[NFBV-Alexandria] Fwd: [theblindperspective] September 2018 Newsletter

Brian Miller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 1 13:34:09 UTC 2018

I wanted to share the below newsletter with the chapter in case you aren’t familiar with it. I think it contains lots of useful information. 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Blind Perspective" <theblindperspective at gmail.com>
> Date: August 31, 2018 at 6:12:17 PM EDT
> To: <theblindperspective at groups.io>
> Subject: [theblindperspective] September 2018 Newsletter
> Reply-To: theblindperspective+owner at groups.io
> Welcome to The Blind Perspective
> September 2018
> Volume 4 ; Issue 9
> Table of Contents
> Greetings from the Editor
> Sponsors of the Month
> Movers & Shakers
> International Perspective
> Exercise, does a body good
> Have I Got A Story For You
> The Braille Highway
> Kaleidoscope of Krafts
> Spencer’s Spotlight
> APPetizers: Byte Size Tidbits to Help Master Your iDevice
> A Time to Plant
> Alternating Duo: Here's to your Health
> the Rotating Trio: Windbag
> Cooking Concoctions
> Riddle & Brain Buster
> Classifyeds
> Navigation
> The Blind Perspective Newsletter has been produced in such a manner that makes it easier to stroll through the articles. If you are using JAWS, System Access, NVDA, or Window Eyes, press the letter H to move through the headings. If you are wanting to skip back simply press the shift key + the letter H. For  MAC users, press Control Option Command plus the letter H and to go backwards through the articles press Control Option Command shift plus the letter H. If one of the links do not work for you just copy and paste it in to your browser and it should work.
> If you have any trouble reading this copy you can go to Click Here it will take You to the read the current newsletter
> Greetings from the Editor
> By Karen Santiago
> Remember you can also choose to listen to our audio version of the newsletter, link below:
> The Blind Perspective Audio
> At A Glance: Blind Mice, OutOf Sight, Perkins 4, China, Kettle Bell, Mythology, Magic, & High Society, Jonathan Mosen, Bracelet, Recordable Sensors, Voice Dream Reader, Houseplants, Fats, Cutting it Up, Grilling, Riddle & Brain Buster, Classified, and FYI!
> Sponsors of the Month
> Blind Mice Swap Shop
> Blind Mice Swap Shop; The email list for anyone wanting to Sell, Swap, or Buy.
> The Mice at BlindMiceMegaMall.com receive calls every day asking if we buy or sell used or unwanted items. The Mice don't but they created this email list so everyone can! The Blind Mice Swap Shop is the place for Sellers, Traders, & Buyers to find each other!
> Do you...have something you don't want or use anymore...Post it for sale on the Blind Mice Swap Shop
> got something new to sell...Post it for sale on the Blind Mice Swap Shop
> provide a service that might be helpful to other Blind and Visually Impaired folks...Post it to the Blind Mice Swap Shop
> have an announcement about an upcoming event beneficial to the Blind & Visually Impaired Community...Post it to the Blind Mice Swap Shop
> Joining the Blind Mice Swap Shop is FREE and as easy as sending an email! Send your email to join at:
> BlindMiceSwapShop+subscribe at groups.io
> To receive Blind Mice Swap Shop Guidelines or more information, please email:
> Sales at BlindMice MegaMall.com
> or call 713 893-7277 (M-F 9AM – 4PM CST)
> Have a Mice Day!
> Auction! Auction! Auction!
> Would you like a Talking Pendant Clock? A Vintage Braille Monopoly game? How about Homemade Apple butter, a 16GB Dog Tag USB Flash Drive, Cook Essentials 5 Quart Air Fryer, or some delicious dark chocolate? Does a Yamaha MG06X Audio Mixer & Microphone interest you, Or, what about a handmade afghan stitched with love by Tiffany?  
> Come, and place a bid at our Eleventh Annual Fall Auction, here on  Out-Of-Sight.net. Pick up these and lots of other items at a discount price! The fun begins at 1:00 PM Eastern, on Saturday, September 29th!
> It's due to the generosity of folks like you that we enjoy the activities, games and events on Out-Of-Sight.
> Out-Of-Sight hosts approximately 50 events per week ranging from interactive trivia, word, and dice games, computer technical help, iPhone learning groups, Bible Study, Python Programming classes, a monthly book club, talent show, a Fix-it group, and much more! We also run our very own internet radio station; Out-Of-Sight Radio!
> Whether you donate or not to our auction, everyone is welcome for an afternoon of friendship and fun!
> To sign up to participate in this Eleventh Fall Auction, or the numerous events each week on our site, send an email to:
> OOSNHQ at gmail.com
> and include the following information:
> First and last name, Email address, Preferred nickname, if any, Phone number, and How you heard about us.
> That’s all there is to it! See you on September 29th!
> Movers & Shakers
> By Karen Santiago
> Karen at TheBlindPerspective.com
> Perkins School: Part 4
> This article will end my series on The Perkins School for the Blind. I have written about the history, the three women of Perkins (Bridgman, Sullivan, & Keller), and the education. This article focuses on the library and other programs Perkins is actively involved in.
> Perkins Library:
> the Perkins Library is one of the oldest accessibility services in the country, servicing patrons since 1835. Perkins provides materials to individuals who are blind, visually impaired and to those who have a physical disability which limits their ability to turn the pages in a book.
> Perkins circulates over 530,000 items in large print, braille, audio, and electronic formats to nearly 28,000 patrons throughout seven states. Unlike the age range of those on campus (5 to 22), the library provides materials to those as young as 3 days, and as old as 108, (at the time of my tour).
> There are four recording studios on the Perkins campus. Volunteers must commit a minimum of one year to record, usually local interest materials. Carl Beane, former Fenway Park announcer read several books about sports.
> Once eligible patrons can:
> *borrow books and magazines in a format that is convenient for them, at no cost
> *borrow materials in over 60 different languages
> *Borrow audio described videos, in either a VHS or a DVD format
> *access Newsline, where newspapers and magazines can be read aloud
> *Download audio and braille titles, and magazines from Braille & Audio Reading Download (BARD)
> *Be paired up with a Book Buddy; if an individual is unable to access the book catalog then a book buddy can help by reading titles of interest over the phone, and order the selected titles in the patrons preferred format
> Perkins International:
> Perkins International is working to breakdown the isolation and the neglect children and young adults are facing around the world. Their mission is to see that these individuals receive a high quality education in order to prepare them for an active role in their families, schools, and communities.
> Current work:
> *Perkins School for the Blind recently announced new partnerships in Russia, Indonesia and across Latin America to train educators through Perkins International Academy.
> *Russia has signed on to educate nearly 300 teachers from 40 different provinces around the country.
> *Perkins also recently signed an agreement with Indonesia’s Ministry of Education and Culture, where 90 teachers will complete training before the end of the year.
> *Perkins is currently in conversation with more than two dozen countries whose populations could greatly benefit from similar partnership opportunities.
> *Educational Leadership Program (ELP): every fall a select group of educators from around the world are invited to the Perkins campus. For several month they are immersed in advanced training, consisting of expert instructions, lectures, workshops, hands on learning experiences, and much more. After graduation, the instructors return home eager to share their new knowledge to improve the education of children and young adults who are visually impaired, deaf/blind, or blind with multiple disabilities.
> Perkins Solutions:
> Empowering visually impaired or blind individuals to reach their full potential, by providing assistive technology, products, and consulting services to individuals, organizations, and governments around the world.
> Perkins E Learning:
> Online resources and support for anyone, anywhere, in the field of blindness education. They provide high quality webinars, professional development, and workshops.
> A big thank you once again to Kevin Hartigan for taking my daughter and I on the tour of the Perkins School for the Blind. We both learned so much, and I was glad to share it all with you!
> International Perspective
> Jinzhou, China
> By Hui Guan
> Karen at TheBlindPerspective.com
> Abit about Jinzhou:
> I live in the city of Jinzhou where is in Liaoning province, located in the northeast of China. Jinzhou city is about 470 km to the northeast of Beijing. Jinzhou officially in cludes one city and four counties with about 2,983,000 population altogether and the entire area size Is 10,301 square km. I live within the Jinzhou city and the city population is about 870,000 and city size is about 535 square km including three districts.
> Blind Schools:
> There are schools for the blind in China, especially in big cities. As in my city, a small or middle-sized city, there is a school for the blind and 8 or 9 children study there for their elementary education. When they graduate, they go to the middle school in their capital city in the province.
> Blind students usually attend special schools, and are not integrated into the public school system. Most of the students reside at the blind schools, few commutes.
> Braille & Mobility:
> Braille and mobility are taught in the elementary schools for the blind. Blind adults may have opportunities to learn braille and mobility at blind agencies, if the vision loss happens as an adult.
> Sports & Recreation:
> Certain sports are available in the schools for Blind children, such as gate ball, soccer, running, horizontal bar and others. However, sports are rarely in communities or separate programs.
> I have heard that people in another city have joined in Marathons, but no  such sport in my city. If an adult is good at a certain sport, he or she may be trained for sport competition, but it is not common.
> Job Training:
> Blind people mostly do massage in China. The job skills can be taught when students attend either the middle schools, the different Massage Academies, or the massage department in universities.
> For adults, they can get training in the agency for the Disabled. Some other jobs include teachers or tuners, but not common. They obtain a job mainly by themselves, either working for others or running a massage clinic or shop.
> University:
> If students go to college or university they would need their parents' financial support. Some colleges or universities accept blind students in China. Students mostly study in a separate department within a college or university. The majors are usually designed for them, such as medical massage, music, or piano tuning.
> I have not attended the school for the blind as an adult, but I have experienced learning in a training center. I needed to prepare things for reading or taking notes on my own.
> Transportation:
> There is no separate transportation system for the blind or disabled. Public transportation is free for the blind within a city, such as bus or subway. This benefit is only for the blind people. But we certainly pay for taxi cabs at the normal cost.
> Getting around:
> Yes, there are curb cuts in the sidewalks, and tactile strips on the main streets. However, there are no audible signals or braille at intersections, at least not in my city, a middle city. The same holds true at  public bus and or train stations. Maybe somewhere in a few big cities it is possible to be improved in recent years.
> Braille:
> I have no experience using Braille in the public; restaurant menus, elevators, doors of public buildings, etc. However, I hear that audio or braille is available in elevators in the building of Beijing Federation for the Disabled.
> I have not received materials in a braille format, say from a bank. Some blind people now use smartphones and are able to receive text messages from banks and learn information through their screen reader.
> Guide Dogs:
> There is a guide dog school in the city of Dalian in northeast China. This is the only guide dog school in China. I heard of a training center for guide dogs in southern China, but the school in Dalian is stable and has offered training for years.
> The guide dog option is not popular. No one in my city has experienced using a guide dog so far. Though the rule is to allow guide dogs in public places, it is occasionally reported that Users usually are forbidden to enter public buildings or buses.
> Benefits:
> Yes, blind people receive monetary benefits in recent years. The amount is limited and only totally blind or other serious disabled individuals can receive the benefit according to the rules. Blind people can occasionally get help with accessible equipment, such as screen readers, talking watches, white canes and other items. However, the number of people is large and the help cannot cover everyone in need.
> Reading service:
> Blind people can subscribe to braille magazines at a cost. Blind individuals can become a member of the Library for the Blind in Beijing. It is the biggest braille library in China. Blind people can borrow books for a lifetime if they pay the one-time deposit. Moreover, there is possibly a library in the federation for the blind in some cities where people go to read.
> Talking books and braille books are not so popular in China. Computer access to books is a popular choice for blind people to use to read books.
> Blind Organizations:
> We have the national, province, city and district based blind organizations. The China Disabled Persons Federation is the official department in China. Most of the staff work for the organizations part-time. They carry on the tasks from the Federation for the Disabled. If the Federation issues guidelines or benefits to the blind, the staff will carry on. The staff then can report to the Federation what they need, such as client’s needs and information.
> Final Thoughts:
> If blind people can contribute to the society, then they are received well. There have been improvements in education and employment for the blind. However, I hope for more opportunities for the Blind community in education, employment, and other aspects of society.
> Exercise, does a body good
> By Dan Kiely
> Dan at TheBlindPerspective.com
> Welcome back to another edition of Exercise Does A Body Good. I hope you had a jumping good time with the last month’s article. In this issue I am writing about the world of kettle bell training. I have never trained with kettle bells, but from what I have read, I am totally interested in trying it out.
> Kettle bell training is:
> 1. A complete, full body workout you can do anywhere. You don’t need memberships or fancy equipment to get fit, lean, or add on muscle. Just your hands, some will power and a kettle bell.
> 2. Most efficient training tool in the world. With a kettle bell, you can move the most amount of weight in the shortest amount of time. Meaning, less time training and more time enjoying other things.
> What does a kettle bell look like?
> Imagine a tea kettle; you grab the handle (horn) of the tea kettle and underneath the handle is where the water is. So, where the water is in the tea kettle, is where the weight is on the kettle bell.
> Benefits of kettle bell training:
> Strengthens every muscle from head-to-toe
> Consists of whole-body movement exercises
> It's well-known that compound, whole body movements typical of kettle bell exercises are superior to machines that isolate muscles for improving muscle tone, body composition, and strength
> Below I have described three beginner Kettle bell exercises. If you like kettle bell training, I will write an article with more advanced kettle bell exercises.
> Kettle Bell Goblet Squat:
> Hold the kettle bell by its horn with your right hand
> Tuck your elbows in so your forearms are vertical
> Drive your shoulder blades back and together and downward so your chest is open
> Stand with feet a bit wider than hip-width apart and feet turned out slightly
> Take a deep breath into your belly and twist your feet into the ground (imagine screwing them down without actually moving them)
> Squat down to just below knee level, keeping your torso upright
> Rise back up to starting position and  repeat
> Kettle Bell One-Arm Row:
> Place the kettle bell on the floor and take a staggered stance. Your right foot in front, planted just outside the  weight
> Dig the ball of your left foot into the floor, with heel up in the air, and behind you
> Bend at your hips, with your torso at a 45-degree angle to the floor
> Rest your right elbow on your right thigh for support
> Reach for the kettle bell with your left hand, pulling it back as if you were starting a lawn mower
> Remember to keep your shoulders square to the ground
> complete all your reps on one side and then repeat on the other side
> 3. Kettle Bell One-Arm Press:
> Stand tall holding the kettle bell in one hand, palm facing out, and elbow bent with hand at your shoulder
> Root your feet into the floor as if you were preparing for someone to push you
> Take a deep breath into your belly and contract your abs and glutes
> Press the weight overhead with a vertical forearm
> Note that you should be facing forward so the weight has an un obstructed path
> To lower the kettle bell, pull it back down into the starting position as if you were performing a pullup
> Complete all your reps on one side and then repeat on the other side
> This was just an introduction to kettle bell training. There are so many different exercises you can do with your tea kettle. In the near future I am going to incorporate kettle bell into my training routine, and I will let you know what I think.
> Happy kettling!
> Tip of the month:
> Proper way to breathe when working with weights, such as bar bell, dumb bells, and so forth.
> Whenever you are pushing a weight away from your body, you should exhale or breathe out. When lowering a weight towards your body, you should inhale or breathe in.
> Remember this; whenever you exert energy, then exhale.
> Hopefully, this does not sound too confusing. Ok fitness fans, good luck, and remember, Exercise Does A Body Good!
> Have I Got A Story For You
> By Carla Jo Bratton
> CarlaJo at TheBlindPerspective.com
> Hello again book lovers;
> This month it’s mythology, magic and a high society novel. Let’s get to it!
> The title of this book is pronounced Sircy.
> Circe
> Written by Madeline Miller
> Reading time:12 hours and 10 minutes
> DB90711
> Cela number; DT77694
> In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe is a strange child - not powerful, like her father, nor viciously alluring, like her mother. Turning to the world of mortals for companionship, she discovers that she does possess power - the power of witchcraft, which can transform rivals into monsters and menace the gods themselves.
> Threatened, Zeus banishes her to a deserted island, where she hones her occult craft, tames wild beasts and crosses paths with many of the most famous figures in all of mythology, including the Minotaur; Daedalus and his doomed son, Icarus; the murderous Medea; and, of course, wily Odysseus.
> But there is danger, too, for a woman who stands alone, and Circe unwittingly draws the wrath of both men and gods, ultimately finding herself pitted against one of the most terrifying and vengeful of the Olympians. To protect what she loves most, Circe must summon all her strength and choose, once and for all, whether she belongs with the gods she is born from or the mortals  she has come to love.
> My comments; I love mythology. This is an edgy tale full of fantastic characters and a beautifully written story. Miller digs in and gives us an unbelievable world.
> The City of Lost Fortunes
> Written by Bryan Camp
> Reading time:14 hours and 5 minutes
> DB91279
> Cela number; DZ56125
> Crescent City Series; book 1
> The fate of New Orleans rests in the hands of a wayward grifter in this novel of gods, games, and monsters.
> The post-Katrina New Orleans of The City of Lost Fortunes is a place haunted by its history and by the hurricane's destruction, a place that is hoping to survive the rebuilding of its present long enough to ensure that it has a future. Street magician Jude Dubuisson is likewise burdened by his past and by the consequences of the storm, because he has a secret: the magical ability to find lost things, a gift passed down to him by the father he has never known - a father who just happens to be more than human.
> Jude has been lying low since the storm, which caused so many things to be lost that it played havoc with his magic, and he is hiding from his own power, his divine former employer, and a debt owed to the Fortune god of New Orleans. But his six-year retirement ends abruptly when the Fortune god is murdered and Jude is drawn back into the world he tried so desperately to leave behind.
> A world full of magic, monsters, and miracles. A world where he must find  out who is responsible for the Fortune god's death, uncover the plot that threatens the city's soul, and discover what his talent for lost things has always been trying to show him: what it means to be his father's son.
> My comments; What a wild ride! I’m a sucker for a book set in New Orleans. Fantasy lovers, watch out for Bryan Camp.
> The High Season
> Written by Judy Blundell
> Reading time:10 hours and 45 minutes
> DB91239
> The Hamptons hath no fury like a woman scorned. No matter what the world throws her way, at least Ruthie Beamish has the house. Lovingly renovated, located by the sea in a quiet Long Island village, the house is her nest egg - the retirement account shared with her ex-husband, Mike, and the college fund for their teenage daughter, Jem. The catch? To afford the house, Ruthie must let it go during the best part of the year.
> It's Memorial Day weekend, and Ruthie has packed up their belongings for what Jem calls “the summer bummer”: the family’s annual exodus to make way for renters. This year, the Hamptons set has arrived. The widow of a blue-chip artist, Adeline Clay is elegant, connected, and accompanied by a “gorgeous satellite” stepson. But soon Adeline demonstrates an uncanny ability to help herself to Ruthie’s life - her house, her friends, even her husband (okay, ex-husband, but still). And after her job as the director of a local museum is threatened, Ruthie finally decides to fight back.
> Meanwhile, away from the watchful eyes of her parents, Jem is tasting independence at her first summer job but soon finds herself growing up too fast. One of Ruthie’s employees, a master of self-invention named Doe, infiltrates the inner circle of an eccentric billionaire and his wayward daughter. With a coterie of social climbers and Ruthie’s old flame thrown into the mix, the entire town finds itself on the verge of tumultuous change. By the end of one unhinged, unforgettable summer, nothing will be the same.
> My comments: A snapshot view of a summer in the Hamptons. Ultra-rich and the working class collide. A fun beach, take along book.
> Until we meet again gentle readers,
> Happy Reading, Carla jo!
> The Braille Highway
> By Nat Armeni
> Nat at TheBlindPerspective.com
> September is here and that means a new season is just around the corner. For this month I have temporarily stopped the Q&A with my fellow writers, but do not fear, it will be back in October. I had the pleasure of having a chat with, I am sure is no stranger to you, Jonathan Mosen. Below I hope you will find some interesting tidbits about a very popular and well-known person in the blind community. As per usual, I invite your emails with suggestions, comments, and constructive feedback at the email mentioned at the beginning of this article.
> Here are some of Jonathan Mosen’s accomplishments but definitely not all:
> government relations, worked as a professional broadcaster on a commercial radio station, founded ACB radio in 1999, product manager for both Humanware and Freedom Scientific, was the chairman of the board for the local blind agency, president of the consumer agency, treasurer of the Eastern Asia Pacific region of The World Blind Union, broadcaster on Mushroom FM Internet radio station, and owner of Mosen Consulting.
> Also, Jonathan host several podcasts one which is a premium podcast called Daily Fiber. One can become a subscriber for five dollars a month and receive the latest technology news. Another popular podcast of his is The Blind Side. With all these accomplishments, you may think he is in his golden years, but he has not even hit half a century yet.
> Jonathan learned braille at the young age of 6 and attended a blind school that his parents made sure to relocate nearby, so that young Mosen could come home at the end of the school day. He learned braille on a Perkins braille writer and did not learn the slate and stylus, since that was not taught at his school. He is a big braille supporter and user, Jonathan got his first refreshable braille display in 1983 called Versa Braille. This was a device that used tape, and was manufactured by Telesensory. Jonathan’s appreciation and dependency on braille increased as he became older.
> Jonathan told me a story about when he was working as a professional broadcaster at a local radio station. While he was working in January of 1991, the Desert Storm war broke out. With the assistants of a braille embosser located in the building, he was able to read and relay this breaking piece of news to his audience while keeping his professionalism in tac. In comparison, if he got this news via a screen reader in his ear, he would have needed to hesitate while speaking on the air to listen as well as digest what he just heard.
> Braille is a huge part of Mr. Mosen’s professional life. While he is producing the Daily Fiber podcast he says the majority of that podcast is done with him reading off of his braille display. By no means is he only a braille display user, he also uses Dragon Speak as well as a screen reading program.
> Another great thing about being able to read braille, Jonathan told me, happened while producing the book, iOS 11 Without The Eye. This book has approximately 45,000 words and he read and proofread using his screen reader. Near the end, he read it with his braille display and was able to catch some mistakes that went unnoticed with only listening to it.
> Jonathan has 4 sighted children and recalls countless hours of playing Monopoly, Scrabble, and lots of card games with all of them. He also reflects fond memories of reading to his children when they were young. He read books from The National Braille Press and from Seedlings. These books described the pictures in braille. Therefore, enabling the blind reader to confidently talk about the pictures with their captive younger audience. Jonathan also chuckled when telling me he read all 7 of the Harry Potter books to his kids. He feels that being able to read to his children and being able to play games, is quite rewarding as a parent. He added that, it builds great relationships with others and especially with family.
> Jonathan approves of the UEB and was at one of the early meetings that was held in 1993 in New Zealand to devise how to unify braille. He likes it from the transcribing point of view, the ease with being able to forward and backward transcribe printed materials. He frowns on countries who have not unified braille straight across the spectrum. He feels that less privileged areas that receive donated books, would have the most difficulties. Siting an example, country X donates a mathematical textbook that incorporates UEB nemeth braille, and country Y donates another mathematical textbook but their math code is not UEB compliant. Talk about a mix message for students.
> Braille being taught to school age students will encourage literacy, and  also having older blind mentors will go a long way to giving positive feedback to youngsters. For people who lose their sight later on in life, they should learn braille to enable them to live a more independent life, rather than depending so much on others. Something so simple as selecting a CD or distinguishing the color of 2 identical feeling items of clothing, adds value and dignity to one’s life. These previously mentioned tasks can be so easily obtained by labelling with braille. So, one does not necessarily need to learn contracted braille, but at the very least, learn the A B C’s and that will open so many doors.
> Jonathan feels that government should provide financial assistants to  blind and disabled people to assist in evening the playing field when it comes to employment. A perspective employer might be hesitant to hire a disabled person thinking of the added cost and accommodations that are needed in order for that person to do his/her job to the best of their abilities. In the long run, if the government gives financial support to purchase equipment it is an investment in the future. The employed person will pay into taxes and become a contributing member to society.
> Jonathan uses a braille focus 40 display and says that he will give up braille the day that sighted people give up print and use audio books instead. He feels that with all the choices we have in braille display sizes and types it is encouraging to continue to use braille. We no longer can use the excuse that the book is too large to bring since we can literally bring hundreds of volumes of books on our portable displays. On a higher note, Jonathan says, “I feel that blind people are in the best position to solve our own problems!”  
> Thank you so much Jonathan for first of all, interviewing me for your awesome podcast, The Blind Side and of equal importance, allowing me to interview you for this article. I encourage all the readers to check out: www.mosen.org.
> for awesome publications. Such topics include how to use your iOS device without the eyes, tips on how to maximize your Google Search experience, lots of useful information on the Sonos Sound system, and many other well produced materials all with the blind in mind.
> Braille users do it with feeling! Why complicate life with gadgets when you can complement it with braille. Remember, to stay on the dotted line of life. Talk with you again in October and stay safe!
> Kaleidoscope of Krafts
> By Lindy van der Merwe
> Lindy at TheBlindPerspective.com
> Hello again to all who like to craft or even if you just like to read about crafts. As always, it is my hope that, if you are a reader, you will be encouraged to try out this, or any other craft project for yourself.
> As you might remember from earlier articles, I have presented some macramé projects in the past. Macramé was very popular as a craft during the seventies and has made a comeback over the last few years. Although new materials and designs keep on popping up, the basic techniques have stayed the same and, at least for now, crafts making use of knotting and braiding would seem to be a continuing trend.
> If you have missed, or would like to revisit the previous articles on macramé, you can find the three previous projects at the end of this article under sources. Remember also that you can find all previous articles on the website at http://www.theblindperspective.com or feel free to contact me or any other authors if you are unable to find what you are looking for.
> For this month, I am sharing a wrapped bracelet using the half hitch knot. I have done bracelets using this knot in the past and have often found that I easily get confused as to which knot I have completed since with only two cords, you are switching sides continuously. To take care of this problem, we will be using four cords: two filler cords at the center and tying our half hitch knots from each side. This makes it a little easier to know which knot you have completed last and the bracelet is also wider than when only two cords are used.
> So, essentially, you will be tying knots around the two stationary center cords, alternating your knotting from the left and right sides. Apart from the square knot, the half hitch knot and its variations is perhaps the most-used knot, especially for making bracelets, belts and straps. The key to success for this design is to work with the flat or round shape of the cord material, so the Half Hitches are not twisted or kinked.
> You will need:
> Any type of cord like leather, nylon, cotton, satin, etc. (use 2 different colours for a nice effect)
> Scissors
> Large safety Pin or a clipboard
> Directions:
> Step 1: Start by cutting four cords that are 30 inches (75 cm) long.
> Step 2: Secure the ends of all 4 30 inch cords to your clipboard or with a safety pin onto a stable surface in a vertical position. You may tie them loosely together at this point if you find it easier.
> Step 3: Divide your cords so you have two holding cords in the center and the two working cords on the left and right. If using two colors, group your cords so the two cords on the left is one color and the two on the right another. If possible, try to secure the two holding cords at the top and bottom, so they have some tension. This is not absolutely necessary, but will make tying your knots easier. Since the cords on the left and right sides are your working cords, they should only be secured at the top.
> Step 4: Leave 3 to 4 inches of cord before starting your half hitch knots so that you will have enough cord to tie your bracelet at the end.
> Step 5: Make half hitch knots by doing the following:
> Start on the right:
> Use the right working cord to tie the first Half Hitch, in a clockwise direction. So, pick up the cord on the right and form a loop, over the two holding cords, moving around and under the holding cords, and pulling the cord through the loop on the right.
> Pull your cord a little upwards and to the right to tighten it.
> Then from the left:
> Use the left working cord to tie the second half hitch, in a counter-clockwise direction. So, pick up the cord on the left and form a loop, over the two holding cords, moving around and under the holding cords, and pulling the cord through the loop on the left.
> Pull your cord a little upwards and to the left to tighten it.
> Step 6: Continue making half hitch knots, one from the right and then one from the left until your bracelet is the desired length. Push the Half Hitches close together as you progress, and try to tighten them the same so the bracelet will be a uniform width in all areas.
> Step 7: Tie the ends of your bracelet together in an overhand knot, or if you find such a knot to be too bulky, you could use a separate piece of cord to tie all the ends of the bracelet together. Alternatively, use any other type of closure you prefer.
> Cut the ends so they are neat and secure the knot with a drop of clear glue if preferred.
> Sources:
> http://www.free-macrame-patterns.com/alternating-half-hitch.html
> https://honestlywtf.com/diy/diy-macrame-bracelet/
> Search my page below for more macramé projects in April 2015 and February 2017.
> TheBlindPerspective.com/Crafts
> Spencer's Spotlight
> By Cheryl Spencer
> Cheryl at TheBlindPerspective.com
> This month's Spotlight is going to be focused on an idea as well as the type of product to go along with the concept. The item I was all poised to write about is no longer available from the source I bought it from so I hesitate to tell you about it, but I do not want to be a tease. So, here I go.  
> The product I had in mind is a motion activated sensor that could be used in trade shows, at exhibit hall tables, and as entry way alerts. It is a small compact little rectangular device with a sensor built in to the front of the unit. It is very simple to set up, just press one of the two buttons on the front and record what you want to say. I was advertising the Blind Perspective t-shirts at the Convention. When someone walked by our table, the little box would go off and say the spiel. It is quite loud and really got some attention.
> I can see several applications for such a neat little gadget such as this. I have thought of putting it on my fence in front of my house, recording something like, "You have entered Spencer territory," so I would know when I was in front of my house.
> I would like to find one that has a phone jack in it so I can be alerted via ear bud that someone is approaching me or is in the area. I am always on the hunt for any device that will help us level the playing field.
> For some reason Amazon is no longer offering this particular model, but, if you searched for recordable motion activated modules, you will probably find several options that will fit your needs.
> Here is just one device I found while doing an Amazon search:
> Motion Activated Sound Player:
> *Long Playback Time
> *Memory Card Included
> *Recordable; Perfect for independent living, point of sale advertising, door greeter, exhibits, tradeshows, and entry Alert.
> *49 dollars and 99 cents
> Applications:
> Promotes independent living by recording reminders to assist people with daily activities:
> "Remember to take your phone and wallet and lock the door.”
> Door Greeter:
> Senses people coming in and plays greeting/notification
> Point of Sale Advertising:
> Automatically play advertising when customers pass by a product
> Safety Reminder:
> Play reminder as soon as personnel enter restricted area
> Instruct pets to avoid certain areas when you are away
> Perfect for escape rooms!
> Features & Specs:
> 120-degree view with 16ft (5m) detection range
> 2W loudspeaker, superb sound quality
> 3.5mm audio interface for external speakers
> 3 Modes of Operation:
> 1. Play single file every time
> 2. Play multiple files in sequence
> 3. Play multiple files randomly
> Can be powered using built-in 500 Ah rechargeable battery for portability
> Ball mount allows you to quickly & easily adjust orientation
> Audio must be in MP3 format
> For indoor use
> APPetizers: Byte Size Tidbits to Help Master Your iDevice
> By Darrin cheney
> Darrin at TheBlindPerspective.com
> Voice Dream Reader!
> I’m a bit of a pack rat when it comes to collecting technology information. I enjoy reading and collecting articles and resources for future writing projects. Currently, I add them to my Safari Reading List and Voice Over reads them to me. I found an amazing iOS app that will do this and much, much more. It’s called Voice Dream Reader and we’ll explore what this gem can do for you.
> Getting Started:
> Voice Dream Reader is a “Text-to-Speech” iOS app that won Apple App of the Day. For 9 dollars and 99 cents, it will read a document to you in a synthetic voice. The app comes with standard iOS voices or you can purchase additional voices from Acapela, Ivona, or NeoSpeech for a few dollars more.
> Exploring Voice Dream Reader:
> Using Voice Dream Reader is easy. You can add documents into Voice Dream Reader from the Home Screen, download books from your Bookshare account, or use the iOS “Share” button to import email attachments or documents from other apps. You could listen to this article or The Blind Perspective Newsletter. Voice Dream Reader will recognize many file types including .PDF, Word, PowerPoint, Pages, Keynote, EPUB, Daisy 2, Web Pages, .RTF and many more. You can also access your files in your DropBox account or Google Drive. Plus, you can search your documents for specific text and add bookmarks.
> You open a document or book in Voice Dream Reader and navigate it with simple VO gestures. I can use the VO gesture, double-finger-double-tap to start and stop reading or two-finger swipe left to rewind or right to fast forward. You assign a voice for all new documents or set a specific voice for a book or document. Choose from 186 voices in 30 languages. Plus, you can adjust the voice pitch and speaking rate. I like being able to listen to documents and books on my iPhone using the audio controls on my lock screen. Voice Dream Reader will keep track of your place when you exit the document.
> Searching for Text:
> I really like using Voice Dream Reader because you can listen to an email attachment or a file downloaded from a website. You can  search for text and add a bookmark. I have a lot of resource documents in .PDF format that I refer to often that include tables with text in rows and columns. I can search for specific text if I need to remember a braille command for my braille display, what the “@“ sign is in UEB braille code, or the cooking time for 2 pounds of pinto beans for my InstantPot. It’s easy to find the information you need.
> Final Thoughts:
> Voice Dream Reader has been around for a while and has received many awards. It’s a gem for 9 dollars and 99 cents. You can learn more about the app below. The “Apple App of the Day” story on the App Store provides a good overview. You can learn how to use the app from an iFocus video from the Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Douglas Walker does a great job giving you an overview of Voice Dream Reader. I also included a link to the manual. Enjoy reading via text-to-speech on your iDevice!
> Voice Dream Reader Resources:
> Voice Dream Reader Website:
> www.voicedream.com/
> App Store Link:
> itunes.apple.com/
> App of the Day Story:
> itunes.apple.com/story
> Manual:
> www.voicedream.com/support
> Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired; iFocus; Using the Voice Dream Reader App
> hadley.edu/PlayVideo
> A Time to Plant
> By Sue Brazel
> Sue at TheBlindPerspective.com
> Houseplants are a misconception. While it is true that plants can be grown indoors, plants originally had a native habitat. Tropical plants would die if left in a chilling environment during our cold months. Houseplants tend to be tropical varieties that we enjoy in our homes.
> We live in hardiness zones, where plants should be grown during the time when it is most favorable for their existence. In the fall, pay attention to the first frost date. Frost will probably kill tender plants. An early frost, according to meteorological statistics, might occur about the time of a first frost date. In the spring, the last frost date is when a late frost might occur in the region. There are world maps that provide this information. If you live near an intersection of zones, prepare for the colder time so that your plants have the best chance of survival in your zone.
> Some plants can stay outside during cold months if protected with mulching and kept at the ground level. The ground provides some protection compared to plants exposed to wind and cold from all directions.
> What choice should be made concerning the plants that you want to have live during your cold season? Is there room for a plant in your house? Some plants help to freshen the environment inside. Is there adequate light for a plant? A northern window might not be enough; an eastern, southern or western exposure might need your consideration. Some people think that lights labeled as growing lights work; it is your responsibility to find out how long to leave that light on each day and where it should be placed for the plant to thrive.
> Remember that plants need watering, so make sure you have an idea of how much water your plant in a winterized location takes. Because humidity in an indoor environment is different than in an outdoor setting, you might have a different watering schedule than you did with outside plants. Most plants aren’t in their season of growth, so won’t need as much watering.
> If you want to bring plants inside that have been outside for the previous season, check for insect life. It is best to treat an insect population before plants are brought into your dwelling space!
> Can you plant anything now that will come up outside next year? Yes! Some root vegetables can be put into your square foot gardens if you pay attention to depth and mulching. Also, some flower bulbs can be planted in square foot gardens for spring blooms. Fall planting in hanging baskets is not a good option  if you live in a cold zone.
> Inside, some bulbs can be placed in shallow rock beds and watered for beautiful blooms when it is too cold for them to bloom outside. Find a chart that tells how long between planting and blooming a particular bulb takes for blooming when you desire. Spring blooming bulbs are available now at nurseries and retailers. These bulbs are ready to force bloom earlier than if you planted them outside.
> Have a wonderful “thyme” taking care of your plants as the season changes!
> Here's to your Health
> by Catherine Hall
> Catherine at TheBlindPerspective.com
> Nutrition Basics: Fat
> This month, we are diving into the final macronutrient: fat. In the 90’s, fat gained the reputation as the least healthy of the macronutrients, and many people still try to avoid fat today. However, much like carbohydrates, fat does not make anyone fat. In fact, fat is an essential macronutrient that keeps our bodies running smoothly.
> So, what does fat actually do? It is the main component of our cell membranes, so fat literally holds us together. Fat is used by the body to cushion organs and tissues, as well as lubricating joints. It also forms the  coating on nerves that helps conduct signals from the brain to other parts of the body, known as myelin. In fact, it’s the breakdown of myelin that causes Multiple Sclerosis. Fat carries some nutrients into the body and allows them to be absorbed properly, and fat is also where the body stores excess energy and nutrients.
> As people have accepted that fat is necessary and important, some types of fat have gained more acceptance than others. In reality, all types of fat are important, and there is only one form of fat that is dangerous, but we’ll talk more about that in a bit.
> There are two main categories of fat: saturated and unsaturated.
> Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and include butter, lard, and other animal fats. Coconut oil is also considered a saturated fat as it is solid at cool room temperature. The only fat that doesn’t follow the solid at room temperature rule is palm kernel oil; it is the only saturated fat that is liquid at room temperature. Saturated fat has been blamed for causing heart disease and some people recommend avoiding it as much as possible. However, saturated fat plays an important role in the body, especially in the structural components. While we may not need as much as we tend to get, it is important to consume some saturated fat to keep everything working well.
> Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. Most oils belong to this  category, including vegetable, olive, sunflower, canola, and grapeseed oils. The famous Omega-3 oils, as well as the lesser-known Omega-6 oils are part of this category. Both Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils are essential for us to consume since our bodies can’t make them out of other components. The Omega-6 oils are the easiest for us to get, especially in the West. Vegetable oils in particular, are excellent sources of this essential fat. Omega-6 fats encourage our bodies’ inflammatory response, which is necessary, but if allowed to go unchecked, can cause health problems. The Omega-3 fats are less abundant, but equally necessary. These fats have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are most readily available in fatty fish, but can also be found in nuts and grass-fed beef.
> As with all of the macronutrients, the question that must be answered is: how much fat does the average person need in their diet? The Dietary Recommendations for Americans recommends between 45% and 65% of calories come from fat. Which means that, if a person is eating 2,000 calories per day, then they need 90 to 130 grams of fat per day. Ok, all these numbers are great, but what does that actually look like? To give you a more concrete idea of what those numbers mean, there are 14 grams of fat in one tablespoon of oil. So, if you’re eating 2,000 calories per day, you need somewhere between 6.5 and 9 tablespoons of fat per day. That doesn’t have to mean butter or oil, either. That fat can come from avocado, meat, poultry skin, bacon, nuts, seeds, or olives.
> Next time, I’ll be talking more about balancing all three macronutrients.
> Happy Eating!
> The Rotating Trio: Windbag
> By Blow Hard
> BlowHard @TheBlindPerspective.com
> "Cutting up" generally means goofing around and having fun with friends, but not in this article. This article deals with tools that have sharp edges.
> I won't spend much space on any one item, but I will give general suggestions on them. Saws, hand or power: Power saws are not dangerous if you pay attention to what you're doing when using them. In fact, blind users have fewer accidents than those who can see. The reason for this is simple. Sighted people look at each other when talking to each other, so they look away from their cutting task, lose concentration, and receive a saw kickback or worse because their attention is elsewhere. A blind power saw user stays focused until the cut is finished. So, the main safety tip I can give is to stay focused.
> Another tip is to always use a sharp blade. Never let a blade get dull. The more easily a blade can cut through something, the less chance there is of it grabbing and throwing something. This tip is true for any cutting tool such as scissors, knives, or blades. For power saws, if you can afford them, only buy carbide tipped blades. They won't need to be sharpened.
> Knives: This goes for pocket knives, kitchen knives, or others. Again, as discussed above, keep them sharp! The sharper the better! Let the knife do the work of cutting. Don't bear down when cutting. Too much pressure is the main cause of slippage and injury when using knives. With this in mind, a good knife sharpener is an essential household item. And they don't have to be expensive. I bought one that cost around $10 on Amazon that will sharpen 4 different kinds of knives, and it is easy to use. No need to worry about the right angle. Just place the knife into the groove and pull it toward you with an even stroke. Inside the groove, on both sides, is the rough surface that will sharpen the knife. It will also work on kitchen scissors.
> Another money saving kitchen tool is an electric meat slicer. I bought a Hamilton Beach meat slicer about 20 years ago, and have never regretted it. The blade spins at about 300 RPM.
> It measures about 8 inches in diameter and is made of stainless steel. It has never lost the razor-sharp edge. There is a fence that runs the length of the machine, which is about 16 inches long. This fence is adjusted to be either closer to, or farther away, from the blade. The greater the distance between the two, the thicker the slice. I can cut meats and other foods to a thickness ranging from a sixteenth of an inch to half an inch. It makes uniform slices. The block of meat can be up to about 6 inches thick to start with. It is placed on a tray that you move past the blade when the machine is running, and the slice of meat falls behind the machine, between the fence and the blade. A plate or cookie sheet is placed there to catch the slices. The block of meat is held in place by small sharp prongs along a sliding front panel. As you work, you move the carriage back and forth, pressing on this movable front panel. With each slice, the block gets thinner until no more cuts can be made. Replace it with another block and continue cutting.
> I can slice a 5-pound smoked boneless ham into 1/16-inch slices in less than 10 minutes. This makes great ham sandwich material that can be bagged and frozen for later use. So, I sometimes smoke half a dozen of these hams at once, then wait for them to cool, and start slicing. That's a lot of ham in the freezer! Buy lunch meats in bulk and slice them rather than buying presliced lunch meats and save money. If you like Arby’s roast beef sandwiches because the beef is sliced so thin, you can cut it that way with one of these machines. It only takes a few minutes.
> Until next time, have fun while safely cutting up!
> Cooking Concoctions
> By Maxine
> Maxine at TheBlindPerspective.com
> Don’t put that grill away yet! Here are two grilling recipes that are sure to delight your palate.
> Grilled Drunken Chicken
> Ingredients:
> Chicken pieces; breasts, thighs, legs)
> For Marinade:
> 1/2 cup fresh lime juice
> 1/3 cup golden tequila
> 1/4 cup olive oil
> 3 tablespoons orange juice
> 2 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
> 1 teaspoon grated lime rind
> 1/4 teaspoon salt
> For Pineapple Banana Bacon Skewers:
> 1/2 pineapple, cubed
> 2 large bananas, sliced
> About 12 strips bacon (optional)
> Directions:
> Wash chicken and pat dry.
> Combine lime juice, tequila, oil, orange juice, garlic, lime rind and salt.
> Pour over the chicken. Cover and marinate overnight in the fridge.
> Drain. Reserve marinade.
> Grill over hot coals, about 6 inches from the heat, or on a gas grill.
> Turn occasionally. Baste frequently with the reserved marinade.
> Cook for about 45 minutes, or until meat is tender and cooked when pierced with a fork and the juices run clear.
> To prepare skewers:
> thread the pineapple and bananas on skewers, wrapping the bacon around the fruit.
> Grill over hot coals as you cook the chicken for the last 8 to 10 minutes until bacon is cooked and fruit is hot.  
> Grilled Vegetables
> Ingredients:
> 2 red bell peppers, seeded and halved
> 2 yellow squash, sliced lengthwise into 1/2-inch-thick rectangles
> 2 zucchinis, sliced lengthwise into 1/2-inch-thick rectangles
> 1 medium eggplant, sliced lengthwise into 1/2-inch-thick rectangles
> 6 cremini or portabella mushrooms (or your favorite kind)
> 1 bunch asparagus, trimmed
> 6 green onions, roots cut off
> 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons olive oil
> Salt and freshly ground black pepper
> 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
> 2 garlic cloves, minced
> 1 teaspoon chopped fresh Italian parsley leaves
> 1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil leaves
> 1/2 teaspoon finely chopped fresh rosemary leaves
> Directions:
> Prepare the barbecue (medium-high heat).
> Brush the vegetables with 1/4 cup of the oil to coat lightly. Sprinkle the vegetables with salt and pepper.
> Working in batches, grill the vegetables until tender and lightly charred all over.
> about 8 to 10 minutes for the bell peppers
> 7 minutes for the yellow squash, zucchini, eggplant, and mushrooms
> 4 minutes for the asparagus and green onions.
> The key to getting those great grill marks is to not shift the vegetables too frequently once they've been placed on the hot grill.
> Arrange the vegetables on a platter.
> Meanwhile, whisk the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, parsley, basil, and rosemary in a small bowl to blend.
> Add salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle the herb mixture over the vegetables.
> Serve the vegetables, warm or at room temperature.
> Riddle & Brain Buster
> By Alex Smart
> Alex at TheBlindPerspective.com
> Riddle
> Mom and Dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?
> Answer to August’s riddle:
> What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?
> Trouble
> Brain Buster
> Rhyming Trios
> Think of rhymes for each trio of words that will go together to make a familiar phrase in the form of blank blank and blank.
> Example: plop, shook, and christen; stop, look, and listen.
> *Chap, tackle, and drop:
> *Brook, sign, and thinker:
> *Bread, height, and drew:
> *Done, June, and jars:
> *Freddy, chilling, and stable:
> *Claim, bet, and scratch:
> *peg, sorrow, and wheel:
> *Flop, lip, and bump:
> Answers to August’s brain buster:
> The two parts of the body that are pluralized, not by adding an S, but by changing their vowels are:
> Foot to feet, and tooth to teeth.
> Classifieds
> The DannyBoy Portable Smart Phone Holder
> This product is IDEAL FOR HOLDING your Smart Phone ALOFT in a fixed and stable position for use with APPS like Seeing AI and KNFB Reader. It is ideal for taking pictures and images of items and documents too.
> It holds your Smart Phone or device stationary allowing your device's camera to view items and documents clearly providing perfect recognition and imaging!
> It weighs less than 9 ounces and is portable!
> It can be assembled for use or collapsed for transport in a matter of seconds!
> Developed for Blind, visually impaired and low vision Smart phone users, The DannyBoy Portable Smart  Phone Holder is also wonderful for anyone with motor disabilities!
> It is perfect for everyone wanting clear, distortion free images and document recognition!
> Its "Open Frame Construction" eliminates the need for additional lighting to illuminate the document or item under it.
> It will work with any model iPhone or Android Smart phone!
> Measures 12 inches long overall and 13 and a half inches tall when standing at its full height. Height is adjustable up to 13 1/2 inches!
> The Dannyboy ships Free Matter For The Blind directly from Dan Malone!
> Your Cost for the Dannyboy: 39 dollars and 99 cents.
> Choose how you want to Place Your Order for a Dannyboy:
> You can Order The Dannyboy On-Line at BlindMiceMart.com with this link:
> www.blindmicemegamall.com
> You can E-Mail us your order for The Dannyboy! Send it to:
> sales at blindmicemegamall.com
> You can place your order for The Dannyboy by phone! Order Center open Monday - Friday; 9am until 4pm CST.
> Call 713-893-7277 to place your order.
> For more information about the DannyBoy, please email us at:
> sales at blindmicemegamall.com
> All prices are in U.S. dollars and exclusive of applicable shipping charges and Texas Sales Tax unless otherwise noted.
> Have a MICE Day!
> Have You Heard About BlindBookStop.com?
> BlindBookStop.com offers hundreds of cookbooks, crochet books, knitting books and general stacks books, and all of them are in Braille or Electronic Format!
> Braille books are brailled in Grade 2 Braille and are shipped Free Matter For The Blind through the Postal Service.
> Electronic Books are a text file in .txt format. They can be shipped on a CD-R by Free Matter For The Blind or e-mailed (Select Delivery Method during check-out).
> You can browse over 200 Braille & Electronic Cookbooks at BlindBookStop.com
> You can browse over 260 Braille & Electronic Crochet Books at BlindBookStop.com (Save 30% until September 15, 2018)
> You can browse over 350 Braille & Electronic Knitting Books at BlindBookStop.com (Save 30% until September 15, 2018)
> You can browse Poetry, How-To, Hints & Tips, Inspirational and other Braille an& Electronic General Stacks Books at BlindBookStop.com
> We would love to have you visit blind bookstop in BlindMiceMegaMall.com and Browse all our Books!
> Here is the direct link to BlindBookStop.com:
> www.blindbookstop.com
> (If the link does not open, please paste it into your browser)
> all of our titles are available in Grade 2 Braille or Electronic Text Format!
> International Shipping is Available!
> Domestic Free Matter Shipping please allow 10 to 14 days for delivery; International Free Matter Shipping allow up to 30 days for delivery.
> 3 Easy Ways to Place Your Order:
> 1. Order On-line at:
> www.BlindBookStop.com
> 2. Order By E-mail: E-mail your order to the Blind Mice Order Center with this email address:
> sales at blindmicemegamall.com
> 3. Order By Phone: Call the Order Center Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm CST
> (713) 893-7277
> All major credit cards & PayPal ar accepted
> Blind BookStop is a Proud Merchant in the Mall for the Blind, Blind MiceMegaMall.com
> Journeys is here to brighten your day!
> We use real earth crystals and essential oils for our creations!
> Browse our elegant jewelry and you will find a hand crafted bracelet, necklace or pendant that will enhance your spirit and accent your outer self too!
> Whether you choose a beautiful necklace or bracelet, a bottle or two of our fragrant room sprays, an arthritis blend or another essential oil, a collection of healing crystals, or abundance oils, be assured each item will enhance your life.
> All items in the Your Eternal Essence line are made with pure, essential oils. Each bottle is hand blended by myself, Ann Bliss with love.
> Because we know your money is tight, all U.S. orders ship for $7.45.
> Sorry, International shipping is not available.
> We encourage you to browse Journeys! There is something for everyone!
> www.blindmicemegamall.com/Journeys
> Phone: 713 893-7277 Monday - Friday, 9 a. until 4 p. CST.
> Have a MICE DAY!
> FYI: Guide Dog Users, Inc. Publishes Handbook
> Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI), the largest membership and advocacy organization representing guide dog handlers in the United States, is pleased to announce the recent publication of a revised handbook for perspective guide dog users which shares comprehensive information about acquiring and using a guide dog for safe and independent travel.
> The guide, 90 pages in length, and available in e-book and print formats  is titled,” A Handbook for the Prospective Guide Dog Handler”, 4th Edition. Realizing how well their original publication had served guide dog users all over the country and beyond, GDUI has spent the past several years updating the manual to reflect changes in guide dog training methodologies, growth in the community of guide dog users, changes in the number of schools now available to provide training and dogs, and evolving attitudes among the public concerning acceptance of guide dogs as reliable and respected aids for blind and visually impaired people who choose dogs for independent travel.
> The informative handbook answers questions not only for the prospective guide dog team, but also for families of people who are blind, blindness rehabilitation professionals and educators, and the general public.
> “A Handbook for the Prospective Guide Dog Handler” is available as an e-book and in print from Amazon.com, Smashwords, and other online sellers. Visit this link for further information and to explore options for purchase: www.GDUI-DLDHandbooks.com
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