[NFBV-Alexandria] Greater Alexandria Chapter meeting, Jan 25, 7pm

BrianMiller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 22:34:32 UTC 2018

Good evening all!


This is just another reminder that we will hold our next meeting of the
Greater Alexandria Chapter of the NFB of Virginia on Thursday, January 25,
at 7pm, in the fabulous club room of the Meridian at Eisenhower building,
2351 Eisenhower Ave in Alexandria!


Below is the original save the date message I sent out a few weeks back,
with the agenda for the evening. Please feel free to email or call me with
any questions or concerns.


See you Thursday!


Brian R. Miller, Ph.D.


Greater Alexandria Chapter of the NFB of Virginia



Good afternoon,


This is a reminder that we will hold our next meeting of the Greater
Alexandria Chapter of the NFB of Virginia on Thursday, January 25, at
7:00pm, in the clubhouse on the 25th floor of the fabulous Meridian at
Eisenhower Station building. The address is: 2351 Eisenhower Ave,
Alexandria, Virginia, 22314. 


I will send a detailed agenda closer to our meeting date, but some of the
topics we will discuss include: 

*The Holman Prize - Could you be the next winner?

*Audio description in your community - how to take advantage of this
critical access service at the movies and the theater.

*Quick tech tips - we will demo an app or device that can improve your life
as a blind or visually impaired person.

*Fund-raising ideas for the chapter - how to seek sponsorships, and build
our profile in the community. 


And so much more!


Ok, maybe not a lot more, but that's quite a bit already, don't you think?


The Meridian at Eisenhower Station is conveniently located across the street
from. Guess? The Eisenhower Ave Metro station! There are lots of places to
grab a bite within a one block radius, so pick up a sandwich, some sushi, or
a tub of Cold Stone Creameries goodness and come join the chapter for
another exciting meeting.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call me at


I look forward to seeing you there.




Brian R. Miller, Ph.D.


Greater Alexandria Chapter of the NFB of Virginia



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