able to audition ("Monday, January 8" or "Thursday, January 11" or "Either Date" if your availability is flexible) and he will reply with a 20-minute slot for you to arrive and audition.  If you're unable to audition on either of those dates, let us know and we'll try to find another time to hold the audition, likely an upcoming Tuesday night at our usual rehearsal. 


Additionally, we are still in need of more women, so if you know any women with quality voices and quick learning/reading chops that would be interested in joining us, please feel free to forward this information to them.  All questions and interest in the audition should email membership at harmonizers.org. 


Finally, we have not been cleared to post ANYTHING publicly about this project until we receive permission from Strathmore, so please do not post this information on any social media for the time being.  


Thanks for your consideration and we hope to see you at the upcoming auditions!


Joe Cerutti
Artistic Director
Alexandria Harmonizers



Posted by: Joseph Cerutti <joe.cerutti at gmail.com> 


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