[NFBV-Alexandria] FW: Thursday (6/28) Employment Seminar by Deloitte, BLN and PwC at ECNV

Brian Miller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 02:50:12 UTC 2018

Good evening fellow members of the Greater Alexandria Chapter! 


Please see president Tracy Soforenco’s message below, and about a unique opportunity to network with area employers. 


Brian Miller


Greater Alexandria Chapter




From: Tracy Soforenko <tracy.soforenko at gmail.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 9:48 PM
To: 'John Halverson' <jwh100 at outlook.com>; john_bailey17 at hotmail.com; Brian Miller <brianrmiller88 at gmail.com>; 'Marc Canamaso' <marc.canamaso at gmail.com>
Subject: Thursday (6/28) Employment Seminar by Deloitte, BLN and PwC at ECNV




The ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia (ECNV) is running an interesting program that may be valuable to our members. We are grateful to ECNV for our outstanding partnership and need to get the word out about this valuable program. Please consider sharing this with our members in your chapters.


Tracy Soforenko

President, National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

202 285-4595

 <mailto:Tracy.soforenko at gmail.com> Tracy.soforenko at gmail.com

 <http://www.nfb.org> www.nfb.org

 <http://www.nfbv.org> www.nfbv.org

National Federation of the Blind. Live the Life You Want

The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.


From: ECNV <amira at ecnv.org <mailto:amira at ecnv.org> > 
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 11:33 AM
To: tracy.soforenko at gmail.com <mailto:tracy.soforenko at gmail.com> 
Subject: Employment Seminar by Deloitte, BLN and PwC


EXCEL Networking Group for Job Seekers with Disabilities Presents…


Don't Forget to RSVP for The Employment Workshop Hosted by Business Leadership Network, Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers!


When: Thursday, June 28, 1-3 pm

Where: ECNV, 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 305, Arlington VA, 22201


On June 28, come hear from the DC Metro Business Leadership Network’s Executive Director, The Hon. Katherine McCary and two of its Board members: Carrie Schroeder, Human Resourses Manager from PricewaterhouseCooopers (PwC), and Emily Yee, Consulting Manager from Deloitte. Our presenters will share information on the BLN, employment opportunities and culture at PwC and Deloitte, as well as business tips on networking to career success.


RSVP by emailing Events at ecnv.org or call (703) 525-3268. Please include any accommodation needs & pass along this information to job-hunting consumers 


 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001q5WcsIXPikm54ri9q6UwTvSZ5Wt6VKloQwELPwARDSAJwBBBVo3Kn1UGJHxChhIQjpxVHDSeZTo_IWUh1AKezHcb11ZDG4q5f3D0hzxK6znUzdymLUNqCKdbI_t4XGAwQ8waxFJRXD2Eb6ps0DdqFBE1kmQ9ZPVWf1OTfN6k9RY=&c=KD_PZnd4lFTweGHIOcoRqR0fEvJW3awAqehcRZ3xq94YEcejsn-2aw==&ch=Ke0qXL87XOtNxNbPc_sh0AFcJJJj37sJcK6lfAeTImkD06Rmr5ky0g==> Career opportunities at PwC.

 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001q5WcsIXPikm54ri9q6UwTvSZ5Wt6VKloQwELPwARDSAJwBBBVo3Kn1UGJHxChhIQ0EhTrvace-Q1b-zw7F8WEpDYf0MaDYDGxpkhFkMviYbbJQZaIQONmXWFHzHSR4X7d8luPj5sgezUrwQK-Fk-Z0yv-_kKKlJw&c=KD_PZnd4lFTweGHIOcoRqR0fEvJW3awAqehcRZ3xq94YEcejsn-2aw==&ch=Ke0qXL87XOtNxNbPc_sh0AFcJJJj37sJcK6lfAeTImkD06Rmr5ky0g==> Career opportunities at Deloitte 


The DC Metro BLN’s mission is “Driving Success through Disability Inclusion.” Its goal is to change attitudes and address concerns of businesses. Established in 2006, the DC Metro Business Leadership Network is an employer led non-profit. BLN uses a business-to business model to provide education, training programs and resources so that employers learn how to proactively include people with disabilities in the workforce, marketplace and supplier diversity.


BLN’s Board of Directors is comprised solely of business, and its Advisory Board includes businesses and subject matter disability experts. BLN has committees/activities focused on College Youth, Veterans, Technology and Disability-owned Businesses. While the DC Metro BLN does not offer job matching, because it understand that its employers need access to talent, they have held virtual career fairs and have highlighted both disability focused job opportunities and candidates in its newsletters. The DC Metro BLN’s events and programs are open to the public.



The Honorable Katherine McCary, CEO, DC Metro Business Leadership Network 

And President, C5 Consulting, LLC 

Katherine founded C5 Consulting, LLC, in May 2011 after 21 years at SunTrust Bank, Inc. as Chief Disability Officer, where her primary responsibility was developing and leading corporate disability initiatives. Her contributions to SunTrust´s disability efforts resulted in national recognition including the SHRM HR Magazine 2000 Innovative Practice Award, the 2002 APSE National Employer of the Year Award, the 2002 US Business Leadership Network (USBLN®) Exceptional Leadership Award and the US Department of Labor Secretary’s 2004 New Freedom Initiative Award. As a former New Freedom Initiative winner, Katherine is a member of the Office of Disability Employment Policy’s Circle of Champions. In 2009, she received a USBLN® Lifetime Achievement Award.

Katherine was the founding chair of the US Business Leadership Network (USBLN®) and the Virginia BLN and currently serves as CEO/Executive Director of the DC Metro BLN which was awarded 2017 Affiliate of the Year by the USBLN®. A strong BLN advocate, she has launched more than ten affiliates across the US. She is currently on loan from the DC Metro BLN to the DOL Office on Disability Employment Policy serving as temporary policy advisor.


Carrie Schroeder, PwC, Advisory Board, DC Metro BLN 

Carrie Schroeder is a manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers (“PwC”) in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. With over 10 years of Human Resource experience Carrie has been involved with developing and implementing people strategy, coaching and development and talent management. Carrie is an advocate for people with disabilities not only in the workplace, but also in the community and is a member of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). She is active in the NFB and has attended and presented at the NFB of Virginia state conventions. Carrie also formed the employee resource group at PwC for people with disabilities and for those who are caregivers of people with disabilities. Carrie lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and two young daughters.  


Emily Yee, Deloitte, Board of Director, DC Metro BLN 

Emily Yee is a Manager in Deloitte Consulting’s Federal practice and a leader in Deloitte’s efforts to advance diversity and inclusion both in the firm and for clients. In her client work, Emily leads teams delivering services and solutions for Federal agencies facing various challenges in managing their people. Emily is a leader in Deloitte’s Ability First Business Resource Group, developing strategies for improving Deloitte’s inclusion of people with disabilities and leading a team focused on research and analysis for the firm to better help clients seeking advice and support on this topic. Originally from Southern California, Emily moved to Washington D.C. after college to pursue a career in politics, eventually pursued a Master of Business Administration, and has been in management consulting for the Federal government for the past 7 years. She lives on Capitol Hill, is an active member of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, and enjoys both traveling to different parts of the world and neighborhood weekend training runs on the National Mall. 



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ECNV | 2300 Clarendon Blvd. Suite 305, Arlington, VA 22201 

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Sent by  <mailto:amira at ecnv.org> amira at ecnv.org 



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